Monday, May 17, 2010

~oh, are you in for a treat~

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.....
we did ~ it started with a wonderful
'small town feeling' parade that our daughter
Kenzie participated in, with her school marching band.....

It was really fun & felt very Americana...
the smaller kids were scrambling for candy & such
while the old cars, firetrucks, clowns, horses & lots
of marching bands entertained us....

now, the treat......

I am now in love with a local artist's
incredible home.....
oh are you in for some serious eye candy....

her name is Leah Anderson
and she is an amazing artist from the Pacific NW....

but before I continue with the jaw dropping,
drool inducing, covetous making, tour....

I wanted to thank Isabel Feist Lang
who's blog is Maison Douce for
letting me feature this fabulous home.....
Please check out her blog ~ she is a delightful
person, and full of creativity!

now on with the tour!
this is an example of Leah's art....
me thinks I'm loving cows right now!
are you with me?
cows, chandeliers & urns....
who woulda thought? ;)

of course this home has lots & lots of white slipcovers....that is practically my first criteria
for falling in love............

behind the slipcovered chair you can see she has chippy shutters installed on the window.....
{ok I won't even tell you I passed up 6 fabulous chippy shutters not too long ago.....oh and I also won't tell you they were only six dollars each....ahhhhhh!}

don't you just love the mixture of primitive & rustic
with shabby elegance?

Part of the reason I love this home so much
is because I am so drawn to both styles.....
I love my chandeliers & frenchy, shabby, elegant things, but also
 love the primitive, rustic cages & cows thing....

Leah's home shows us all how we can
mix them together!

are you loving this?

I thought so!

can I just say I am on the hunt for
concrete statuary???!!! yummmmmm-o!

close up of primitive rustic yumminess

are those just old briefcases? or maybe a tackle box?
whaaaaat? see what I mean here?
thinking totally outside the box, um no pun intended,
and it works!

now this I would never think I could pull off....
the big huge-o ottoman in between the 2 sofas...

Mr. T & T would say "no way" I'm afraid...
but then I would have to drag him to the computer, and show him this picture & say, "see honey, doesn't that look nice?" and he would say, "well, ok yeah, I guess that does look good" 

I have always loved 4 chairs combined for a little
seating arrangement....perfect for chatting w/ friends huh?  Need more room here in the T & T cottage!

I know I already showed you this, but what
I wanted you to see.... is how she has that little ottoman tucked under the table.....I like it!
and I love all the mirrors......

cows & chandeliers......

cows & pillars.....
{I also won't tell you I passed up one of these rolling baskets a couple weeks ago.....because that would be way too shameful to actually admit......this combined with the shutter snafoo would certainly diminish my credentials with you all.........oh dear.....}

ok....I do have {yippee!} some wooden shoe forms sitting in my etsy shop!  time to steal some more merchandise for my own personal use......

love the pale blue-ish grey chairs.....
and lastly, of course with a home like this you could only imagine her garden.......

are your creative juices flowing???
are you all pumped to get going & redecorate?

I can tell you I am certainly inspired!!!

{cows & chandeliers....cows & chandeliers....}

Have a wonderful week my friends!




  1. OHH MY!! WOW, WOW, Love it all! Gorgeous home! ~lulu

  2. PRETTY...luv the shoe forms...I sold lots of these in my shop (back in the day)...luv how she displayed hers! I'm going by tocheck out her blog...I'm sure it's wonderful!


  3. YES! She does make it work! I especially like the bright interiors for your part of the country where there isn't as much sun in the winter time. Okay, add to my list: cows, garden statuary, long over sized pillows, street signs, chandies....more cows....LOVE it : ) xx P&H

  4. So lovely! I love her light floors and the white backdrop. I'm a big fan of white woodwork and walls.

  5. Oh my goodness that was a treat!! What a beautiful home! I loved all the cows and I didn't even know this about myself! Especially the white cow painting, so beautiful. I also love the chippy white and the rustic farmhouse and find it is not easy for me to make it all work together. It's so fun to see great inspiration where they make it look easy.

  6. OMG I am in love!! I have been looking for cow pic's and hers are just PERFECT, I want one!! Did you say she paints them? How do I get my hands on one (: Her home is a perfect mix of everything I love!! Thanks for sharing and I'm going back to look again.

  7. Oh Shellagh...I don't know where to begin! I should probably start by picking my jaw up off the floor! Everything is, perfect!

  8. OH MY! I am drooling! I am going to have to stop looking at all of these white homes or I am going to set fire to my house! I LOVE my color but this always gets me dreaming...AAAHHH...GORGEOUS!

    Loving the cows too...I think we need some!


  9. Oh this IS the perfect style!! It does combine a little of everything! I wish I knew how to combine both country and goal in life! No I can't believe you passed those things up....we all still love you anyway!!

  10. Hi Shellagh,
    I am so with you!! This home is quite exquisite! I love everything about it, especially how she mixes rustic pieces with the elegance of chandeliers and white slip covered furniture. Someday, I will aspire to have my home look this beautiful.
    By the way, thank you so much for putting my blog up on your side bar, I am truly touched and honored!!
    Have a lovely week.

  11. OOOOOHHHHH what a beautiful home!!!!
    I will live in it!!!!!!
    I wish you a verry nice week
    and thanks for your lovely photo's

  12. Thanks for sharing this with us Shellagh, it is absolutely gorgeous! Love it all.
    Happy Monday to you.

  13. Why is it some people are blessed with all the decorating DNA? Gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing. I am going over to visit her blog now.

  14. GORGEOUS!! What wonderful eye candy!!!!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. OMG!! I love this home! The perfect mix of elegant and rustic. Makes me want to redo EVERYTHING in my house. Thanks for the inspiration!! :) ~ Jo

  16. OH NO!!! You have ruined me and quite possible my marriage. I don't know how we have been married for 17 years, but my husband despises all white decor. But after seeing this, it may be worth sneaking a few white cows and slipcovers into the house.Simply Gorgeous

  17. I love the photos of her home! I have white in my house and would love to paint more furniture but I know I can not do that. I do love my chandeliers so I think every room should have one of those! I love the cow painting too...I love that the cow is white! Cool!~Patti

  18. Whooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww..........what a beautiful tour a beautiful home...........i reaaly like it !!

    Thanks my dear Shellagh !! for share............hugs from Ria....

  19. Forget drooling...I'm slobbering!! and I'm jealous and coveting like never before. It is all too wonderful. I want floors like those...I want...

  20. Hi Shallagh,
    Glad to hear you're having beautiful weather where you are. I'll be waiting patiently for it here in rainy California.:)
    Unfortunately, Good Goods isn't an on-line shop. They just barely got credit card machines a couple years ago. Before that, everything had to be cash! :) ~ Jo

  21. What an amazing home...yes...I too love the crisp white with the rusty and chippy.

  22. I am now in love with ottamans!!


  23. Thank you for sharing all those beautiful photos of that lovely home!


  24. Found you through Morning T, and wow...this house looks like a shop! Perfection!

    Thanks for sharing!

  25. Whoa! I couldn't wait to finish your post to start looking for some of this wonderful stuff.
    Gosh, this home is so gorgeous. Can't believe that you passed up a basket cart!!! What were you thinking!!!!!

    I know, I know, you feel bad. I feel bad for you. LOL!

    Thanks for showing this wonderful home.


  26. What a lovely home..thank you for sharing it with us!


  27. You were right! This was such a treat!!!! I love it all! The cow print is so sweet!

  28. Gorgeous images shellagh, gorgeous home. As you said jaw dropping! very inspiring to get going on some projects around my house.
    Donna xx

  29. Shellagh,
    Thanks for the tour....WOW! Such a unique home. Your so right everything works togeather. I would have never thought to put the shutters on the inside, but they look great.

  30. Your not kidding! That IS a lovely house! This is my first time to your blog, and it is lovely as well!

  31. I like the corner with mirror, urn and black cases and the dining room. We used to have a settee on one side in our other place. Too bad we do not have the room anymore.

  32. Oh my gosh.....oh my gosh...thats all I can come up with!!!! Love it,every bit of it! x0x0

  33. I looove Leah's lovely home, I saw it a few days ago on Isabel's blog and couldn't get the four chairs out of my mind, I wish I had the room to do that too! She has a natural ability to combine items to make her space gorgeous yet homey and the guts, to have her flat screen right where it seems quite at home...Love it! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  34. What a truly lovely home. I love it, although, I know it won't be feasible for us to have white furniture, slipcovers, etc. with small children and lots of animals, probably ever, but it doesn't hurt to dream.

  35. OOOOHHHHHHHHH! That was beautiful, thanks for sharing. I love it when you share, don't think my hubby does, I am now getting up the courage to inform him that I am painting a bathroom white, when I just painted it, and am doing a whole bunc of other things that you shared to it. I can't wait to get it all done but that dang weeding is taking all of my time now!
    PS- did your back every recover from getting those boxwoods planted???

  36. I have no words...oh my goodness! I am in LOVE with her home! And I am soooo into pictures of cattle right now! Her artwork is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing this with us Shellagh!

  37.´re such a perfect start on my week - I can´t help lovin not only the pictures of course...very drewable all of them,but hey - you write in a way that´s so alive and funny and I am totally with you! AS you love cows,I love you - withouth comperance of course!!!!!!!!!!!
    What´s better than always putting a smile on people like you do on my face every time I vist!!!!!!! Way to go!

  38. oh yes, I have spotted this house over at "a thing for roses" blog too. Its just beautiful and worth showing off for sure!!

  39. Oh my! You got my attention. This home is so my style. Thanks for the inspiration. I needed it.

  40. What a beautiful home!!! Thanks for the inspiration....Kathy

  41. Beautiful photos for a beautiful home
    Mari from italy

  42. Shellagh,

    I love visiting you girl, it always takes my breath away. I am in LOVE with the scalloped slipcover on the ottoman. And I collect those little grungy whisk brooms. I was going to hang them in my laundry room one day. I think they are beautiful. I love the metal medical cabinet too. Those are so pricey now. I'm selling a medical file cabinet that is skinny with a black marble top. I have no room for it, but this house makes me second guess that decision. What an amazing tour. Thanks! Lisa

  43. What a great house. I saw these on Isabel's blog and was in awe. She's got some great stuff.

    Hope you had a great weekend. I got lots done out in my yard, but where did the sun go? sigh

    Take care,


  44. Fabulous!!! I love every square inch. That white cow painting is incredible!
    Just wanted to let you know I finished my chair slips, come by the blog. I had some help.

  45. Oh my! what a wonderful creative eye! smiles.

  46. Just gorgeous, you've done it again, Shellagh!

    And yep, I love me some cows, too. :-)


  47. her artwork is absolutely beautiful and I love the clean white interiors contrasting with the warm woods and antiques. Lovely post! I just became a follower today-come visit me when you have a moment. All the best, barbara

  48. Oh my...I saved so many of these pictures for my idea files. I just love, love this interior. It's fun, classic, clean...just beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  49. Shellagh, i'm moving in with her...yep....she might as well get the spare bedroom ready....LOL!!! FAB to the core.

  50. b e a u t i f u l.... Shellagh, thanks so much for sharing. Lots of inspiring ideas to work with. Hope you are doing well, Take Care, Carrie : )

  51. Beautiful. Simple with style. I've joined as a follower. Come by and visit with me when you have a chance.

  52. OH MY! I'm always astonished when I see homes like this! everything is too gorgeous to be true.... Great! Sorry, have been a little absent in this period but I'm feeling better, medecins are working ;) Thanks for your comments always so lovely to me!! A big hug to you my friend xxx

  53. A special treat indeed I love her works and her home!! Thank you for sharing...

    Art by Karena

  54. Hi Shallagh!!
    I'm back to look at this lovely home. Every time I see it, I'm in awe!!
    Hopefully I didn't scare you away from tearing out your dropped ceiling in your kitchen after seeing my before pictures(LOL)!! Your quick fix sounds like a great solution...would love to see it. :)
    xo ~ Jo

  55. Shellagh, I adore that woman's style. I find myself loving that look more and more all of the time. It is somehow just terribly attractive to me. I will go more and more in that general direction from now on, I'm sure. In my own way, of course. Thanks for introducing her to us and I will check out her blog.

  56. My goodness, gorgeous. Ok back to look at the picutres again :)

  57. GORGEOUS!! What wonderful eye candy!!!!!! Thanks for sharing :) Kristi

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