Wednesday, August 8, 2012

~heavenly ruffles~

Hello everyone!!

Holy smokes!
It's been waaaaaaaaaaay toooooooo loooooong
since I've blogged!

I have been soooooo busy in my little
that I've just not had any extra time.....

I used to be a blogger with an Etsy store,
and now clearly it's the other way around!

I used to be decorator (completely unprofessional of course)
who did projects & such and surfed craigslist
for the latest amazing deal~

now I'm searching linen shops looking for
the best linen I can find.....and washing & drying
voluminous piles of fabric...
(all the while trying not to catch
our house on fire by the sheer volume of
lint that finds it way through out our 

so a little rearranging (of my life that is)
has taken place over the past couple years.....

it's been a huge blessing & I really do love it!!
I don't know what it is about beautiful linen but it just stirs my soul......and it really brings me a lot of joy to
hear back from happy customers!! :)

I originally worked alone (oh man....not fun! my 
own little sweat shop!!)
and about 1 1/2 years ago I started working with
another gal who can sew up a storm!  
together we create amazing linens

 so many of my customers are just fabulous!
Sweet women who are just darling to work with.....

one such customer/blogger/Michigan BFF/
 & overall amazing human being is

always dreaming up something beautiful
for me to create & oftentimes sends me
some secret stash of super cool fabric to work with!!

so her latest idea was this tiered ruffled bedskirt....
cut from a couple duvet covers she had stashed away! :)

I just love the way it turned out!
so dreamy & perfect in her totally 2die4 Michigan

I keep threatening to move in.....don't care what 
bedroom she gives me....any will work! hehehe! :)

If you by chance don't know Laurie
she is totally awesome!

she'll make you die laughing one day &
the next tear up while reading a sweet &
sentimental story....

Hope you all are doing great &
enjoying every minute of your summer.....




  1. Wow! Love the linen. The bed skirt is FAB! The pink, soft afghan if even more FABulicious!~!!

  2. All of it is just GORGEOUS... the pink afghan? oh... AMAZING!

    :) robelyn

  3. Ha- Laurie was bragging all about you earlier today! LOVE that ruffled skirt - xo Diana

  4. I love that ruffled bed skirt! Laurie is the sweetest and so are you. Love the beautiful pictures you showed us, I think I would be happy to move into your home or Laurie's! :)


  5. Beautiful bed ruffle! Know what you mean about busy and not getting to blog. Have had the same problem, but not complaining! Thanks for posting the great photo of your work!

  6. You are so talented Shellagh! :) I love Laurie too! xoxo

  7. Hello there! :) I just adore your blog! Look at all that fantastic fabric and oozing creativity out of every nook and cranny! :)


  8. I did see this by is also so beautiful !! i like it very much !! both are lovely lady's !!

  9. This messy bed is exactly what I'm after in my master! can't wait to shop!

  10. Hi Shellagh
    I love Laurie she is such a sweet lady with endless talent. Love the bedskirt and the romantic ruffles. Always great to read one of your posts. Have a great week!


  11. i could easily live right there...those ruffles make everything better ;)


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!