Monday, August 27, 2012


Happy Monday!!

How's everyone doing on this new Monday?

I'm super happy today~

it's my daughter's birthday
Mackenzie Cole...

she's 15 today!

and she is just the most awesome
daughter anyone could ask for....

she's sweet, compassionate, caring
witty, super funny, smart,
and generally, a dream to be around....
super low key, but at the same time
high energy!
I love her!! :)

we've got an awesome day planned
for her!

but while she's momentarily detained.....
out to breakfast with Mr. T & T
{one of our family traditions is Dad takes them out to breakfast
on their birthday :)}

 I wanted to check in with

are you in love with gustavian style?
do you dream of grey & pale blue

 are you crazy over worn wood,
distressed grey cabinets...
and time worn linens?

oh I know you are....
just thinking about it makes your heart
beat just a little faster right??? ;)

you see stacks of ironstone dishes and
layers of grainsacks and you're off dreaming...

oh I am right there with you!
so in love with it all.....

there's so much wonderful inspiration
out there...on how to create these looks
& finishes.....

what an amazing invention pinterest is huh?
and all the fabulous bloggers who
are so talented & share their projects
with us!

I hope you are inspired today to
do something fabulous!

to move forward on something amazing
in your home....

even little baby steps....
each day brings you a little closer to your dream...

I'm off now to celebrate
with Kenzers....

Have a great day!!!



{all images found here}


  1. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! Hope it is her best one yet!

  2. Congratulations !!!! with your beautiful daughter !!!...enjoy the from

  3. There is nothing more lovely than family traditions. Breakfast out with her Dad sounds like a fantastic way to start a birthday to me. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Yes my heart goes pitter pat when I see distressed old painted chairs. I have a giggle every time my Grandfather comes over and wants desperately to paint all of my chairs for me because they are all 'old and chippy'. I love the grey and blue colour palette too. Come and visit me on my blog sometime and say hello xo

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Yes I to love the destressed timber, grey, white chippy, it really makes my heart sing.

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Oh yes. Gustavian makes me swoon. Love this post.

  6. Happy Birthday to that sweet girl, Mackenzie. Love her name! ~ Sarah

  7. Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!!
    And I love those photos, that blue chippy cabinet is gorgeous!
    Hope your sweetie had a wonderful day!!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!