Thursday, August 30, 2012

~heirloom linen~

Good morning!

I'm so excited to share with you

it's so beautiful....
this is truly luxury bedding....
the softest linen...
adorned with hand crocheted edging....
meant to be passed on from generation
to generation....

I've been wanting to add this type of product
to my store for quite awhile now ~
and a custom order gave us just the push
to get it done!

I feel quite fortunate that 
one of my dear friends, Merry, ~quite an amazing
woman~ is extremely gifted when
it comes to crocheting....

when I approached her about this order, 
she was eager to help us create
what our client envisioned....

we picked a pattern & matched the linen
and off to work she went....

the finished product was nothing less than

I can't even imagine attempting it ~
I would tied up in knots along with the thread!!

oh I've tried that before....not happening...
not for me! ;)

but she created rows and rows of
edging that is flawless....

so excited to show her work!
and excited for my customers to have
her beautiful work in their homes....

right now we offer
pillowcases, and sheets with this gorgeous

in a day or so we will be adding a stunning
duvet cover as well ~ I'll be sure
to post pics! :)

Thanks so much for coming by!

Have a great day!



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~tutorial tuesday~

Hello everyone!

How's your day going?

Mine is good! :)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes
for my daughter Kenzie!

we had a blast all day &
she had an amazing birthday :)

I found this cute little tutorial recently

and I really thought it was cool!
and it opened my eyes to so many possibilities
of creating from stuff we just have laying around!!

like any old box or crate!

she actually used a clementine box!

add a little paint, some mod podge & a vintage
graphic & you've got a darling little planter

head over here to see the full tutorial...
don't worry it's short & sweet! :)
{my attention span is very short ya know!;) }

and one more....
this is just too cute....
and unfortunately the tutorial is in you gotta go by the pictures...
but isn't this little bag just darling??

I'm thinking holiday time when we take
treats to all our friends....
wouldn't this be cute with a red gingham ribbon?
yep it would....

love it & not too hard...
I might even be able to do it!! hehe

here's the link if you'd like to give it a whirl...
and super cheap, might I add!

newsprint & paper doilies from dollar store &
a little ribbon....

love it!

Hope your day is amazing!!



Monday, August 27, 2012


Happy Monday!!

How's everyone doing on this new Monday?

I'm super happy today~

it's my daughter's birthday
Mackenzie Cole...

she's 15 today!

and she is just the most awesome
daughter anyone could ask for....

she's sweet, compassionate, caring
witty, super funny, smart,
and generally, a dream to be around....
super low key, but at the same time
high energy!
I love her!! :)

we've got an awesome day planned
for her!

but while she's momentarily detained.....
out to breakfast with Mr. T & T
{one of our family traditions is Dad takes them out to breakfast
on their birthday :)}

 I wanted to check in with

are you in love with gustavian style?
do you dream of grey & pale blue

 are you crazy over worn wood,
distressed grey cabinets...
and time worn linens?

oh I know you are....
just thinking about it makes your heart
beat just a little faster right??? ;)

you see stacks of ironstone dishes and
layers of grainsacks and you're off dreaming...

oh I am right there with you!
so in love with it all.....

there's so much wonderful inspiration
out there...on how to create these looks
& finishes.....

what an amazing invention pinterest is huh?
and all the fabulous bloggers who
are so talented & share their projects
with us!

I hope you are inspired today to
do something fabulous!

to move forward on something amazing
in your home....

even little baby steps....
each day brings you a little closer to your dream...

I'm off now to celebrate
with Kenzers....

Have a great day!!!



{all images found here}

Friday, August 24, 2012

~grey walls with grey skies?~

Happy Friday!!!

my favorite day of the week!

we are enjoying the most amazing
late summer weather....mid 70's and
the air is a bit crisp......

it's the kind of weather that when you
walk can't help but take
note of the beautiful day....
ahhhhhh....nice fresh air.....

let's not even speak of what's coming....
in let's see...roughly 2 months
(if we're lucky...)
yes, that would be the r.a.i.n.  and the
grey skies....that will last roughly
6-7 months....ugh....

that leads me to my idea/question/point...
grey walls.....

do you like them?
I do.
totally drawn to them....
we've got a very pale grey in our
master bedroom
shown below...

I have loved it...not regretted it one time...
but what about in our living room?
would it be too gloomy with all our grey skies
around here?

you might be able to see
that we now have a "parchment paper"
wall treatment....

I must've painted it 5 years ago at least...
it was quite the lengthy process...
base coat
top coat/glaze

that's why I haven't been a huge hurry to
although I'm feeling the need for a greyish tone...

something like this would be perfect.....

oh my goodness....totally 2die4 yeah?
love it.

so back to my original question....
would grey walls work in the rainy nw??
or would it get gloomy??
cannot have g.l.o.o.m.y.

what do you think?

anyone have grey walls & grey skies??

I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

Hope you have an amazing weekend!



{all images found here}

Thursday, August 23, 2012

~put me in the attic~

Hello everyone!!

How's everybody doing today??

I'm doing good.  Busy busy...but got
my workout in & I always feel so much
better after that!!

keeps me on the straight & narrow, right??

I've just been crushing over
attic bedrooms lately....

although I am still not ready
for fall & pumpkins...

I am warming up to the idea of cozy
bedroom spaces....:)

and cozy attic bedrooms....with white
floors....mmmm yummy!

painted out rafters....nice...
it looks like they just painted the plywood
sub flooring in this room...

love that trunk for a night stand...
all washed out & faded ya know?

ok this next room just makes me want
to move to an old farmhouse n.o.w.

I've had this room stored away
in a binder...torn out from a
magazine from years ago....
{back before we had Pinterest!!}
I just love it....

so simple & the walls & the

part of me wants to install plank walls
in every single room in our house...
but then again...I'm torn because I love
my "faded french farmhouse plaster look"
walls....they're kind of a washed out
taupe-ish, cream-ish color....

k not to freak anyone out....but here's
a little splash of color....hehehe

aren't those big wide plank floors so awesome?
and the faded grey trunk?? love...
ok....yeah ~ I probably woudn't have any
 {well so much} red...cuz well you know...
don't wanna get wild & crazy here....
but I do think it looks nice! :)

no words needed for this amazing
what a dream....

Anyone out there got an amazing attic space?
or are you dreaming up a cozy attic room??

Have a great day!!



{all images found here}

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

~tutorial tuesday~

Hello everyone!!

How is your week so far?
I'm doing great!

there are soooo many amazing ideas
and tutorials out was hard to narrow 
it down!!

but I thought this little 
pitcher from 
was just the cutest thing e.v.e.r.!!

Michelle did a post that included this
cute little thing a few months ago &
it's been filed in my Pinterest cabinet
ever since!!

and she was so kind to share with me
how she did it!

but before we get to that....
let's look at some other
super amazing stuff Michelle creates!

aren't these book page bundles so darling???
what is it about vintage and especially french
book pages tied with string with a cute little
tag ....  that makes us swoon???

and if you really want to make us crazy....
tear off the book covers & tie up with
a cute ribbon & string.....

now we are out of our minds in love!! 
oh yeah~ little french stamps here & there...
oh my! ;)

and we like our vintage bottles.....
and if you take a vintage bottle, 
fill it with buttons...
a  n  d
add some vintage paper 
yep ~ you guessed it~
over   the   moon!

everything Michelle does is just
mind boggling to me!

I seriously want to buy e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
in her shop!

~*~ the darling little pitcher.....
HOW do we do that???

1) buy cute little pitcher at a thrift store...
any color will do!
2) spray paint it white
3) hand stamp with "stayz on" ink
4) seal with spray on poly sealer

how easy is that????

I found some letter stamps at Michael's for under
$10 & can't wait to try it!!

Michelle's blog can be found here
and her little Etsy store
can be found here
{she's actually on vacation right now...but be sure to go
back ~ you'll be blown away!!}

Have a wonderful evening!!!



{all images via