Wednesday, August 11, 2010

~ birds in a nest tutorial ~

hello all my bloggy friends!

thanks to you........I have
been busy, busy, busy.....:)

.....sewing for the linen shoppe!
I want to say a big thank you
for all your super sweet & supportive

I feel like I have a huge support team....
and I do!!

I thought you might enjoy a little tutorial
on how I do some of the work.....

First of all ~ I cannot believe all the
different methods available
for ink transfers!!

I've tried several and I like this
method although it's not always
perfectly easy.....let's just say......

 in this tutorial I'll show you
how to put the image on a piece of fabric guessed it ~ a pillow!

the first thing you need is your fabric
already cut to size..

I'm using a natural linen for this pillow~

next you need an image, any kind of
image will work,  anything that can be printed!

NOTE:  the image has to be printed on a laser
 printer.....not on a home inkjet-
the inkjet will not work.

next you flip it over so the image is facing
the fabric & tape it where you want it

keeping the image in one place is really
important because if it slides around,
your picture will be blurry!

on this one, I'm going to use
the Citra-Solv method

I forgot to tell you ~ you need a paint brush!

now grab said brush and brush the citra-solv
onto the paper where the image is

now pay no attention to the ugly thumb
in the picture....sheesh....little scar, a few wrinkles...
shoulda been a hand model!

ok where was I?
yes.....painting the stuff on the image....

keep going until it's all covered....

like so....

now for the muscles....

take something hard & round ~ like an old
doorknob....;)  or a spoon or something like that!

and burnish it....
that just means rubbing it really hard, but
not so hard as to tear the paper.

make sure you burnish the whole image,
without missing anything.....
I've done that plenty....and if you miss
something & take the paper are out of luck!

it's impossible to retape the image
without smearing it.....unfortunately.....

so carefully peel off the paper and
like magic.....your image!!

then you can use it for all kinds of
projects.....are the wheels turning yet??

I used it for this little guy....

which is available in the shoppe....
over on my sidebar....

I just finished this little guy here ~
really simple, but I love the graphic
it's available in the shoppe as well :)

Gotta get back to work!

{btw...80 and sunny,
mid 90's by Friday....

Enjoy the rest of your week!




  1. So beautiful and creative! Lovely shellagh! Have a wonderful day!~ lulu

  2. Love this! Thanks for sharing the "how-to." I am afraid to ask....are you able to wash the fabric without losing the image?

  3. Very good Tut!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. Thank you for sharing this! I have some of that citrasolv, and I can't wait to try! Love your pillows. :-)

  5. Wow!! Never knew of this technique!!! Fabulous!!! Love all of your shoppe goodies!!

  6. Oh My Gosh, I've been wanting to do this! Do you just take an image to Kinkos or someplace like that for them to enlarge it?
    Thank you, Shellagh for showing the process. Love your designs and I'm so happy you've been busy for the store. Don't forget us, OK?

  7. I have never heard of this method before. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Don't stay at that sewing machine too much. Go out and enjoy the sunshine!! ;)

  8. Oh! What a fun project! My wheels are definitely turning! :-)) Thank you!

  9. I am not familiar with citri-solv-where do I look for it? and can the pillow top be washed?? These pillows are so beautiful.'That Freckle Faced Girl'

  10. Hi Shellagh,

    I've been nervous to use citra-solv as I'm afraid it will make the fabric stink? Does it??

  11. Shellagh, thank you for sharing. The project looks like a lot of fun. I would love to try it. sandi

  12. Thank you so much for sharing, Shellagh, I have heard of using other products (like hand sanitizer), I have not heard of citra-solv.... Will have to try it one day!!!

  13. Hello Shellagh,

    How kind of you to share this. I have not seen this product in Austalia. do you think another brand of cleaner/degreaser would work?

    Blessings gail

  14. CoooooL!! Same Question as Gail. Alternatives for us Ozzies perhaps, whats the cleaner degreaser made up of ???

  15. Thank you for sharing one of your techniques. That is so awesome, my wheels are totally turning! The bird in a nest is a fabulous image. Thank you again.

  16. Thank!!! for scharing. I love your fabrics and i try this at home.
    What a beautiful pillow.
    Have a nice and sunny week

  17. Hi Shellagh
    What a great tutorial, I am really fired up to try this now but don't know what English product would be like Citra-solv! Any ideas, or can you tell us what it's made of so we can investigate.

  18. Hi !! you did a great job !! that French letter pillow......owwww so lovely can you make that on a linnen fabric?? not white??? than i will by one .....or two........please let me know....??

    Happy day love...Ria....

  19. Thanks for sharing this! I always wondered how transfers worked. Oh, and I *just* used that same image in a post yesterday :) BTW, I'm adding your shop link to my ::window shopping:: page, and your blog to my ::white cottage:: inspiration tabs under my new header.

  20. Hi Shellagh....Thanks for showing how to do that. I don't have a laser printer...I guess there is no other way to do it with an ink jet?~Hugs, Patti

  21. Gorgeous pillows, Shellagh! Thanks for sharing how you did it--I'd probably miss spots, knowing me!

    Hope you're having a beautiful day!


  22. What a wonderful tutorial! I've always wondered how they were made. Now to get my nerve up to try one!!!!

  23. Great project! I never knew you could use a household cleaner!

  24. thank you so much for sharing this with all of us! i am going to give this a try! now i am only hoping i can find the citra solve in the US.


  25. Shellagh ~ I am in awe! Beyond gorgeous, my friend.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  26. How generous of you to share your method. I've been wanting to do some things like this but not with french feedsack images....with other sorts of images and now I know how thanks to you. I'll let you know how they turn out. Very nice of you.

  27. oooooo, I want to make some now!!! question, do you go to a printing place to have them laser printed? eeeek I am excited...but it doesn't take much...hahaha

  28. Love it Shellagh! Think I told you we used to do a transfer business of artist's renderings. So much fun and that was using a steam heat method of transfer. Lots of work but the items were beautiful-looked like watercolors on fabric. I love the gray tone images you do though. Perfect!!!! Diana

  29. I love it! Thank you for sharing how to do this-I would love to try it soon.

    Your pillows are all beautiful.


  30. You pillows are lovely Shellagh! I really love the rustic weave on the linen you show in the photograph and was hoping you'd tell me where you got it?! Looking for white linen so slipcover a chair in my master bath. Thanks.

  31. where do you get citra solve?
    Oh, I love the pillow!

  32. I haven't seen this method used but it sure looks easy. Now if I can only figure out where to buy citra solve. I've seen citrus orange cleaners, wonder if that would work.

    Lovely pillow too.


  33. Wow! Thanks for the tip! That's way cool and I love the birdy pillow. Darling!

  34. By golly, I think I might be able to do this!
    Your pillows are just perfection. :-)

    And I love that you continue to post the weather report just for moi!

  35. yep...I always knew are too awesome for words! thank you so much Shellagh for the tutorial. I have always wanted to try this.
    hugs to you

  36. Oh my dear, how SWEET of you to share your trade secrets...I may try this, with the comforting thought, that if things don't go down the way that it should...
    I can always pop back and pay for one of your BEAUTIES! on...Rosie...

  37. Thank you for the info Shellagh, just one other query. Can you tell me what travetine is? I noticed this word in your profile but I haven't heard this word here.

    Blessings Gail

  38. Gosh, what a
    great little
    tutorial! Thanks
    for sharing! I
    am really fond of
    this nest pillow, too : )
    You do such lovely
    work and I can't wait
    to hear more about
    it over tea!!
    Thanks for the
    weather update ~
    it's been cool and
    cloudy but absolutely
    wonderful at the Coast.
    Have a great weekend...
    xx Suzanne

  39. This is just simply awesome. Thanks for the tut! I can't wait to try it. Where do you get your images? I've done every search imaginable and cannot find a one.

    Have a great day! :o)

  40. Love it! I can't wait to get my pillow! ;)Alyssa

  41. Learn something new everyday!! Wow this is just so cool! Thanks for showing how to do a transfer. I can't wait to try it!

  42. Ok Shellagh I can't wait to try this! I just need to find a lazer printer and of course the solution. Thank you for sharing this technique.

  43. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this method with us! Question...does this work better than doing an iron on transfer? What would be the benefit to either?

  44. Thanks! This is beautiful! Do you print it on regular paper? Thanks for the beautiful tutorial!
    Glad your shoppe is doing well!
    ~ Julie

  45. Oh my goodness! It turned out so pretty! Thanks for the tutorial- can't wait to try it out!

  46. OH My dear Goodness, I love it, And thank you so much for sharing that..I have no clue what kind of printer i have.. IM going to try that as soon as i get home..
    Lovely talent you have with pillows.

  47. I really love the pillow! Thanks so much for the tutorial, I am writing the information in my to do notebook so that I will not forget. I am glad I came to visit your blog, as usual.

  48. Shellagh,
    This is an awesome image transfer tutorial! I love transfering cool images, gotta go get me some of that citra whatever...LOL Lisa
    PS I feel like I've been away forever. Summer is killin me!!

  49. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.... I love, love it!! Thank you so much for sharing this, I am going to try it on a pillow!

  50. Love it! I have some linen that's been begging to become something special--and with ruffles, I think. Thanks!

  51. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing this I just have to convince my hubby that a laser printer is ESSENTIAL!

  52. I LOVE your blog~ You are so talented..I cant wait to purchase your items! :) I also posted your site on my blog! Blessings, Rachel ;)

  53. Wow! This is so beautiful! I had never heard of this technique! Thanks for sharing!

  54. Very pretty! Thank you for the tutorial. I had no idea that this was how it was done!

  55. Your pillow is fabulous and I have to try this method, love it!!

  56. Fantastic. I cant wait to try this!!

  57. Thank you SO MUCH, Shellagh,
    I have never had any idea how that was done, and it is really amazing. I have never heard of the product that you mentioned, but I am going to search for it while in the US this next week. Thanks again, those are really beautiful!
    Hugs, Cindy S

  58. Hi Shellagh, I just wanted you to know that I tried your image transfer technique. While not nearly as nice as yours, I'm pretty pleased with the result! I blogged about it in my post today. Thanks again for sharing this- it was fun!

  59. Thank you thank you thank you! I have a laser printer and all of the lovely projects are always done with photo transer paper, which will melt in the laser printer and ruin the printer. I've been wondering how I could do a project.

    I suppose that you flip the image for the words that you do before printing.

    Where do you buy your CitraSolv? I would love to know where to look.

    And, as other have asked--is is washable afterwards? Does it smell like the cleaner? I have 6 small children; pillows HAVE to be washed here. And, like the others, I would love to know where you got the bird image. I have come over to your blg twice in the last week from two different blogs just to see these pillows.

  60. The birds with nest graphic can be found at Graphics Fairy - do search for Spencerian Saturday- Bird with nest Engraving. She has 3 different versions available - free download.

  61. Shellagh!

    This tutorial is just wonderful! I've been wanting to try this transfer technique for qhile now. I'm so ready and prepared with your great step by step instructions!

    Kids are back in school next week and I'll be trying this out for sure. Is the CitraSol hard to find?

    Hope all is well in your neck of the's HOT, HOT, HOT here.


  62. Thanks for the tutorial.
    Adding this to the list of things to try!


    barbara jean

  63. Olá! ADorei seu tutorial, mas gostaria de saber o que pode substituir o Citra..., pois aqui no Brazil não temos este produto. Gostaria de agradecer por compartilhar sua técnica com todas nós. Obrigada,

  64. So kind of you to share...I would love to try this...I’m afraid to try new things...don’t know if I have a laser printer though??

  65. Hi I don't know what is going on with my etsy account but cannot get to work or even open up a new account. I really want to order 2 of your pillows. Is there another way to do so? Thanks, Pam

  66. It is gorgeous! I love the ruffles with the raw edge.

  67. I love this idea,does it work with color images?I'f you already covered this sorry

  68. Thank you for sharing - that is so generous of you. I've been wondering how to transfer without doing iron on so now I can give it a go.

    Shall be a follower from now on!

    Kind regards

  69. Hello from Poland. I think you give us great idea and tutorial. could you tell me what is citra-solve. What ingredients are in it?

  70. hello,super,now i know,that i do it corecly :) cheers :)

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  72. hi. thanx for the great tuotering!! i love the oucome!! i am tring to get the cleaning liquid. i couldnn't find the concentrated citrues one. can another off these cleaning stuff di the job? anything with citrus? thanx. efi


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