Thursday, August 9, 2012

~get the look! weathered pine~

Hello there!

Are you shocked to hear from me again??
well I am trying to turn over a new leaf.....

I posted this picture from one of my 

and got some awesome comments 
from several women who know how 
to create this look!

so of course I thought about all you....
and how you might definitely would
to see how to get that yummy weathered

a super awesome gal named Paula
shared with all of us what she found...
*Minwax Classic Gray stain*
so she could duplicate that weathered grey distressed
wood look....

here's the tutorial she found from

I am thinking flooring.....
(along with many other projects)
would be an awesome idea, yeah???

Has anyone else tried this yet????



{all images found on Pinterest}


  1. I just read through the whole tutorial and can't wait to try it!
    Thanks for sharing it.

  2. I just love that look. The more worn the better I say. And I adore the grey/blue worn paint. So pretty. Don't you just love Pinterest? It is such a wonderful photo source. I have found more interesting blogs and websites on there than anywhere else.

    lovely day,

  3. Headed over to read the tutorial. Thanks for the info- xo Diana

  4. I love the look and paint furniture and have been wanting to learn that technique and am off to read the tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing! So glad to see you posting agin the pictures are lovely!

  5. I've seen it and LOVE it..never tried it!

  6. I don't do Facebook or Pinterest (shocking, I know!). Can you provide the original source for that lovely weathered blue chest in this post?


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!