hello friends!
what am I doing?
is a good question.....
truth be told....
I feel stalled....
yep, I do....
....it is an annoying feeling....
have you been there?
stare at what needs to be done,
but unable to decide what to do,
so nothing gets done??
oh would you like to know the weather?
well yesterday was 65 - 70 {not bad huh?}
today it is partly cloudy w/ a smidge of sun...
{still not bad.....maybe we're getting somewhere!}
ok...back to my issues thoughts...
there's too much to think about...
or in other words I'm thinking myself into circles...
you know it's sorta like the book
"if you give a pig a pancake"
let's just start with the flooring.....
well let's start with what needs done in our 2nd story...
and why I am stalled....
1) flooring in 2 bedrooms & bonus room
2) all doors need painted or replaced
3) all trim needs painted or replaced
4) baseboards
5) paint in hallway & bonus room
6) paint in stairwell
7) let's not forget the stairs need finished!!!
8) and I'm not even going into the bathrooms yet
cuz they need re-done too.
but they can wait a bit.......
ya see ~ when we bought our home 6 years ago...
it had 3 different types of blue carpeting upstairs...
yup it was lovely...
and it smelled.
so I did what any diy type would do...
rip it up. drag it out.
we can't have stinky carpet right?
we can't.
but living on one income~
{which is a choice we have made so I can
be at home with our girls...}
has also meant not a ton of money
for remodeling & such....
hence my need to be so thrifty & creative over the
years to re-do our home
ok...where was I?
explaining my remodeling adventures...
so let's get back to "if you give a pig a pancake"
or "if I start on _______ now..."
........if I start on flooring in Kenzie's room now..
I'll have to move all of her stuff out and
into the bonus room....
and if I move all her stuff out & into the bonus room~ I will have more junk in the bonus room.
and if I have more junk in the bonus room
my brain will get more cluttered.
and if my brain gets more cluttered
I will continue to feel stalled...
and if I continue to feel stalled
I won't feel like putting flooring down in
Kenzie's room...
and if I don't feel like putting flooring down
in Kenzie's room
I'll stare at what else needs to be done and
not do anything
and if I stare at what needs to be done
and not do anything...
I will eventually sit down at the computer and
share my sob story thoughts with you!
btw....thank you so much for
your opinions on "to paint or not to paint"
if you can imagine with my
incredible mental clarity right now...
I have not decided....
but this I have decided...
to buy a quart of high gloss porch paint
and test it on a couple stair steps....
to see how it wears...
buy a quart of liming and try it
on a couple stairs to see how it wears
that will get me somewhere!
now, if there are some super expert
mind decluttering, stall eliminating,
clarity making ninjas
out there
who know how to bust through
these sorts of mental challenges...
drop me a note....
the rest of you ~ just tell me you
do the same thing. ;)
{even if on occasion..... qualifies you!}
{all images Atlanta Bartlett, except horse pic which if via flickr}
I so feel your dilemna/pain/running in dizzying circles....make a list of everything that needs to be done and start on the most do-able. Once you completely finish that first smallest project, you will feel much better. Keep thinking of how beautiful it will all be in the end! One foot forward....
ReplyDeleteMaybe pretend like company is coming and you have deadlines.
And think of how badly we all want to see the finished products! :)
Have a happy (and productive) day!
Oh my goodness, Shellagh...it's like I'm reading my own story!! We bought our home six years ago, too; we live on one income; we have an ongoing list that always seems to be changing and never ends!! We still have one room left to finish in our house...our playroom/guestroom/family room...I'm not sure what to call it (lol!). Because it's taking us so long to finish everything, I already want to redo some of the rooms we finished when we started!! Aaaah!!! And then, of course, there's the garden..........
ReplyDeleteOK...I'm done venting (lol). Thanks for sharing your frustrations with us. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this remodeling dilemma. :)
Glad to hear you're having better weather. :)
Hugs ~ Jo
I so,so,so am relating to your mind spinning numbness! Debbie and I literally call this mind set you're in "spinning." I get it, I understand, I feel your pain! Hang in there, the clouds will part, you'll make a decision and hyper focus will kick in!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, oh yes I think all of us creative DIYers do the same thing. I wish I could give a simple solution, except to look only one project at a time so you do not feel so overwhelmed. My biggest wish would be if all the DIYers could each get together and help each other work on one house at a time and just getter done. Good luck, I too have a list a mile long to get ready for company coming to stay. I can't hide my piles under the bed, they will be sleeping on it.
ReplyDeleteI think you should go get a pedicure...always makes me feel better!
ReplyDeleteYou'll be fine...
Oh my word! I thought you were talking about me! I have a lot of work that needs to be done around my home and sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed by all of it. It would not be so bad if they were small things, but most of them are major and with limited resources and help it is very slow going. That being said, it is obvious I do not have any wonderful words of wisdom to help you break through the dilemma. I liked awal.ny’s wish of all the DIYers getting together to help each other work on one house at a time! When I am working on large projects around the house I like to have someone helping. It helps keep me motivated and on track. Oh yeah, a little extra time in my day would not hurt either!
ReplyDelete~ Tracy
Oh my gosh!! I've just spent the ENTIRE morning doing the same thing!! I know I want something done. I just can't figure out what or where. If you find those ninjas send them my way when your finished....giggle!!!
ReplyDeleteSAHM also living mostly on one income as well. When we moved into our home two years ago it was PINK! Think early 90's when the pink/mauve and hunter green were really in style. The carpet was pink, the counters in the kitchen were pink. Everything was pink! The exterior of the house is still pink, but we don't currently have the funds to repaint it. My daughter called it a pink nightmare! lOL. We have updated a lot, but still have much to do.
ReplyDeleteMy advice is to start with something small. Something you can get done in a day or two. It gives you the satisfaction of getting it done quickly and might possibly give you the motivation to move onto something else.
Finally loving the weather here in the Pacific NW. The sun is out and that is all I care about! :-)
I not only have felt it I am feeling it... It is in the wind... Well should I say maybe in the rain... It is humid... and very hot here.... and last night more lightening and rain with more this p.m. in the forecast... As soon as I get my spice cake ouut of the oven I am heding for the pool.... cool down time....
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone in how you are feeling, hugs. I am totally and completely feeling that right now and today too. I'm staying at home with my preschoolers right now and the cost of living here near Chicago is just plain troublesome. I don't even own a diningroom set yet among other things (must hunt for a 2nd hand one soon!).. there are so many projects I would like to do around here, but can't because one income living.. sometimes I get really down about it, but try to keep a positive outlook and know that we are in a recession too.. my engineer hubby is always worried about the fear of layoff lookming in the future. I agree with what Jeralee (above) said about starting with something small.. that is great advice.. I think once you accomplish some small things off your to do.. things will start to come together and balance nicely. Have a great day. ~lara
ReplyDeleteI really dislike the feeling of being stuck. I have a two part system that usually works for me. Part one : take a nap. Part two: do just one thing - the next thing that needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteI love it that you have chosen to invest so highly in your children.
Blessings on your day, your floors and your brain :).
Oh my gosh, this post SO sounds like ME right now! My mind is absolutely reeling as to all that has to be done before we can move into our new home. Then all the stuff that has to be done once we get there, THEN all the stuff to do to sell our current home.
ReplyDeleteI have an idea, let's just blow it all off and go shopping, deal? :-)
Firstly, I want to applaud you for staying home with your girls and putting being a mom first on your list of priorities. And I'm sure you are a better wife for it, too.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been there, in fact I'm there much of the time anymore. Oh well, some days I am full of energy and get tons done, other days, not so much. I feel your pain, so make a list and prioritize. Do only one thing at a time and shut the door on the room that everything gets moved into.
Enjoy the moment, your kids will soon be grown up and will move away and they won't hate you for not having every room in the house in prestine condition, I promise!
Hugs, Cindy S
Hi Shellagh...
ReplyDeleteMy friend...I certainly understand where you're coming from...more often than not...I feel like I'm in the same ol' pattern! But...I did want to leave you a quick note because I was reading about your thoughts on painting the floors. My home was built in the early 1900's and my dining room still has the original old hardware plank flooring. I painted it with a regular latex paint and I love, love, LOVE IT!!! They have worn very well. I used a gloss paint and they always are so shiny. Of course, I don't know if "shiny" is the look your after or not. But...I would do the whole process again...I just love how they look and how they have worn! Just wanted to share my experience with you! Wishing you the best with all of your decorating projects, my friend! Have fun and enjoy!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
oops...I meant to say "hardwood" plank flooring...not hardware! Hehe!
You just made me so much better! I am in the exact spot. Everything is just so much work and I have the time now, but not the motivation. Can I just go lay on the beach somewhere? Sorry I was not any help!
But is it no summer their??? ......You should not now enjoy outside?......and doing this thing later in the year??...or am I confused?........relax babe !!! enjoy summer!!!!
ReplyDeletelove...from me........
I'm right there with ya! One income, fixing an old house up a dollar at a time, everything leads to another thing and another thing, endlessly calling my name. But at least I know I'm not alone. Thanks! Lisa~
ReplyDeleteby the way....i am enjoy your pictures and post today !!!!.hugssss Ria......
ReplyDeleteI've been there and done that and actually feel like that alot lately, maybe its the heat here in Florida and the fact that it's so hot my ac freezes up and won't work when it gets sooooo hot!! I would so love to be in your 60/70 degree weather right now (;
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend.... step away from it all for a little and give yourself some air!! You need to give your brain a rest!!
ReplyDeleteTake the weekend off and do something totally unrelated to the house, forget it all for a moment and then you may have fresh eyes and ideas.
Its not like you dont deserve it of course :)
Warm wishes, Irene xx
Shellagh, I totally feel what you are saying. Sometimes it's almost like paralysis through analysis. I go in those circles too at times. Some last longer than others. One thing I learned to do was focus on only one or two projects. It's great to have a list of ALL the changes you want to make in your home but it can overwhelm you to the point of not starting at all. Been there, done that. LOL.
ReplyDeleteJust start each one and then finish it through to the end. My most frustrating moments with home projects are when I have 10 on the go and yet to finish just one. I'm still learning to become better at it.
This year has been so productive in so many ways and yet so unproductive in so many other ways for me. It's all about finding balance.
Thanks for your candor. :)
I have two lists on my blog of exactly what I need to do and what I think needs to be done (there is a difference as you well know). I spent the whole day today doing exactly what you wrote down. I spun and did absolutely nothing because I hae no idea where to start without making a bigger mess than I already have. Being here, in Blogland, is so much safer. You and I could be the same person. When I come up witha soloution I'll shoot the answer to you. In the mean time, know you are in good company. Only a few have their acts together and that usually means that they also have babysitters and or housekeepers, so essentially we are all in the same boat!
ReplyDeleteBig Hugs!
Have you stolen my life? I swear we are in the same situation right now...only I've been kijiji crazy (craig's list) lately and have found some pieces that are inspiring me to start some where...check out my blog and you'll see what I mean...the desk inspired the spare room the re store inspired the bathroom with my mistint paint buy at 3.00 I can't say how much a good thrifting experience will change your life!
ReplyDeleteI have an idea for you- take the summer off and by fall you will probably know what to do-or maybe I am just a procastinater.Your home looks lovely and I always enjoy your posts.
I feel the way you do so much of the time. It always seems there is a small snag in each of the projects I have swirling around in my head and 9 times out of 10, it is $$$$. And space. Like you, to do one room, I have to reaarange everything into another room and clutter that up. Nothing ever gets finished because the little things become frivolous compared to the major things. And of course, repairs always come before decorating. Ugh!! Now I feel stalled!! ;-D
It's obvious from everyone's comments that you're not alone Shellagh, and I for one know exactly what you mean. I think the more creative you are, the more ideas you have, the more difficult it is to commit to starting one. I call it the 'domino effect'- every time I try to start one project, there are ten more that need to be done first, and it can all get too hard. My solution - try not to overthink it, and if possible, just pick one and do it. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll get back into it before too long. K xx
ReplyDeleteLooking at all of the things that need to be done can be utterly overwhelming. Work on one project or one room at a time. Small steps taken will eventually yield big accomplishments. Time and patience.
Believe me when I say, "I feel your pain!"
ReplyDeleteLast night I drank a Pepsi with dinner and the caffine kept me up half the night.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I telling you this????
Because I came up with so many great decorating ideas for my house as I tossed and turned!
I had to force myself not to get out of bed and start moving furniture and start taking measurments! Well I actually did get out of bed once to check the price of something in a catalog. :)
So maybe take a trip to Starbucks before you go to bed! lol
p.s. glad to hear you've gotten a little warm weather. :) :)
Sweet Shellagh...I spent all day yesterday in the smae state as yourself and woke up this morning to find the fog has not lifted...! Hope that it sorts itself out soon, otherwise my uni break will be over and I will have achieved nothing! Hope you find a way through the mind fog too:) Hugs ~ Tina xx
ReplyDeleteI am doing the same thing at this moment. I must prepare for the happily anticipated visit of one of my sons and his family and one of my daughters and her family. Our youngest son is getting married. We have much to do. I don't know where to start so I am sitting here at my computer reading about what other bloggers are doing or not doing
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? All the time which is the reason why the t.v. room still doesn't have a new floor, the stairs haven't received a new runner, The door on the bedroom closet still looks awful, trim hasn't been replaced in the kitchen and the list goes on and on...I'm so happy someone else write about this first.
ReplyDeleteYep, I do the same thing all the time. Spinning in circle, full of ideas and projects and not knowing which one to tackle first! Sounds normal to me.
ReplyDeleteTake a break my dear, sounds like you need one.
When I start feeling like this I try to remind myself that life is a journey and not a finished project. There will always be new projects on my to do list. So I try to be mindful and focus on one at a time, and then celebrate each small accomplishment. Maybe it will cheer you up to check out my blog and see who won the giveaway!!
Oh yeah....been there, done that! My husband teases me about being the biggest procrastinator that there is! It's just a mood....this too shall pass!~Hugs, Patti
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain. I just finished my second of my 3 bedroom makeover, and my enthusiasm is leaving my body as we speak. I wish now I had started the largest bedroom first. I love everything you do, and you have certainly been my inspiration.
I think we've all been there Shellagh! Waking up with great hopes of tackling a project and somehow talking yourself out of it during the course day. It does feel good to get things done though but you're right a lot of things require money and unfortunately it doesn't grow on trees. I love your choice to stay at home and raise your girls!
ReplyDeleteYou must have been reading my mind today! I sometimes will on purpose find other things to occupy my time to avoid that big to do list. That domino affect happens no matter how small we think the project is...it just leads to the next! At least you took step one and wrote it down! I'm afraid to do that :)
Oh, I understand perfectly!! I have the same problem....more often than I care to admit!
ReplyDeleteOf course I do the same thing! I have been putting off painting two walls for a year now. I guess breaking the list down to just finishing one thing at a time makes it more manageable.
ReplyDeletexo, Sherry
We all get like that! Take time and don't think about it so much...and don't do such a long list, it's overwhelming!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck !
Oh I make myself crazy going in those circles, too. Sometimes you have to just snap out of it. Grab a Diet Coke, turn on some good music, and tackle one task that you can do that day..that doesn't cost too much. :) Marking just one thing off the list gets the ball rolling sometimes.
ReplyDeleteShellagh, I've been feeling the same way. I think it is due mostly to the bad weather we've been having and all the running around so I can never have a day at home to get anything done. Lately I've just been thinking about everything that needs to be done, but can't seem to accomplish any of it. I'm hoping since school is over and the sun will (hopefully) start shining I'll get out of this rut. I always feel somewhat this way in the Summer just because of all the outside work that needs to be done, but usually once outside in the sun I find my sanctuary......make sense???
ReplyDeleteI hope things get better soon and there was no rain in the forecast for this week......that's a start.
Take care,
PS: I'm going to email you shortly because I have a question to ask.
Shellagh, I actually HEAR you on this! Like the give a moose a muffin or pig a pancake books, one decision is like a domino affect that leads to other decisions, that lead to others, that leave me paralyzed and making NO decisions! Which is why I love coming over to visit YOU and see that you aren't paralyzed and have actually accomplished something! And, you WILL!
ReplyDeletexx Suzanne
a mouse a muffin, a pig a pancake... That's me. stunning pics. Lezlee
ReplyDeleteMy dear Shellagh, there's no one better than me who can understand you right now!!! I've been feeling stalled for months about my home works and my whole life, and still have not finished!!! I feel so frustrated!! Just pick one thing at time, don't see it in their entireness. And don't think too much, do something else, maybe you can think clearer soon and without any effort ;) I hope it works..... xoxo
ReplyDeleteOh Girl you are so normal! I think everyone goes through this - and trust me it happens more than once. Just a few months go I did the exact same thing. It's funny how we pour our hearts out to the blogland community and somehow - they make us feel better. You just need time to think it through. I mean, life will go on while you are making these decisions, correct? So - just think about it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe go somewhere for some inspiration - in person - not online. To a friends home or a shop or restaurant where they've done what you want to do. Window shopping!
You just need some inspiration. it'll happen. Promise.Maybe not in your time frame you'd like . . . but - it'll happen.
Keep us posted. And you can whine anytime! :)
Hugs! Karen
Please send me some 60 and 70 degree weather, please??? It was 101 yesterday at our vacation house. I have been working on it for 2 years and it is almost finished but I have about 5 feet of one wall to paint and I am procrastinating so badly not wanting to pick up a roller and brush any more!!! I am really not in the mood!!! I can totally understand where you are coming from! We also bought our home 9 years ago and have been remodeling it ever since and I don't think it will ever get done. I have to get out the before and after pictures to get re-motivated to anything else!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!!
OH Yeah, like Karen said go out and seek some motivation! I used to have a neighbor who had the cleanest house I have ever encountered and she had 4 children. When I was in a rut I would go over for a cup of coffee and come back home and scrub mine from top to bottom!! I would be so pumped when I left there and it wasn't the caffeine!
ReplyDeleteBaby steps, baby steps...a little at a time. I've been there, done that as far as those feelings go. I just hate it when I waste time like that but it happens now and then.
ReplyDeletedon't worry, you'll snap out of it! take care!
Oh my dear, do not be discouraged... everything in it's own time...testing the paint is a fine idea. Maybe...instead of committing yourself to painting stairs{in case you don't like the result}try making a kind of throw rug; a 2x3 piece of plywood with a felt back{so not to scratch the floor}paint it up pretty. Place it in front of a high traffic doorway. You are so creative think of it as a craft project. See how the paint wears...if you like it great...if not, away it goes no floors ruined...
ReplyDeleteI too have worked on a budget...and find that OFTEN my best ideas come out of necessity to save money...you are a brilliant, talented girl who does know the look you want to achieve...I see it in every picture you post. Start small, one room at a time{do a fancy pattern, in white to end your paint at the doorway} it will look like you purposely wanted to do only that room.
Relax and enjoy the process...now go forth and be creative...smile on Rosie
From the # of comments, I think there are a lot of us in the same "stall" as you. Loved one answer...go get a pedicure.
ReplyDeleteReally, what helps me is to make a list, then put it in order of priorities.
My hubby hates lists, but I only function with them.
As creative as you are, you will feel the need to create and go from there.
treasuresJune 29, 2010 at 5:44 AM
Hi. Love your blog. I can totally relate . . .
ReplyDeletereplacing all doorknobs, redecorating room by room, trying to find the right style of wood trim for the beadboard in the bathroom was crazy; wanted something old style not the modern trim of today; took me months. I told my husband I could not add another project until the current ones are completed. Just finished our mudroom and the powder room ~ Yeah! {except I don't know what to hang on black toile wallpaper???} I can't work in the garden right now because I have tennis elbow in both elbows :(
But, really, life is good. Just tackle one thing at a time and it will get done and then you are inspired to complete the next task.
You are very talented! Love your slipcovers and tutorial.
Thanks for sharing life with us!
~ Julie