Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~ruffles & lilacs~

Happy Wednesday friends!

it started out quite lovely here......

65 degrees....clear blue sky.....
I played in my garden,
divided my insane black eyed susans
some perennials...
{those crazy black eyed susans of mine
are as happy as can be & multiplying like rabbits!}

I started with 3 plants 2 years ago & now probably
have around 30! sheesh! I did some transplanting, and some weeding...
~thank goodness~
because by noon it was pouring down rain...
sideways rain, wind....cold....closed all the windows and put on a sweatshirt! ugh!

I thought I would show you my latest little project....

but a little background first.....
one of my very first posts, was on this chair....
I was so proud, reupholstering it & all

I did like it, but was really wanting more white
....seems I just can't get project A.D.D.
sets in & off I go......

I didn't want to be plain this time....
I wanted ruffles, ties, and detail...

{believe me half way thru I am kicking myself for being so ...well
you know.....detailed & such.....because I still have one more to make.....}

anyway.....I am liking it ~ even though it was hard work....

ruffles on the back panel....I really didn't want to cover up the wood I did tabs.....

then I wanted the ballet shoes ties....I've seen them around various sites & love the way it looks!

I used white linen.....I love linen....

if you look close enough you can see the original fabric underneath.....and I am going to cover that w/ muslin....just haven't gotten around to it yet....but I will.....soon...;)


Now on to lilacs.....
I am so excited.....because....
I have been waiting for 4 years
for this lilac bush to bloom!

It's a 'little kim' lilac bush, and seriously the most blooms I've ever gotten it 4! Four!!

This was the year it was coming out for
non- performance!..... because it's right in front in our garden & I need blooms!
well I'm glad I didn't yank it yet because...

......this year it bloomed...tons of blooms....tons of magnificently fragrant blooms....the scent is a mixture of jasmine, vanilla & original lilac....'s so amazing....

I've got them all around the house.....and on my 'new'
entry table....from the Vintage Gathering sale...

I set up a little you may know...
I don't feel this to be my strong point...
but I'm trying....studying all your pictures and
trying to duplicate...:)

several items on the table are from all y'alls
{I just love saying that.....}
the little book and the vintage french postcards
are from the giveaway I won
from Tracey at French Larkspur along with a bunch of other items that are amazing.....

 the little birdcage is from a giveaway
and just so ya' know...I am planning on sprucing up the nest in the cage....well there is no nest....I have plans for one.....soon....

you like the white chippy rusty table?
I am loving it!
The white candles w/ the script writing are from etsy....of new shopping center...

that's it for today friends...

thanks so much for coming by....
I love hearing from you!




  1. I love your slip covered chair. How creative to make it in that style with the ruffles and not to hide the wood. Love it. And your lilacs are so pretty I can smell them from here:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. I love that slipcover with the tabs. I liked the red too; paisley and toile. I'm so glad your lilac bloomed. I miss the one at our last home, and haven't ever planted another.

  3. I love how you wrapped the legs with the slipcover. Very nice. Slipcovers are just getting more romantic everyday.

  4. yuo did a fabulous job on your slipcovers! just darling!! and your "vignette" is enviable so don't doubt your eye for design mon amie! bee-you-tee-full!

  5. I love your chair...before AND after! And your vignette with the lilacs is just amazing! I love it. All of your photos are so inspiring...and you have such amazing creative talent. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts. Hope you are having a great week, and thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!

  6. That chair cover you made looks fantastic, you did a great job! Love it! I also have a lilac and haven't had much flowers out if it yet so after reading your post I'm hoping mine will surprise me too! take care, Maryann

  7. Well, I don't know where to start because everything is soooo lovely! The slipcovers are beautiful...I may need to hire you! :) I love all the details you put into it with the ballet ties and ruffles.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new entry table and I think you know exactly how to put together a beautiful vignette. It looks like it belongs in a magazine. I'm jealous of that table - I will be on the look out for one now!
    Sarah :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ahhhh...the slipcovers are stunning! I see why you are so excited about your blooms...they are very pretty!


  10. I love that vignette Shellagh!! That bircage with the sheet music is so cute - I have no idea why I'm so fascinated with birdcages as decor at the moment - particularly in miniature - can't help it - I look at everything with a 'mini' eye ;)

    Regards from Downunder :)

  11. Your slipcover turned out beautifully and well worth all the extra details.

    Sadly, our lilac's only sent up 5 small blooms this year. I pruned it wrong I guess so I've been enjoying everyone's photos this year.

  12. Shellagh,
    I thought you looked familiar! It is so wonderful to see what you did with that shabby little table that you bought from me. Did the hubby make the table top for you? It is perfect! People like you, are why I love doing the Vintage Gathering sale. I could tell you had a vision, and it turned out so wonderful. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I think your vignettes are wonderful, Shellagh!

    I'm crazy about that slipcover, I really think the ballet ties just make it. So pretty!


  14. Shellagh! I love checking in on you because my parents live nearby in Ridgefield and I can get a feel for the weather and what's blooming and all of that GOOD STUFF! I put in Miss Kims about six years ago and can't wait for them to bloom.... they start blooming when the old-fashioned lilacs that my neighbors have are the LILAC LOVE continues to roll along into the summer! We are behind you, here, so my Miss K's won't be blooming for a while yet. I have the same blue mason jar as you do and will have to emulate you and fill 'er up! Always so much fun to visit your sweet home. xx P&H

  15. Oh Shellagh your chairs turned out perfect, I have wanted to do that for so long, your so talented, I love them and those flowers are so pretty!! Oh and I had my hands on one of those bird cages today and didn't buy it, darn, it looks so cute on your new entry table (;

  16. Love that chair cover! I wish my chairs were delicate like that...they look like lumberjacks compared to yours ;)

  17. Shellagh, I looove your beautiful linen chair slips, I've been putting off making some myself, but I know they'd finish off my room if I do. Thanks for inspiring me! Your vignette is fabulous and I can almost smell your divine lilacs! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  18. Your chair slip is just gorgeous Shellagh, great job! Your vignette is also lovely my friend, such pretty things around your sweet home.

  19. Everything looks so pretty! Your attention to details really paid off, I especially like how you tied the leg of the chair. Good work, and the lilac's look so sweet, Christie

  20. We have the same lilac bush and it is a favorite of ours, we planted it in memory of Tony's mom. Everytime it blooms or I see a picture of lilac's it reminds me of her sweetness. I am so happy to hear that your lilac's came into full bloom this year! Don't they smell just heavenly!!
    Your pictures are beautiful and I am loving the white chair covers. The ruffles add just the right touch. Thanks so much for sharing with us :)

  21. I love your chair slipcover! I can see how much work and detail you put into it! It is so pretty and I do love the ballerina slipper ties! I have the same lilac and it is so fragrant! Mine just finished blooming and when it blooms my whole front porch smells so good!~Hugs, Patti

  22. I love that chair slipcover everything about it, and the chair of course. I have only done slipcovers in cotton I think I shall have to try linen. I have that birdcase too, I love that you put the music inside with the bird.

  23. Shellagh ~ your photos are fabulous! As are your vignettes. The chair looks so sweet, very sophisticated. I adore the details! ~ Angela

  24. I am in love with your slipcover! This is just gorgeous with the tabs and ballet ties.

  25. Love those slipcovers! And those lilacs are fabulous. Love your sweet little vignette you set up. Don't you just love changing your house around? I drive my hubby nuts doing that!

    Have a great day, enjoy being outside in the garden!

  26. Shellagh!!
    I am totally loving your chair slipcovers!! Oh my goodness...I want some!! I love the tabs...perfect to show off the wood...and the ballerina ties.
    Your lilac blooms are gorgeous, and love the table they're sitting on.
    What's up with this crazy May weather?!?! So weird.
    Bye for now, :) ~ Jo

  27. Your chair turned out amazing. I love all the ruffles and ties. Good choice. Also loving that new little table and your vignette looks great sitting on it. You don't give yourself enough credit. You know what you are doing and the key is to do what you like.

    Yeah, what is this crazy weather. I went for a walk this morning and it was warm. When I got back I though I'd try to get somemore work done outside since it was nice and then boom, it got all dark, windy and rainy all at once. Is it really the middle of May?

    Hopefully the weekend will be better.


  28. Oh your lilacs are so, so beautiful! Very pretty how you have them styled in the glass ball jar too...

  29. i love the chair cover. you did a fantastic job. i love it. the lilac flowers are so pretty.

  30. Hi Shellagh,
    Your chair slips look amazing! They are so gorgeous, I wish I was talented in the sewing department like you. I also love your photos of your beautiful lilacs. They look wonderful displayed in the old canning jar.
    Beautiful post!
    Have a great night.

  31. So, so beautiful! I love everything you shared. I think the lilacs are my favorite, however. I've always loved lilacs..maybe because I live in the Lilac City?

    Thank you, this felt like a mini vacation :)


  32. Love those ballet shoes ties, quite striking!

    We had the same crazy storm here up north, running around bringing in pillows, taking down the hanging basket, just out of nowhere. It's still gusting outside!

  33. Well done...those chairs are scrumptious!...always looking for fresh ideas for slipcovers. These are lovely, as is this on Rosie

  34. I love the lilac, sooooo pretty

    and the chair is amazing what a great job you did!


  35. Shellagh!! Your chairs looks fantastic, really! must learn to sew...
    don't even get me started on the Lilacs..they're adorable and the pics.. just gorgeous! Well, well done!

  36. Shellagh.......... your photos are fabulous!......your lilacs are s....., beautiful! i wish i could smell them !!!! and your chairs......oh la la la ............well done all of this !!!

    Have a happy sunny day...........hugs my you see my post ?? my colection?

  37. Your slipcover is amazing!! I absolutely love it! Know what you mean about the lilacs.....I'm still waiting for mine to bloom!

  38. Hi Shellagh, You have been a busy girl. Love the slip covers. I'm wanting more white also.
    I just found the same table curb side and now I know what to do with it.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  39. maybe your lilac bush has began to bloom because a neighbor planted a lilac bush. Some bushes are male and female and that's just what one bush needs - a Mate!

  40. Wow, such talent and elegance.

    I have a lil kim, just got it last year and it's blooming too...I'm so excited.

  41. Exquisite! Did you use a pattern for the slipcovers? They are gorgeous.

  42. WOW! Simply stunning! I am in love with the new look! You are a wonder with the sewing...I love the ruffles...the ties...the choice of fabric...everything! They look so soft and feminine:)!

    I have been dying for some lilac around here...I am going to the nursery to day to see if they have any that will grow in the hot Texas sun!

    The vignette you created on your tabel is lovely...well done!


  43. What a pretty post you have shared with us today!

    Thank you.



  44. Oh My Goodness Shellagh, that chair slipcover is gorgeous! So pretty!
    I laughed when you mentioned that you were going to yank the lilac. I used to go around my garden and tell the plants that they were going to go if they did not start shaping up, and almost every time they would.hehe I've only had to yank a couple. I love your Miss Kim, it sure is performing this year!

  45. oh two of my favorite things, ruffles and lilacs! you did an amazing job with the chair cover, wow that is so much work but so worth it, it is just darling, and I love the lilacs in the blue jar! so pretty!! I just planted two lilac bushes, so I guess I have to wait for yours for blooms! ekk, that is a long time, but worth it!

  46. Just the name of this post got me all giddy, I love white ruffles and lilacs! The chair is amazing! And your lilacs are gorgeous and I love your entry way table!

  47. L-O-V-E the white linen ruffles...SO romantic and you did a fantastic job!

  48. Simply Fantabulous! That Slipcover is to "DIE" For, You Rock!~

    I have a soft spot for lilacs, linen and ruffles, you make my heart Sing.~

    ~Cheers Kim

  49. I love the chair slipcover! I wish I could do stuff like that! Your vignette looks great,too!


  50. Your chair cover is beautiful, I love the way you have done the tabs, you have made a very good job of it x

  51. I LOVE IT!!! They are truly gorgeous, so pretty and sweet!

  52. Beautiful and Amazing! I love the ballet shoe ties - very cool!

    I must say tho that in the South, "y'alls" is not a word. It's already plural. :) We would say "all of y'all."

    Love ya!

  53. I don't know what I love the most, the chair or the lilac. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

  54. I love to sew and I know that your slipcover was a lot of work. I does look just fantastic. The more I look at pictures of white in homes the more I like it. Thanks for sharing.

  55. I love your slipcover. I've have always thought about doing that.

    big hugs

  56. The chair is beautiful! I am working on something like that for the class I am teaching at the Slipcover Summit.

  57. Shellagh, you are amazing!! That linen slipcover is unbelievably awesome, I am so in love with it!! You clever, clever lady:) You must be so thrilled with how it has turned out!! I love your lilac too, one of my favourite flowers:) Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

  58. Thanks for stopping by my blog Shellagh, and the lovely comments you made about my Kate bought a tear to my eye x When I said you made a good job of your slip covers and they were beautiful it was a bit of an understatement, they are extremely beautiful and the tabs are ingenious - the close up shows a really professional job, well done. I just love the white linen, it looks very floaty and delicate, best wishes Betty xx

  59. Love the chair made over! I'll take six of them!

    The ties, the tabs, the ruffles... all white linen... too die for.


  60. First off, those are THE cutest chair slips I've EVER seen!! They are just to die for! You must show how you did it. I've been wanting to make ones for my dining room chairs (on my rather long to do list). You are amazing to think up and execute such deliciousness!

    Yay for your lilac bush! Mine finally got three blooms this spring after 6-7 years of non blooms. I was about to rip it out (I guess it heard me LOL)!


  61. Such a beautiful post. Love your chair. It is so unique in the way you covered the back with tabs. Love the ballet ties too. Gotta try that on the bar stool pads I'm planning.
    Your lilacs are beautiful and I can just imagine them through out your house.
    You did a great job on your vignette one your chippy metal table. Love it all and like you I am really liking white these days.

  62. It is all so good! I love the lilacs! and the linen is fab too....and your foyer....oh my, smiles. happy weekend!

  63. I just happened upon your wonderful blog today. Loved your master bedroom makeover. I was wondering how you made the dust ruffle, what type of material and how n the world did you get it so long and full, it looks like it's just flowing. Do you make these to sale ?
    thanks, Terrie

  64. LoVe the slipcovers! Your Lilacs are so pretty..I can almost smell them..have a great weekend!


  65. The new white slipcover is absolutely divine... and paired with Lilacs,absolute perfection :o)

  66. Oh my goodness, your chair is sooo gorgeous! I know how much work that was, but look how it turned out. I always come to your blog when I need some inspiration, thanks for such beautiful posts. I miss liacs, grew up with them but they can't grow down here in the heat of our Gulf Coast. Your chippy table is perfect, love the vignette. :)

  67. Slipcovers are something I have always wanted to learn but am so scared to very try! But after seeing your wonderful pictures and explanations, I might just give this a try one day. And I have a wonderful bouquet of fake liacs, since I have never seen a real one blooming! Oh, I'm so jealous of your beautiful real ones!!!

  68. The Lilac's look beautiful Shellagh great things of beauty are worth waithing for, would you not say?

    Love your slip covers and needed to stop by and take in some of your white, I too cannot get enough white or some shade of white's.

    You are living your beautiful life at it's best!

  69. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I can not begin to tell you how much I LOVE this post....the chair the lilacs..but that table and how you have done it....better than any page on any book,I LOVE IT!!! Man I wish you lived next door,the fun we would have!!!!!!!!! x0x0x

  70. I think you need to give yourself some credit...your accessory vignette looks GREAT!!! Oh, and what a transformation your chairs have made!! Aren't slipcovers the greatest thing EVER invented?!! Thanks for sharing:)

    xoxo, Meredith

  71. Shellagh my dear...if it's ok with you, my next slipcover will be a similiar version of your amazingly beautiful one. I will link back to you and give you all the credit you deserve for this gorgeous creation. Let me know if this is good with you. You are my inspiration! Totally! With 6 young precious girls, I am in awe at all you accomplish! I wonder when you sleep?
    Lamp Tramp

  72. Shellaugh, I know I can always get some great inspiration every time I come over for a visit! You slip cover is fabulous! I just bought a new desk chair from IKEA and must slipcover it as it is black (as most desk chairs are.) I hope mine comes out as nice as yours did! I am also blown away by the number of comments I see you getting with every post! You have a become a blogging superstar haven't you!!! LOL!!!

    My Desert Cottage
    Valentine Design

  73. ruffles and lilacs, what's not to love? :)

  74. Hi,
    Your chairs looks wonderful ! I like them a lot. And the flowers are beautiful !

    Have a nice day


  75. Hello there! No need for you to EVER duplicate anything ~ you are an original! And so very talented.

  76. Good Morning Shellaugh,
    Thank you so very much for following my site. Ahhh, I have so enjoyed strolling through your whimsical images...and so, have given your pretty little button a home on my sidebar. I will enjoy your loveliness daily...Happy Sunday...Smile on Rosie

  77. absolutely beautiful. the treatments on the legs reminds me of ballet slippers. :)

  78. room service ~ Decorating 101May 23, 2010 at 3:29 PM

    Hehe, I could not help myself! I love this so much, you are very talented. Keep them coming!

  79. Oh my, the ballet shoe ties...they are wonderful!

  80. Shellagh,
    I love them of course. How couldn't I? They look like they are wearing little linen wedding dresses. I'm not really jealous of other talents, but I am yours girl. It's the talent yes, but the determination & making it happen, that quality you possess. Not everyone has that you know. You are not afraid to rip into something new, try it & keep at it to make your home beautiful. You have really shown everyone that you can buy some paint, some cheap fabric & some flea market finds & turn them into a home as beautiful as any featured in a book. I really mean it Shellagh. Your awesome. Lisa

  81. Hi Shellagh. So nice to meet your approval about Patrick. You're a woman with fine taste ;) in every sense...

    Hugs cherie xxx

  82. nothing better than lilacs...but why is it that some bushes/varieties are so finicky? I bought one for my SIL when my niece was born, and how I wish I had picked up a few of them at the time...every year the bush is solid blooms. I have one in my yard now that didn't give me more than 3 flowers this year. I also have a dark dark purple french lilac, and that one didn't bloom this year either...grrrr...


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!