Tuesday, June 15, 2010

~to paint or not to paint?~

Hello everyone!

ok....the weather.....
you don't want to know....
I don't want to tell...
it's shameful....
it's June 15.....

and well, it's 60 and raining.......
{I told ya it's shameful...}
we had about 15 minutes of partly cloudy skies
w/ a hint of sun this afternoon....

.....that gave me approx. 6 1/2 minutes
to pull approx. 15 weeds....

and clip the final round of my peonies...

no...  these gorgeous blooms
 aren't mine....but I just love this picture! 

I'm leading up to something.....
can you guess from the pictures???

it has to do with my latest project....

I am stumped....

do I paint the wood floors in Kenzie's room
white-ish greyish ????


go with the same clear coat poly
we used in our bedroom?
like so....

now most of you by now know me.....
and know the kind of trouble I can get into
with project ADD.
and know that this is something I would think through completely....

ya see I really love that look....

and I know you guys love it too....
but I'm trying to be rational...practical...
well thought out....reasonable....

I've heard....
{it's impossible to keep clean}
 have you heard that too? shhhhhh.....
don't let my rational thinking side
of my brain hear this....

so....my problem is thought is this.....
if I paint her floors....

I would likely need to paint
our hallway....
and our bedroom...
and Allie's room....

do I need more projects?



you may remember our stair project....
yep, another project...
this I know may shock you...;)

well, it's not done yet~
we've been making progress
and stopped until we can decide on what to do

so now is actually a good time to decide
while everything is undone
so we can think this through completely!

but seriously.....if I went with a high gloss or at
a minimum semi-gloss paint....
would it be easier to keep clean?

how do you suppose Carrie Raphael manages?

she's got painted floors everywhere...

ok girls......help me out here....
{seriously, these pictures just make my heart sing....not to influence
your opinion or anything.....;) }



{photos 1-4 Atlanta Bartlett, the rest w/ the exception of our own bedroom are from Country Living}


  1. Alright my opinion is,(I am so back and forth and change my mind ALL of the time so it changes so often that it may not even be valid but I'll give it to you anyways :) that you should paint your floors. I sounds like you absolutely love that look so I think that every time you clean the floors even if it's often you'll just be happy that they are painted wood floors. I have a white futon (pathetic I know, but hey we're college students : ) and I love it! Even though it's hard to keep clean, it is so worth it! Wow that was practically a book, basically just do what you love!

  2. Sorry, I know nothing about painted floors, but I believe you will make the right decision. Listen to your heart.(or your first instinct.) The nice thing, is both choices will look beautiful.

  3. I know it would be a really big job but i think it will be worth it - like the other comment, it sounds like you really want to paint them. I love love love the painted floor look. But this is easier for me to say because i'm not the one that would have to paint them all. I have an image in my head that once you paint them you will be sitting on the floor just staring at them and then we can all be jealous of you. My opinion is Paint them!!!!!

  4. I am on the other end. I say don't paint them... seems it will be a lot more work to keep them clean. The poly will hide the dirt and scuff marks better than white... but that is just me. With kids... it just mean more housework. But that is me, if you feel passionately about painting them, the GO for it.

  5. I kind of like the look of the gray. Good luck deciding.

  6. i LOVE LOVE LOVE my painted floors! i have painted ALL of our floors white about a year ago. it actually is not as bad as you think. i have 3 kids that are in and out all the time. i don't think i mop any more than i used too. (love my swiffer wet jet). i did use porch floor paint. water based. good luck!


  7. Have painted the floors in my Summer porch and adore them.
    I even like the marks and scuffs...
    Love the look.
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  8. Although we don't have painted floors in this house we did have them in a previous house. They are more work to keep clean but if it truly makes your heart go pitter patter then I say go for it :o) BTW we used porch paint on our floors and it help up very well. Good luck!

  9. well i can speak from experience on this one. our last cottage had all white wood floors. gorgeous to look at - impossible to keep clean. i mean if you really love to wash floors then i say go for it. ours were painted with a deck type paint and they cleaned easily but they were always needing cleaning. and it was just the 2 of us there, no kids. i can't imagine kids and pets on them. when we moved here i didn't even bring the subject up. i was tired of cleaning white floors. they look good in magazines but i don't live in a magazine. proceed with caution!


  10. Hey Shellagh...well you know how I vote...white all the way....well maybe a white with grey tones, not bright white! So, don't think too much, just do it!
    Can't wait to see the result,

  11. Shellagh, follow your heart and hire a cleaner once a week!!
    Besides, you know we're all waiting to see how you manage before we follow suit!!

  12. I love the look of painted floors. I love the old ice cream shoppes with weathered black with some wood showing through. I wonder if you do gray or a large check of white and gray (in one room or hallway) if the variegated color would help hide some of the daily dirt. I have carpet in the bedrooms and large porcelain tile throughout the rest of the house (not my choice) and we don't wear shoes in the house and it seems like I am always cleaning these floors. Anyway, maybe if the floors aren't shiny they will be okay. Good luck and hurry up!

  13. Oh I really love painted floors!

  14. Hi Shellagh,
    We sgare the same passion for all things Romantic. I say paint the floors, it make a statement second to none! It will give the room a wow factor...You know girl you really did not need to ask our opinion on this plan of yours. Shellagh You really know what you want and you know what works.

    You know that I love gray-ish whites we have talked about this before. You can sand the floors and use a paint that matches the color direction you desire. My Mom's floors are all wood 3 point milled pine solid and we refinished and painted farmhouse style and they are charming.

    you can use BEHR all in one Primer/paint a color I used is "Painters white" # UL260-13 a gray-ish white and I love it you can water it down and give the floors a washed stained finish or a full on heavy coat coverage, seal it with a coat of poly for wear and mopping. They will look great!!

    Look at this color as well by BEHR paints called "Gallery" more white with a hint of gray.
    I am all for the paint job, wish I were there to help! Fun Fun and sounds harder then it is.

  15. My friend, I would go and paint!! the look is stunning, but be sure it will be easy to keep clean-i think there must be the way...A lot of work is required to paint it but it surely worhts the effort!!! i can't wait to see what you decide!! xx ps. today in Italy it's heavy rainy and windy, it seems november!!

  16. Love the white floors - Just do it!

  17. oh Shellagh, I LOVE painted floors...and I love them even more when there are wonderfully worn trail. I say use a VERY high end paint, semi gloss is OK, but high gloss is more washable...AND GO FOR IT!!! You will definitely have to sand lightly so you have a good surface, and prime with a great primer{in the long run, it will save you time and money} Can't wait for your DIY decision...an anxious Rosie

  18. When you really love something, it makes any extra trouble okay... I do think it will hurt "resale", so think about that too.

  19. Shellagh, PAINT 'EM! :)

    Our ENTIRE HOUSE has painted floors and they're great!!! Some of the rooms have painted designs as well, some are just simply cream-colored paint. but they're ALL painted... even the brick floors in the kitchen weren't immune to my paint roller! :)

    Porch/Floor paint is a must and then an oil-based poly is a must. Other than that, you should be good to go!

    If you are going to live with painted floors -- ESPECIALLY LIGHT COLORS -- you cannot be anal about how pristine they stay. Cuz they won't stay pristine! ;) You have to embrace the "distressed" look that they will ultimately have (especially if you have pets) but if you're cool with that, you will love them!!

    Keep us posted!!


  20. If you really, really love it then you should do it! If you think about it too much you will drive yourself crazy. I guess the important thing is to paint it the correct way so it holds up under the wear and tear. Good luck!~Hugs, Patti

  21. I say paint them!! We clean all the time anyways so I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference right?? The floors are all upstairs, I think, so maybe most of the dirt will be off of the feet by the time they get upstairs, lol!!

  22. I love the photos...
    I am stumped on the painting of floors, I love the look,
    but I think I love it more in someone else's home...
    sorry, I am no help whatever....smiles.

  23. I wish I could just give you some great advice....but I can't!! I love the painted look but, as much as I like changing things (and colors) I would be afraid (that's not something you could change every week). I guess if you love it and never want to change it....go for it. If your in doubt....wait and make sure!

  24. I'm with the paint crowd Shellagh! Oh gosh!! They would look so gorgeous!! I have painted steps.. They get scuffed.. & like Ruth says.. it's just something you have to be ok with.

    Cant wait to see what you decide! & I'm thinking Carrie probably has someone clean her home... just a guess

    Hope the weather clears up soon for you! I could send some real hot & humid weather your way if you like? :)
    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  25. I simply adore painted floors and would have my hardwoods painted over in a nanno second if my husband would agree! The only thing is....if you were ever thinking of selling...it might not be advisable.

  26. Shellagh~I am going to be painting my sunroom floors next week, so I will let you know how they turn out. I hope to post on it if I have time. I will say this...use oil base paint. It will last soooo much longer and be much easier to keep clean.

    I'll keep you posted!


  27. I love the look, but I have the same questions you do. If you decide to paint, please give us all the details. I've wanted a painted floor in my bedroom for years. Good luck.


  28. I wouldn't paint wood floors unless they were very damaged and not easily repairable. That said, I do love the way they look, and I've heard porch paint is better, and maybe a light gray is better than really white. However, if you don't think you'll stay there forever, I wouldn't do it. Or, maybe I'd just do your daughters room only.

  29. I had white painted floors in my last shop...looked fabulous until someone spilt something on it...wiped it up and bingo! Two days to wash with truck wash on hands and knees until my knees were bleeding!! If you like the rustic look good if you like pristine forget it! But I have to say I still love the look but in future will go with liming or light wash as it is more forgiving. Of course you can always have someone come in and mop the floors for you!!!!! Good luck with your decision.

  30. Paint your floors.
    You're just like me, and you won't be satisfied until you do. Problem solved. :-)


  31. I didn't like my kitchen floor so I painted it in big red and white squares on an angle and love it. Since I have dogs, and lots of traffic I do have to wash it often but don't really mind. My other floors are very old barnwood floors and brick so I wouldn't dare paint them. I love the look of white floors and if I didn't like my other floors I would paint them in a heartbeat. So, I guess I am saying, if you love the look, and I think you do, go for it.You have already had them plain for a while right? So now may be a great time for a change. You can always sand them down when you are not loving them so much, if that ever happens. Have fun!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  32. I don't know a whole lot, but I do agree with the oilbased paint and In high gloss. So much easier to clean.

    Can't wait to see your results!

  33. Hi Shellagh,
    Oh...what a tough decision!! I LOVE the look of painted wood floors. After we tore up our ugly green shag carpet and before we bought our new wood floors, I saw the subfloor (which was pine 2x4's) and got excited. I thought, hey, maybe we could just paint these! Of course, my husband thought I was crazy and would have nothing to do with it (lol).
    I thought wood floors were kind of tough to keep clean all the time in the bedroom, so opted for carpet (but would much rather have wood...painted wood). There are quite a few design decisions I made to save money or because I was influenced by other people's opinions that I now regret. My advice would be to do what really makes you happy (if your husband will let you, lol). Then, you probably won't regret it later.
    Good luck...it's a tough decision!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  34. We've had painted wood floors for about 10 years now. We just repainted them for the 3rd time, and here's why. It's not that the floors are hard to keep clean, it's that with white everything shows, scuffs, scratches, etc... We like our floors to look like those int he photos and even with the distressed look, they need constant cleaning and maintenance. I wouldn't paint floors that are in good condition, ours were in need of a lot of wood boards being replaced and instead of opening that can of worms we wen with the paint.

  35. Go for it girl !!! and paint !!! you can do it !!!

    Many hugs from me....Ria...

  36. I have some experience with painted floors... (for the rational thinking side lol)... painted floors are lovely to look at, but difficult to keep clean and nice. Also, once painted, its HORRIBLE to strip back to the lovely wood you have now. The paint (even if you put a protective coat on before-hand) gets into the tiny veins of your wood and must be stripped deep (quite often ruining the wood) in order to get it out. (rational thinking side may want to ignore here) If it were me... having been here before) I wouldn't paint. Yikes... hope you'll still like me. (: xVicki

  37. My practical side says "don't paint 'em". I do love the look with the pol that you have in your room. It does show so nice against all your creamy dreamy neutrals. I can understand the "pull" to paint them, though.

    Reading this post today, I come to realize I am "not alone". It's just so funny to hear your thought process out loud and how much it mirrors my crazy one. You are just like me...you will never be DONE until your are really DONE...LOL!

    Girls like us will always have not one, but a whole list, of projects in the Que. And, isn't that what we kinda love about ourselves but what drives some around us crazy?

    As far as the brush strokes on the painted furniture. Only way to really avoid them is to spray it. Since I haven't brought myself to buy a sprayer yet (on my list), I am limited to the colors available in the paint I like or brush it on. I do love the Heirloom White Rustoleum 2X coverage. I'm painting a dresser with it today. I'll post pics when it's done.

    And, yes, our property is overwhelming, but worht it. I just try to focus on what I DID DO, not what I haven't done. I'm sure you can relate. Sometimes it literally feels like weeds are sneaking up behind me as I'm walking by....this is the time of year we get that nasty star thistle. That stuff will penetrate the thickest leather gloves...crazy.

    Keep being "you"..you delight us and I love when you share the details of your dilemmas and thoughts.

    Sometimes I would just love to swing by and pick you up for lunch...that would be a long one...



  38. You're in a tough position my friend! I don't have painted floors so I know nothing about the upkeep. I have wood floors in most main areas, including the kitchen. They hide dirt really well!!! Can't wait to see what you decide... Laurie

  39. Shellagh,
    Don't do it! Don't paint your floors! Sorry, am I being unsupportive? I don't mean to be. I think your floors are bEAUTIFUL and I think painted will be SO much work to keep up on. Remember how much you liked the (unpainted) wood floors in that picture on my blog right now? :) :)

    BTW, I loved all the photos of your gorgeous roses and peonies in your last post. I so enjoy strolling through the gardens in blogland.

    Tell the Pacific NW it better shape up or I'm going to give it a stern talking too and it don't want that! Hot and Sunny for July and August. That's not too much to ask, right?!

    xoxo Lisa

  40. these images are beyond gorgeous!

    just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say i LOVE it. come check out mine too when u have some time and maybe we can follow each other.


  41. Oh my, I can see why you are in a quandary, all of those photos are fabulous. However, the rational side of me, the side who actually has to clean house says I would stick with the wood finish.... especially if you've already heard they are hard to clean. Plus who really needs all those extra projects when us moms already have sooooo much to do. I think the wood floors are just as lovely... I would love to have those upstairs as I now have dreaded carpet. BUT, if your heart is set on painted floors and the cons don't bother you then I would totally go for it { as long as you don't have to consider re-sale as an issue } . Wow, who knew I had so much to say on the subject....GOOD LUCK deciding.

    Take Care, Carrie

  42. Hey Shellagh,

    It is a beautiful look, but I also like wood floors so I just improvise with rugs. I just found a sisal rug for my living room at Goodwill for a steal and realy like how it looks. Honestly it sounds like a lot of work for so many rooms. When we finished our basement a few years ago, I painted the cement floors and it took forever....

    I think we might need to plan a trip to a sunny location. Are you up for it? I really need it to warm up and as far as all the flowers, I don't need to cut anything back because the slugs have just about eaten everything....Yuck!!!

  43. Have you considered what used be called "pickled" floors. It's not paint it's a finish and has that grayish white tone you mean. I love it but have been finding it hard to get someone to do it.

    Our floors are dark so they would requiring some bleaching first. One thing about pickling is if you don't like it you can re stain the floor a different color.

    I love the idea of painted floors don't get me wrong I guess I look at it in terms of resale even though we aren't going any place soon. I might paint the floors in one room but would stop there and have been thinking about it in our t.v. room that gets a lot of traffic but while I love white I'm thinking a pale light blue gray to hopefully minimize dirt.

    All in all wood floors require a lot more work anyway. Sorry to ramble this are things I've been doing some homework on and considering myself.

  44. We had cream colored painted floors for eleven years and I would never do it again! They were a constant battle to keep clean and the scuff marks and dings drove me crazy. You might consider sanding them to a bare wood and then lightly white washing or stain in a light gray. The stain would hold up a lot better than paint.
    xo, Sherry

  45. I say you paint them! Can you possibly use some sort of washable paint that would be easier to keep clean? I've never seen painted wood floors before this but I'm intrigued!!!

  46. I want to say PAINT UM so bad because I LOVE painted floors...BUT your floors are already beautiful and I can see where white floors would be a bugger to keep clean.
    Either way they will look amazing!

  47. You know you want to...Go ahead do it! Paint the floors!

  48. I really think it boils down to how high is your pain threshold. I love my wide venetian blinds, but cleaning them is a pain. I love my stainless steel oven but cleaning it is a pain. I love my hubby but he too can be a pain.. but even so with all this pain I wouldn't change a thing! Take care, Maryann

  49. Shellagh, We did use oil based paint on our floors but not in high gloss. They did have three coats of polyurethane. I just found a blog with info on limed wood floors I thought might interest you. The link is
    xo, Sherry

  50. I say follow your heart!

    I am following mine.... I just became a follower!:)))

    I have painted white floors in my art studio. Although, I painted mine so I wouldn't be concerned with cleaning them!:-)))

  51. I just found your blog this morning and I'm so excited. Loving your photos. As for the floors, that's a call only you can make. Follow your heart.

  52. Shellagh ~ I'd say, try it out in your daughter's room and see how it "LIVES." Does it scuff? Show every crumb? Get scraped every time she moves a piece of furniture? Try it on, first!!! And, I am SO sorry about the weather. We had it here for about five days {although not quite as cool} and I hear often from my mom what you are experiencing out there. Hang in there!!! xx Suzanne

  53. Oh I love them too, all of your photos are just so inspiring... now what floor in my house can I paint? I don't think you need to paint outside of her room unless you love it so much you just can't help yourself! We lived in a rental for a few months a few years ago and teh little ones room had white/gray painted floor and I loved it, I wanted that room for my own! I didn't have any trouble keeping it clean (but mind you I'm not a clean freak) but they mopped up beautifully. I say go for it, but beware you may want to switch rooms with her, or as what happens to me... if you give a moose a muffin syndrome! Theresa

  54. You know what they say, "first choice is always the best" I'll be looking forward to seeing what you decided upon.. hugs ~lynne~

  55. I just started reading your blog and I must say that I'm loving it. I love the whole shabby chic style and I can't wait to start with my own home. As for the floors, I would paint. Painting them white just fits. Know what I'm saying?

  56. I just found you tonight, and went to previous posts to look around. Your flowers are gorgeous! I enjoyed reading your earlier posts as well.
    Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful pictures.

  57. I really want to say paint them, but I think keeping them up would be so hard! :(

    All of your inspiration pics are gorgeous!


  58. Oh this post put me in a happy place...love all those rooms! Now here is my thought....PAINT!!!!!!! Just go for it,you can not go wrong.....PAINT!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  59. Good morning my dear, what did you decide? We are all sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting impatiently to hear what you have decided.
    have a lovely Friday...love Rosie

  60. They look lovely but if its so damp and cool,will they ever dry?

  61. Hi Shellagh:) My vote is for painting them! If my husband would agree, I would do it in a heartbeat! I have gotten him to agree that I can do it in our bathroom when we re-do it next month! I have friends who have painted their floors (they used outdoor cement / paving paint) and have had no trouble keeping them clean or with wear and tear...The outdoor driveway paint is designed for car tires to drive on it...need I say more ;) Whatever you decide, your home is so beautiful:) Thanks for sharing these gorgeous inspiration pics, I LOVE that first one! Hope you have a lovely week ~ Tina x

  62. Shellagh I love painted floors. I say go for it! It will be wonderful. I love the images you added to this post.

  63. OH MY DARLING...HOW CAN YOU NOT PAINT THEM...you know you want to...and your adoring fans are all in agreement..now GO FORTH AND PAINT THOSE SILLY FLOORS...smilin' BIG...Rosie

  64. if its gonna look as pretty as these pics i say go ahead and indulge your love for white!

    p.s dont forget to check out the giveaway contest on my blog.


  65. Everything looks so beautiful... inspired to get my projects finished too... and start my dining room table...

  66. They would look totally cool painted a greyish-white...like the cabinet in the first picture of this post. I just put European wide plank floor in and almost did the Provence but opted for the Tuscany. The Provence was more grey. I love my Tuscany but still sometimes wonder if I should have gotten the more grey color. Can't go wrong with it...all the Swedish/Belgium influence out there now. let us know what you decide!

  67. All very pretty pics. That's a tough decision and I have no experience on the subject matter, but can't wait to see what you decide.

  68. I have heard if you do paint floors to use oil based paint or "driveway" paint ie. concrete. Lasts really well I am told. I say go for it, you cant go wrong really and if you find it too hard to keep clean, replace with wooden floors later on down the track.

  69. Hey! I like the photos! I thought it was yours. Hehe! So you wish to paint your Kenzie's floors? I guess that's okay, but you can buy new and better ones if you want. With new ones, you'll be sure that they will look great on Kenzie's room.

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  75. Oh this post put me in a happy place...love all those rooms! Now here is my thought....PAINT!!!!!!! Just go for it,you can not go wrong.....PAINT!!!!!!!!! xoxo

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  90. Paint and sand down to look worn. Then you won't have to worry about showing dirt, dust etc so much. Besides i loved that well worn look in bedrooms. Seems so cozy.


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