Tuesday, August 17, 2010

~summer days~

hello there everyone!

just a few beautiful images
to stretch out these last couple weeks
of summer......

I don't know about you guys,
but my garden is not doing that great....
I'm talking my piddly little vegetable garden....
we had such a nasty wet spring,
that I didn't even get stuff planted until
I'm thinking the end of JUNE!!

but I am not complaining anymore.
oh yes, I was complaining profusely
in the midst of it....sniveling, whining, etc...
but now I'm just enjoying our last month
of a wonderful summer!

it just goes too fast!!

we have so much fun staying up late,
sleeping in (well the girls sleep in....not me
anymore.....6:05 and bing! the eyes are wide open!!)
swimming, bike riding,
enjoying fresh flowers & outdoor meals...

fresh fruit from local farmers....
love it all.....

the kiddos go back to school Sept. 8th...and
I seriously am not looking forward to it....
but then we slowly switch gears....
watch football, carve pumpkins,
plan halloween....and so on.

how about you guys?
are you anxious for the change of season?
hanging onto summer..... for dear life?

Have a wonderful week!

I'm trying to get around to say hi to everyone
when I can.....hope you are all doing well!



{all images by Robin Stubbert}


  1. Hi Shellagh,
    Wonderfully beautiful photos!! I've been so busy with my move that I havent even had a chance to really enjoy the last weeks of summer. I was able to take my boys camping at the lake over the weekend though and we had a great time, so at least we got to have some fun, especially the boys. Ususally by September 1st, I'm ready for fall and Halloween. Although in Southern California there's not much of the changing of the seasons, so you have to just imagine it. :)
    Have a great week.

  2. I'm hanging onto the end of summer and my time when Grant is out of school. We have so much fun together. I think he is getting a little bored of me though! I am looking forward to some cooler Fall tempatures. Summer is brutal here in Las Vegas. I also have a garage full of projects I look forward to tackling when school starts up again.

    The images you've shown us are gorgeous! Enjoy the rest of the NW summer my friend!!

  3. I love summer, our weather in Winnipeg has been a mixture of a bit of rain and lots of sun and really hot days, 80's and 90's most days, but we got up to 100's a couple of times! It was SO wonderful, my flowers are pretty much done and my tomatoes are really coming along. It has been a wonderful summer. Tomorrow we are headed state side and will make our way west to North West Washington!!! I'm so excited to see my daughters and grandchildren, can't forget dear son-in-law, too! Love all of your images, really lovely!
    Hugs, Cindy S

  4. I am hanging on to summer for dear life! I am not ready for it to end! ~ Tracy

  5. Beautiful summer pictures !!!..lovely post...............love Ria.....

  6. Beautiful photos!
    I'm hanging onto summer for dear life! It goes way too fast! ;-)

  7. Lovely photos that makes me want summer to linger a little longer. But, I'm looking forward to the fall. It's my favorite season.

    It's been so hot here on the coast that the fall weather will be a nice change.


  8. I love fall so I welcome it with open arms! Summer is much too hot for me.

  9. Hi Shellagh!
    It's full summer
    mode for me until
    we head home this
    weekend....As my
    mom can attest,
    her veggies are
    pathetic, too!
    Can't wait to see
    you tomorrow for
    tea and we can
    chat more!!
    xx Suzanne

  10. Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I guess because I can be outdoors. But fall is nice too (not nearly as hot). Really pretty photos!


  11. Summer in Long Beach, California has been glorious. It has gotten really hot here and I don’t like the heat or sun, but this summer....hmmm.cool ocean breezes, cloudy overcast mornings..I got to work a lot outside and get things done, the garden tended too etc. Perfect weather for it. It’s
    hot and smoggy today, so I’m indoors, ceiling fan blasting and catching up in blogland...enjoy the rest of it...your blog is lovely.

  12. I only wish summer was about over here. We are just embarking on the start of our hottest months right now in Houston. :( We won't cool down until the end of Oct-ish.

  13. OOh what a beautiful flowers in the basket!!
    love your photo's.
    And here its raining again!! the garden is on the end of summer zo sad!!
    i wish you a nice evening

  14. Hey Shellagh- I am holding onto summer because it seems we never got one. It was hot and wet and rained off and on for most of the season. I am just hoping for a few fine summer days to ease us gracefully into Fall. Soon, my little grandkids head off to school and I miss the spontaneous act of calling and say- I'll pick you up-let's go. Even my little SweetCheeks starts off to nursery school this year-God bless her teacher ;>) Thanks for the reminder how fleeting the season is- Diana

  15. I know you guys up there had a really hard time getting summer to arrive. We on the other hand had upper 90's to 100's 3 weeks straight, I'm over summer and ready for fall!! Great images!

  16. I am with you on this one, Shellagh. Our tomato plants are pathetic - each tomato about the size of an olive. No yummy fresh tomatoes on our grilled burgers last night.

    Enjoy the days until school starts.


  17. ..and we have had the first whisps of spring here. I've seen some blossom and the daffs are sitting up happily..... roll on spring!!!

  18. Those photos are so lovely. Thanks for sharing!!

  19. Shellagh, This is my first visit to your blog, just lovely! I'm enjoying the last few weeks of summer, but I absolutely love fall, can't wait!

  20. wonderful pics.

    thanks for sharing them. =)


    barbara jean

  21. If you check out my apple pie day you'll see that I am ready for Fall! I LOVE fall in New England ;) Beautiful post you did. I really love the white chairs...Also, I need to contact you about the bird's nest pillow. I hope you received my order ;)Can't wait to get it. It's so pretty ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  22. Hi Shellagh,
    I'd like a cool day or two but no, I don't want summer to end just yet. I can't bear the thought of snow and being cold. It seems like NE winters get longer and longer each year!
    My garden has slowed down and the weeds are knee high...thank goodness for the farmers markets!
    Enjoy the rest of your summer ~

  23. That is the BEST collection of "Snappies" I have EVER seen...decadent eye candy for sure...did a back to school shop with my college goin' daughter...the basics...paper, pens, erasers...NO crayons{sooo sad, as crayons smell heavenly}. thought I had gotten away so easy...$29...then I was informed that she needed a graphing calculator...how bad can that be I thought??...OK...$189...AHHHH!...can't you just use your fingers and toes?...smile on...Rosie

  24. I'm hanging on to the last weeks of summer vacation for all I'm worth. As much as I love September's cooler weather, I'm not ready to give up long days and no alarm clocks quite yet!

    Oh, and I want enough warm weather to ripen my veggies and fruit (what we have after our slow start)!

  25. Good morning Shellagh....I am looking forward to the humidity going away and being able to go outside and feeling comfortable and turning off the ac and opening the windows! Isn't it amazing that as soon as September comes we do start to change gears and have a "fall feeling"...Hugs, Patti

  26. I'm hanging on to summer for dear life! I am working on a post similar...
    Just not ready for fall yet! I love you collection of summer images. Especially the chicken and that lazy dog! Enjoy the rest of the season!

  27. Hi Shellagh! I hear you... it goes by way too fast! How are you guys so lucky to get to start school in September? My girls started back to school on Monday (jealous, jealous). :(
    I'm already missing the late nights and sleeping in, and we had our first battle with homework last night (ugh!).
    Love all of your inspirational photos... beautiful!
    Enjoy the rest of your lovely summer vacation (still jealous ;o) - LOL)!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  28. I really like the pictures of the chairs, the flowers are beautiful. And that tin pinic basket on the bicycle is so stinking cute. So country.
    I enjoy your blog.

  29. I know what you mean by holding on to the last few weeks. Our grandchildren are all back in school. I wish they didn't start until Sept. like yours (like the good ol'days). Your pictures are so gorgeous! Looks like you had some good rains and TLC in your flower beds. Your baskets look like magazine photos. Really enjoyed this!

  30. Oh I am hanging on to Summer! It has been very hot, most hours of the day in the high 90s. I am just not ready for Autumn this year. I think as schools don't start here until the 13th, we are legally allowed some more summertime!
    Always a pleasure reading your blog.


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!