Monday, May 10, 2010

~swedish style in America~

Happy Monday friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful
Mother's Day!

I really did.....Mr. T & T took me
to the Barnhouse Sale on Saturday
and we hit another fabulous sale on the way....

it was so great just to be together and of course I am alway giddy with joy when we get to do that sort of thing.....he really gets into it as well, which of course
makes it that much better!
I thought I would share with you my dream home.....
(one of many.....of course!)
this house is in Maryland, and it's owned by interior
designer Carrie Raphael

her home is definitely swedish style with
the painted floors and the mix of blues

my good friend from Kim from White Whispers 2 U
just found chairs like these on craigslist!!
 I'm so jealous, green with envy, coveting happy for her ....I think she's getting 4 or 6 for $100....
I wouldn't even know what to do with a kitchen
this size......well maybe I could figure it out....
I really love the window coverings....and the
little vintage touches like the old stool & the little
bench with the potted plant.....

I know I already showed you this....but
don't you just love the painted floors?
I actually contacted her about a year ago
and asked her about them.....
....they are painted using regular porch paint....
super durable....I would love to paint
some of our wood floors someday....

more painted wood in their bedroom....
I LOVE that chair!

I'm sure a lot of you have seen this picture...
it's probably in about everyone's favorites file, huh?
....the bench has their wedding date inscribed on it...

....and more lovely painted floors to drool over ;)

this is her daughter's sweet....
love the curtains, the chair and
the painted it seems like it
must be ok to paint different room's floors
different colors? 
As long as it's in the same color scheme?
I always obsess on things like that.....
I have a table very similar to this......
always thinking about converting it to a coffee table... looks like she uses roman shade through out the house.....
I have an awesome tutorial saved from somebody's(?)
blog to try's evidently pretty easy...?...really? it just looks intimidating to me....
all the loops & rings and such....scary....
lots of parts on anything gives me brain overload....

love the pink roses....guess what? my cecile brunner
climbing rose is starting to bloom.....oh the blooms are just beautiful, so tiny & sweet....
I like the stripes too.....
and the bench is fabulous!


I've got little Allie home today....well she's not so little, she turned 10 last week....but out of the blue she came down w/ a fever last night and it was at 102.3 before
she went to bed! weird!

but this morning it's I'll keep my fingers crossed......

thanks so much for all your comments & advice
on our kitchen....

I think I probably will end up painting it, but....
......not.... yet.....

although I must confess....I had my paintbrush out
and was dabbing paint around here and there is
inconspicuos spots...

.....but that's it....I got control of myself
(just in the knick of time...and with the help of my soon to be 14 year old...) and put it away!

I am forcing myself to be orderly & such
(my brain is like the movie "UP" ....SQUIRREL!!!")

Have a great week girls!




  1. Love all those rooms and those colors!

  2. I had seen some of these images before but didn't know belonged to carrie Rafael's house. Indeed it's a bit too big... ;) wow, that's a dream. I understand you about those chairs...I'm a bit green as well now!!!

    enjoy a lovely week, my friend xx

  3. all!!! the photos are gorgeous!!!!

  4. Beautiful photos, she is so talented! I love that cathedral window mirror. Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. I am like you....I love the roman shades and think that maybe I could make one but...ewwwww...too many parts! Too complicated for me! I love the look of them, though. Such pretty photos!~Patti

  6. I love everything on this post, but especially that bench with the wedding date inscribed on it. How romantic is that? I love the colors too, so serene.

  7. What a beautiful pictures !! Shellagh........i like them......the swedich style is so nice !!!

    And is that your kitchen with the bench and plant?? so nice !!

    I wonder how your kitchen will be ....

    Have a nice happy week !..hugs from Ria

  8. Beautiful photos! Does she have a book? I thought you mentioned it once and I'd love to have it!


  9. Beautiful......calming pics today friend. Thank-you!


  10. Hahaha...I´ve found out that in addition to sharing wonderful picture and posts you also make me laugh! Love the place were you´ve secretly put a line over your jealousy - hillarious!!!!!
    ANd you´re stories about mr T and T really hits the laugh button as well.Aren´t you just wonderful - glad I found you :)))
    Keep up the good work - and I agree on everything...this house is a true dreamhouse!!!!!

  11. oh i just love her so. thanks for sharing all the gorgeous pictures!

  12. Lovely post!!!Beautiful! Have a nice week! Ciao, Monica

  13. I remember seeing Carrie's House Pics some years ago... Does she ever have The BeSt Look or what!!! Thanks for the delightful eye-candy inspiration... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  14. Shellagh,
    Beautiful pictures. I want to remember every detail. I could just move right in, and not change one thing. Glad you had a Happy Mothers Day.

  15. Just gorgeous, Shellagh!

    I simply adore painted wood floors, too. Our (maybe) future farmhouse has painted wood floors, so dreamy.

    I hope your little one makes a complete recovery!


  16. Instead of looking at your post, I should be getting a new one of my own up! Hear you had fun Saturday!

  17. Yes, I so adore that house, too! Love the painted floors...would so paint mine if The Big Guy would let me! ;) xoxo Beth

  18. Great images, I love that style. I want to rip up the ugly, old, dirty carpet that is in our screened in back porch and paint the floors. It's just plywood, so I would like to paint little brown stripes on it to make it look like planks. Someday maybe...

  19. ooooh, pretty !!!! Love them all - especially the posy upholstery on the velvet couch, the juxtaposition of the two styles just sings to me !

    thank you for sharing !
    gena in nj

  20. Thanks for these photos. I have always admired Carrie's style. The thing I notice about her home is this...She has the same baseboard heating system that we have, and she lives with it! Guess I can too.

  21. Hey Shellagh,
    I can see you living in this house, but I love your house just as much! And if I know you, you are in the midst of a very ambitious project or are going to be starting one very soon, so your house is going to be even more fabulous!

  22. Oh, what a perfect charming swedish style, love it!
    Thank you for sharing,


  23. I can certainly understand why this would be a dream home!!! All the photo's are so inviting!!!! Hope your daughter feels better!

  24. Wow, what a gorgeous house with amazing details. How about the island in that kitchen! I would LOVE one of those. And I love the blue benches in the room with painted flooring.

    Thanks for a great post!

  25. Hi Shellagh,
    I just love your blog so when I got an award, naturally I thought of passing it on to you!! When you get a chance come check it out!
    I hope you are having a good day!

  26. Oh my always find the most beautiful places! I loved every inch of this gorgeous home!


  27. Hi Shellagh!:) Carrie & I live in the same county. Her house really is Beautiful.. Big old Victorian farm house. I have a friend that has done sewing for her. I love looking at these photos! So pretty! I saved the Country Home & Country Living that these photos were in originally. I look at my wood floors that need refinishing & think hmmmm.. wouldnt these look pretty painted white! Paint everything white! LOL!

    Aww, Hope your daughter feels better! there are still so many bugs floating aroung out there..

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  28. move over, shellagh, i'm moving in with you!!! *wink*

  29. Her kitchen is one of my is the outside of her your "squirrel" moment ;o) Hope your daughters feeling better too!

  30. Thank you Shellagh,
    Back at you girl!
    You have talent beyond talent just go with your passion!

    See you soon! wish we could all get together and paint :)

  31. Beautiful photos. Did you have fun at the BH sale? I had wanted to try and make it up there, but too much going on that weekend. My husband and I might try and go up to the Funky Junk Sisters Sale and just get a day away. We'll see if that pans out.

    Enjoy the sunshine.


  32. So gorgeous! I absolutely love stopping by for a visit here on your blog. Everything is so fresh and beautiful!

    God Bless,

  33. Oh My Dear Friend~No need to be jealous of my great chair find, you just never know until you get there! Ugh~

    When you ask are they in great condition with no issues and they say Yes! That is what you expect when you arrive Not! I had to leave the chairs, So Sad...............I drove an hour one way to find out they were not in great condition, makes me Crazy.

    So I did find some cane backed chairs I will work with for now.I will show you soon.

    Beautiful Post as always! You Rock them! ~Cheers Kim

  34. ok no way-that is my Dream home too- HOW beautiful is that-something to aspire to- i would love to aim my home that way- i have all of this great furniture- i re-do and sell i need to start keeping it and going with those designs-but all that white- wouldnt last a day with my son 2 girls dog and my constructio hubby.
    I will have to admire it.
    i always have to chk your blog- i just re-upholstered a chair in toile-and i still love it. will never go out of style for me.

  35. Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog! I really appreciate it. Levi does seem to be feeling better and back to getting into "trouble" as toddlers are prone to do! :)
    Hugs, Lisa

  36. I just discovered your beautiful blog. Just the title is enough to make me curious, I love ticking and toile. Just wanted to say hi. Thanks for sharing.

  37. I love Carrie Rafael! and this is one of my dream house too!!!!

    Have a nice week end!!!

  38. Would you mind sharing your dream house? I love it too :)
    Have a great weekend my friend~
    xoxox Susie

  39. I love all the white!

    Great blog! I am so glad I found it.

    Have a good weekend,

  40. This truely is a dream home for me too. So many things that I love. I think the things I like MOST, were the yellow kitchen and the use of one simple color for the whole house.

    come visit

  41. So happy to have found your blog today. I am drooling over the pictures. beautiful and very very inspirational! I love your dream home picture!

  42. thanks so much for this! so inspiring!!!

  43. thank you dear friend, for the kick in the pants ...

  44. Hi There!

    Wow....lots of comments here on your great post!

    I LOVE this home....I already had the photo of her vanity area "saved" for my own vanity "corner". To get to see her whole house was AMAZING! So clean and simple, yet cozy and inviting. Just want to walk right in and stay a spell : )

    Hope you were able to partake in one of your favorite passions today --gardening (Iddi!).

    your blog sister,

    Starview lSonnet

  45. So weird...I just found your blog via one of favorites in Australia and lo and behold you're just across the river from me!! How I love blogland. I can travel the world without leaving home and end up right back home!

  46. Yep, fresh and crispy, isn't it? LOVE it too.....but I'm always afraid I'll miss color. What's a girl to do?

    Have a great week.

    Warm blessings,


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!