Wednesday, September 29, 2010

~farmhouse france...~

Happy Wednesday everyone!!

 I came across this incredible inspiration
and could NOT wait to show you all!

this home is such a dream....

I'm so glad I found it ~ it was just the
inspiration I needed today :)

can I just say, I love that door.....the doorknob
the little thingy hanging from it...? (don't have
the foggiest what the proper name for that would
be...???;) )

and the sheer simplicity of the room....ahhhhh...

let's start on the outside & count the ways we love thee....

 darling little "french" doors greet you
wood beams throughout the home...

I really love the teensy bit of sage green
here & there on the wood trim

now here's some all wood steps....
what do you think?  I'm kinda likin it....
since it's up against the pale walls & light green works, no?

can you even imagine finding a house
around here with those amazing wood beams?
the terracotta floors look nice...
wouldn't you say?
I like the bit of color mixed in too....oh did
I say that in my outside voice?
shhhh...I'm just sayin'.....

more natural wood here as well...
here's the other side of the room...
the coffee table is so gorgeous up close....

moving into the kitchen....
so very french with the white & blue

the cabinet doors...
the gooseneck faucet....
the tiles....
the aqua blue conservatory....
the beams!! it all....

this kind of home makes my heart beat just
a wee bit faster....
I'm so glad I'm with similar company..;)

here's another peek at the bedroom and
looks like some more stairs heading up to
an attic....
hey...they moved the thingy ma bobber
on the doorknob!
"thingy ma bobber ~ my daughter's fav word"

it must be a fairly spacious master suite...
here's the other side of the room

OK....this picture is what makes my heart race....
LOOK at those adorable chairs...
and the darling little shades on the windows

have you ever noticed in a lot of the french homes
and european homes in general, they don't frame in
the windows?  with decorative trim ya' know?
or half the time don't use baseboard molding??

moving along....the office ~ it.

just love it ....
the pale colors, the ticking fabric on the loveseat...
and the little pop of natural wood mixed in...

what beautiful radiators throughout the home...
 look at the tile baseboards....I'm liking that
a lot!

well there you go.....some big-time
french inspiration to start your day....

hope it's a great one!!

off to my sewing machine &
a new movie to watch....

Phantom of the Opera...
on dvd....



{all images from Campagne Decoration}

Saturday, September 25, 2010

~autumn inspiration & an etsy update~

Happy Saturday everyone!

What a beautiful fall day here
in the Pacific NW!

clear blue skies....and the air is soooo fresh,

I found these pics & thought they
were perfect for a little fall inspiration~

I love the hydrangeas mixed with the branch...
and what is it with the old books with the
covers torn off....that we all love so much??

I have been quite neglectful & not doing
that yet?  Any of you need to confess as well??

the mixture of weathered wood,
with neutrals is so nice ~
it really warms up a space....

this is an interesting little vignette,
an egg, a pitcher, a snail & a french postcard!

loving the little succulent in the silver cup

the lighting in this shot is gorgeous ~
love the light streaming thru the window.

How about the eclectic mix of chairs in the dining

they make it look so effortless!

a few must haves...sisal...painted floors...
*cough cough*

and I'm completely addicted to the idea
of painted wood walls as well!

I would seriously put wood up on every wall
in our home if I could!!

more natural wood & neutrals...

now here's another slight obsession...
bleached/pickled floors....
don't they look fantastic??

and how I would LOVE to find french
doors like these! wow!

Their bedroom is also quite amazing.
the little touch of grey is just right~

I don't know much about this home other
than it's the Hoopwood House, in the
Inside Living magazine...but I'm pretty
sure I'd be content movin' right in.....
what about you?

love the cute little burlap or linen
valance....I might try that in our room....
just a little burlap adds a lot of warmth
& texture to a room, don't ya' think??

and speaking of burlap.....
I've been playing in it....
a lot....

here's what I came up with while

a little somethin for your halloween
and fall decor....

available now in The Linen Shoppe

so take a peek if you like....:)

Enjoy your weekend friends!!



Friday, September 17, 2010

~a little Friday inspiration & a whole lot of jane~

hello everyone!

just a quick hi & some pretty Friday
inspiration for you!

first up.....because I wish my sewing room
looked this fabulous!!!

I don't know what I like more,
the chrome chair, the painted floors (really?;))
or the cute little trashcan......

ok, OR the darling vintage sewing machine....
the little bin w/ wheels...
that cute little table.  OK  I guess I love it ALL.


here's another cute little work table
now that has got to be the most awesome
 light fixture....
I'd love to find me one of those!

and because I'd love to still be sleeping in a wonderful bed such as this......
and I think I've even
posted this picture before, but is it
not worth swooning over some more?

or this one would also work for me.....

look at those awesome floors.....
and I do believe that is a big-o pole
right the middle of the room....
ya see it there?
built in coat rack!


now you weren't expected any rhyme or reason
from me today were you?

good ~ cuz I don't have any.

how about this living room?
I kinda like it.
what about the palm leaf in the vase?
hmmmm....I guess it gives it kind of a beach
feel ~ ok....

I like the large-ness of the coffee table...
I do not have a coffee table
and it's getting quite annoying not having
something fabulous to arrange all the cool
stuff I find on.....
{I am certain that was a huge run-on sentence but I'm lettin'
it ride today....;)}


ok new subject.....
"what I've been watching while working on
pillows & dust ruffles......"

do you recognize this cottage?

I have watched sooooooooooooooooooo
many Jane Austen movies in the last couple weeks...

 the cottage is from Sense & Sensibility,
the Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet

love that movie.....if you have not,
for some unimaginable reason, seen it
go get it today!!
you don't even want to know how many times
I've watched it. 

but I also like to watch the BBC version
with David Morrissey, Janet Me Teer & Hattie Morahan.  Also very good ~ 3 full hours of goodness.

and watch
my beloved Jane Eyre
almost 4 hours of fabulous-ness

and of course Pride & Prejudice
6 hours of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett....

Mr. Ticking and Toile much prefers
the Kiera Knightly version.....
well, yes, I like it too, but it's toooooooo short!!
but the proposal at the end is magnificent.....

and the music is totally totally totally
amazing~ in fact I had the soundtrack on my blog
when I firsted started ~ because it is so beautiful
I could listen to it non-stop.

let's see what else I've watched or have tried
to watch........

well I've tried to watch many of these
but really have a hard time getting into it.

I was about 2/3rd's the way thru
Pride & Prejudice 
{it's at least 4-6 hours of very bad acting}

and Mr. T & T turned it off saying it was
the worst EVER.

{just so ya know, he isn't all huffy like that...he just
knew I wasn't loving it while I was sort of watching it....;) }

I couldn't disagree....I just wanted to see if I could
get thru it....

I am now trying to get thru some Charles Dickens
"Bleak House"

and it is also 6 hours.....Dickens is hard
to focus in on, but I'm working on it.

I should have bought the Gillian Anderson
version, but $6 was a lot less than $30!

I watched this too,
an old standby...

which is great ~  but
it's not an 18th century love story.... there anything else?

well yes....I do have an open mind to other
genre's.  I also watched this....

Yes, I know technically it's kinda the same genre as all the Jane Austen's..... but, it's pretty good too.  Have you seen it?
I'd love to get your opinion on it.


well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
if I've missed a super fabulous movie you think
I must see, please let me know!!



{interior images by Coastal Living and Tumblr}

Friday, September 10, 2010

~slipcovered headboard tutorial~

Hello there everyone!

Happy Friday!
Are you all ready for the weekend?

Whatever you're doing ~ I hope you
have fun!

I seriously cannot believe
it is almost the middle of September....


You may remember my post not
too long ago regarding the tufted
{click here to read about it}

so I wasn't loving it~ nope ~
just wasn't liking the chenille
or the shape....

so I started over.......

 and this is the current and
latest version of our headboard...
slipcovered in white....

I know it seems absolutely nutty
to completely scrap the first &
start ALL over again.....but.....
I'm so glad I did.

so here's the process....

{in case you get the urge....}

It basically starts the same as the tufted headboard ~

you need some plywood & a shape
you like....

This was my inspiration photo ~
love this room!!

{& the house that goes with it for that matter....
click here to see the whole house}

I painstakingly drew my design....
{used various household items to try to get
the shape just right}
and traced it onto my plywood

{hmmmm, I do believe that is a pile of laundry
on the couch back there......}

now it's time for the batting...again...
roll it out & staple it on

pre-wash your fabric and get ready to pin!

big hint:  if you don't want seams
down both sides in the middle
like I did.....*cough cough*

make sure you buy enough fabric.....ahem....

but since I was in a hurry
because I had already spent
so much time on headboard #1
I decided to live with it......hence
the seams.....

so for this step just lay your fabric over
the headboard & loosely cut around
the this time it's not about precision,
it's about cutting off all the bulky extra fabric you
don't need.

now once you get all the excess trimmed off ~
you pin it into place for a snug fit...

now that you've got it pinned into shape
and smoothed out ~

*note *
I chose not to cover the back in the same fabric....
knowing it would be against a wall, I covered the back in a lightweight white bedsheet.
{el cheapo, ya know}

so at this point you can just stitch the 2 sides together,
or you can decide to add piping like I did ~
I love me some piping...

so off to the sewing machine....
if you'd like to know how to do piping...
click here for a look

pin the piping on &
stitch it in place and voila!
headboard is done!

ok....not really....

but this is where the tutorial pictures end.....
well....I musta got hasty and just forgot
to take the rest....whoops!

this is what we did: (Mr. T & T~ and I supervised...;)

we picked up an 8 foot 1x4 and cut it
in two.  We eyeballed (is that a real word?)
about how high we wanted the headboard to
sit & screwed the 1x4's into the back one
on each side.

Then just slipped the cover over the headboard
and pushed the bed up against it!

now it's done!

and it's my bedtime....

good night all!

