Thursday, August 23, 2012

~put me in the attic~

Hello everyone!!

How's everybody doing today??

I'm doing good.  Busy busy...but got
my workout in & I always feel so much
better after that!!

keeps me on the straight & narrow, right??

I've just been crushing over
attic bedrooms lately....

although I am still not ready
for fall & pumpkins...

I am warming up to the idea of cozy
bedroom spaces....:)

and cozy attic bedrooms....with white
floors....mmmm yummy!

painted out rafters....nice...
it looks like they just painted the plywood
sub flooring in this room...

love that trunk for a night stand...
all washed out & faded ya know?

ok this next room just makes me want
to move to an old farmhouse n.o.w.

I've had this room stored away
in a binder...torn out from a
magazine from years ago....
{back before we had Pinterest!!}
I just love it....

so simple & the walls & the

part of me wants to install plank walls
in every single room in our house...
but then again...I'm torn because I love
my "faded french farmhouse plaster look"
walls....they're kind of a washed out
taupe-ish, cream-ish color....

k not to freak anyone out....but here's
a little splash of color....hehehe

aren't those big wide plank floors so awesome?
and the faded grey trunk?? love...
ok....yeah ~ I probably woudn't have any
 {well so much} red...cuz well you know...
don't wanna get wild & crazy here....
but I do think it looks nice! :)

no words needed for this amazing
what a dream....

Anyone out there got an amazing attic space?
or are you dreaming up a cozy attic room??

Have a great day!!



{all images found here}


  1. no attic space, but we do have a cozy bonus rooms with built in captain's beds under the eaves. kids love those!

    smiles and come visit soon.


  2. Love your bedroom from me xxx ....dream dream....

  3. No attic room for me, but I love them. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great weekend.

  4. I'm in love with all these bedrooms. I noticed the sun was shining in through the windows in almost all of them! I bet they are cozy in the winter, too! Love white planks...floors and walls!


  5. I love all the light in these spaces. They have a getaway feel.

  6. Oh- I love attic spaces- We don't have any here but I would LOVE one- xo Diana

  7. I LoVe these! My favorites are the blue and cream rooms.

    Ok - you need to see a boy attic room :) I am shameless...

    I just 'finished' my son's loft room, look at it here:

    Thank you for this beautiful collection!

  8. Thanks for this post. I have seen many of these images before, but they serve to remind me to stay true to my mission in transforming the attic space of my old cottage. So far, the white painted floors and whitening of the walls has made a huge difference. We have angles and sloping ceilings galore, but sadly, no planks (just drywall). Plank walls would be most divine... I agree.

    Take care,

  9. Those are some nice attics! I particularly like the second picture. Nor only is the interior designing great, but the attic has a skylight as well! Skylights really look great in the day as they light up the entire room, and at night, they give a romantic feel to the place. Make sure that if you're planning an attic bedroom though, that the attic is well-insulated to assure that you'll be fully comfortable.

    Kemberly Loyd


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!