Saturday, September 25, 2010

~autumn inspiration & an etsy update~

Happy Saturday everyone!

What a beautiful fall day here
in the Pacific NW!

clear blue skies....and the air is soooo fresh,

I found these pics & thought they
were perfect for a little fall inspiration~

I love the hydrangeas mixed with the branch...
and what is it with the old books with the
covers torn off....that we all love so much??

I have been quite neglectful & not doing
that yet?  Any of you need to confess as well??

the mixture of weathered wood,
with neutrals is so nice ~
it really warms up a space....

this is an interesting little vignette,
an egg, a pitcher, a snail & a french postcard!

loving the little succulent in the silver cup

the lighting in this shot is gorgeous ~
love the light streaming thru the window.

How about the eclectic mix of chairs in the dining

they make it look so effortless!

a few must haves...sisal...painted floors...
*cough cough*

and I'm completely addicted to the idea
of painted wood walls as well!

I would seriously put wood up on every wall
in our home if I could!!

more natural wood & neutrals...

now here's another slight obsession...
bleached/pickled floors....
don't they look fantastic??

and how I would LOVE to find french
doors like these! wow!

Their bedroom is also quite amazing.
the little touch of grey is just right~

I don't know much about this home other
than it's the Hoopwood House, in the
Inside Living magazine...but I'm pretty
sure I'd be content movin' right in.....
what about you?

love the cute little burlap or linen
valance....I might try that in our room....
just a little burlap adds a lot of warmth
& texture to a room, don't ya' think??

and speaking of burlap.....
I've been playing in it....
a lot....

here's what I came up with while

a little somethin for your halloween
and fall decor....

available now in The Linen Shoppe

so take a peek if you like....:)

Enjoy your weekend friends!!




  1. Oh, thanks for the inspiration Shellagh. Beautiful pictures. Love the first one the most! Just gorgeous.

  2. Hey Shellagh,
    I'm completely jealous of your 'Fall' weather. I just have to turn my AC down and pretend. I love the colors of fall as's the only time that the color orange can live in my home! The white pumpkins aren't down here yet, but I have one that made it through from last year, and bought some bittersweet vine from an Etsy shop.

    Your new pillows are very 'em a lot! I hope to feel up to sewing next week...I've changed my plan again!

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Wowwww....Shellagh....beautiful post......nice to hear from you again................wishing you a happy fine weekend....lots of hugs and love from me.......Ria....

  4. That fireplace mantle is 2.die.4!!!!! I heart it sooooo much!! What great Fall inspiration!!

  5. Absolutely cannot rip the cover off a book in the name of good decor. lol!!

    Love your new pillows. You make Halloween look chic and stylish!! :-)


  6. It's all so beautiful, Shellagh--so fresh & inspiring--thanks for sharing these today!

    Love your pillows, too--perfect in burlap!

    Hope your weekend continues as beautiful as it is right now...


  7. Hi Shellagh~ just gorgeous! What great inspiration photos!! I love your pillows and the burlap valance would be great too! I added you to my blog roll - so much inspiration over here! :)

  8. Hi Shellagh!
    I love these photos of such lovely rooms. I'm not crazy about books missing their covers, so I'll leave that one to the ones that do!

    Love your Halloween pillows, very cute.


  9. Thanks for the fall inspiration Shellagh! It's still 90 and humid here in Florida so it does help me get into the fall spirit.
    Enjoy your Sunday,

  10. Lovely photos Shellagh! I love your cute!~Hugs, Patti

  11. Shellagh
    What a beautiful inspiration!!! This post really is off the charts. Thank you for all of the terrific eye candy!!!


  12. As I am snuggling in with your pillow, (which I love), resting my tired head I am thinking of how refreshing those bedrooms look up above. It's inspiring me to paint some furniture. Beautiful burlap work. You're very talented! ;)Alyssa

  13. OH HOW LOVELY! I adore those pillows! Stop on by my blog, I'm giving away a CSN gift certificate!

  14. Oh, how I love the pickled floors, the horizontal boarded walls, the soft gray with white....soooo calming and soothing....Great pillows, too, Shellagh! Beautifully autumnal looking! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  15. Hi Shellagh,
    Very inspirational the looks!!!
    Happy day!

  16. Shellagh- What fun pictures. I love them all. I really like the pillows you have been working on. I love how burlap and Fall just seem to go together. Hugs- Diana

  17. These photos are inspiring, and I adore your Halloween pillow slips. I'm off to see more of these charmers. ~ Sarah

  18. Great photos LOVE that mantel! Lezlee

  19. LOVE your new pillows...ive been looking for fall ones like those! Heading over to your etsy shop!! :)Rachel

  20. Hi Shellagh,
    Thank you for the fall inspiration, because I am not :(
    I look around and say what am I going to do with October and November? I am almost certain I will skip it and move right onto Christmas :)
    Unless somethink comes along like your great post.
    I loved evey bit of it, the rooms inspire the feeling I have so I took great notice to this posting.

    Love your pillows in burlap, I too have my latest post with a burlap pillow I made but did not talk about it :) just placed it for part of the story the photo tells.
    love the inspiration.
    sending it off to a friend in Utah!

  21. Loved all your fall inspiration rooms. Especially the first one. And I love your Halloween inspired pillows too.

  22. Hi Shellagh...I love your inspiration photos, especaily that first one with the hydrangea and the branch. Your burlap pillows look great :)

  23. Sigh...what a beautiful way to start off a Sunday ~ thank you for the lovely photos!! I am off to your Etsy shop...the pillows look adorable!

  24. All so pretty! Love to visit your inspiraring posts.


  25. I love the mantle inspiration! I have been collecting twigs in my back yard, just waiting for a Fall centerpiece. I am feeling inspired for sure.


  26. Shellagh,
    Good to hear from you. Missed your posts for a while. You're right, Sat. was gorgeous out this way. Loved your pillows. Did you know Suzanne had her camera stolen on the way home? Hasn't slowed her down much. Great post.

  27. awesome pillows!

  28. Hi Shellagh
    just wanted to pop in and say hi. I´m a new follower of your blog and I absolute adore it. Everything is soooo beautiful over here. Love all the photos and your pillows too.
    ~ Tina

  29. Love all the photos, they are perfect for a Monday and will inspire me through the rest of the week :-)

    Leeann x

  30. HOW the heck
    you have time to
    find these gorgeous
    inspiration pics is
    beyond me, but I'm
    soooo grateful that
    you share them with
    us!! I have plenty
    of dried hydrangea
    in the yard and will
    have to find the right
    branch and copy that
    first look. Love your
    new pillow slips, too!
    Your business must be
    booming : )?!
    xx Suzanne

  31. Stunning images, wow!

    I love those painted floors, I'm trying to decide whether the floors in our new home, too.

    Loving those pillows, girl! :-)

  32. Hi Shellagh,
    These are some great fall pics! I LOVE the first three... gorgeous! I agree... I love the mix of whites and warm wood tones... beautiful.
    Have a great week my friend! :)
    Hugs ~ Jo

  33. I loved peeking into such lovely rooms. I can't believe I've never run across your beautiful blog until today. I've enjoyed visiting your archives and signed up to be a follower. I found much inspiration here already! Your white loveseat is beautiful!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  34. Your photos are gorgeous and I love your new pillows ~ perfect!!

    God Bless,

  35. Crazy about the white kitchen with the farmhouse furniture... Such a great juxtoposition... I WANT it! :-)

    Warm blessings,

  36. What beautiful pictures! Also loving your new pillows. I have my eye one the bird ruffle one in your shop!

  37. Beautiful photos, I love all the contrast. Thanks for sharing.

  38. I LOVE your pillows Shellagh. LOVE THEM! You have such a talent girl!
    The images in this post are so inspiring. This is the Fall look I would like to create in my home. Thank you so much for the always!!!

  39. Shellagh, tomorrow I am off to rip some covers off my books. I have been a fan of them, just have not got around to it. Your pillows are soooooo great!
    Blessings, sandi


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!