Tuesday, April 20, 2010

~ticking & such~

as if we all need 'more' inspiration.....

here I go again with some more...
this was one of the inspiration pics I
had for our bedroom makeover~
I ended up going in a different direction,
but sure do love this still!
this is Jennifer Eggleston's home
in Texas...{where all the cute houses are!}
Kim, this is for you!
a ticking slipcover....ahhhhh....
love it!

and who can get enough vintage white dishes?
not me...

I am in love with peonies...
I have a the same plant
and it is simply out of this world....
need about 100 of them
ok...I am also in love with this bedroom...
what about you?
 more yummies....
ok...now a little secret....

can you hear me?

come closer....


you see that?
well, I bought 'em Friday....
and I'm using them...
3 times so far...yay!

I know I'm .....um..... 40 something...
but, I've always wanted to be a runner...

{well, I actually was about, oh, 20 years ago...eek}

you know, those nice muscular lean legs
runners have?

I want those!

so me & my 40 something friend
are doing it....



it hurts a bit...
but we are going slow & working up
to it  s l o w l y...

I'll let you know how it goes...:)



{all photos from Country Living}


  1. I love all of the images you share with us...it sort of edits out some of the other magazine shots we don't care about!!

    I meant to tell you that the wall color you used for your bedroom inspired me in my French Country bath. It's a VERY pale gray called Teardrop. I am SO happy with it, I could shout from the rooftops. SO far I have kept everything white in it, but I am having those pastel urges!! Uh oh!!


  2. I love all these photos! I really love the furnished rooms sign!! I am trying to move more too...have my 25th anniversary trip coming up! It definitely helps to have a partner to keep motivated with!

  3. Oh gorgeous, gorgeous pictures..too hard to choose a favourite. Well done on the running...just the thought of it makes me break out in a cold sweat!!

  4. Did you know that I am friends with Jennifer and her husband Todd? How weird is that! I met Jennifer years ago while shopping in Fredericksburg. We stay in her B and B when we visit down there! I love her home...she is sooooo talented! Sometime she should share photos of the B and B...it is absolutely darling!

    What a small world!


  5. PEONIES! YES, they are the BEST! And easy to divide in order to reach that 100 : ) I am LOVING the look of station signs these days and the juxtaposition of their graphic quality next to the softer things like white upholstery and scrubbed pine...GORGEOUS, really! xx P&H

  6. PS: I trained for a 5K with my daughter two summers ago. We even ran the track at Ridgefield High while we were visiting my folks {go Spudders!} in order to keep up the stamina that we'd gained. We trained from June to September and were able to do the race WITHOUT stopping! We were one of the last stragglers to finish, but we were PROUD! I've since decided I prefer fast walking and biking....yoga and eliptical, but you CAN do it, especially with a buddy along for the ride. Good luck!

  7. Oh I love all those photos,every single detail in them,wish my house looked like that!! Great post,oh and enjoy your running shoes(i don;t own a pair)but I walk everywhere! x0x0x0

  8. Peonies love them, we have two small bushes that are a dark pinkish red...I would happily trade for the pale pink.

  9. I love the oval frame and plates on the wall...gorgeous

  10. Shellah,
    Once again, great inspiring photos...always love ticking, stacks of white dishes and yummy pillows!

    I'm so very jealous that you can grow peonies...I've only seen them once in a florist shop and many, many pictures.

    You go and run your little buns off girl...and keep it up. I'm 55 and feel so old, tired and worn out...listen to me...keep exercising, don't stop moving! Ok, 'nuf said 'bout that!

    Blessings always,

  11. Great photos of some beautiful things!~Patti

  12. I love all of your inspirational photos. I especially like the pillow ticking slipcovers...you've given me an idea for my home office. I used to be a runner about twenty years ago. I miss it terribly, but since I fell and broke my ankle three years ago I have given up ever being a runner again, but you go girl!

  13. I love your inspiration photos!
    And you are inspiration taking up running! Good for you!
    And I hope some of your determination will rub off on me. Well, actually, I'd be happy if I could just give up the ice cream!

    All the best,

  14. Lovely, lovely images. I always enjoy your blog, so much to see and love. Good for you to take up jogging again. I do it in spurts and I'm 52. I Can't do it right now because when I was working out in the yard a huge rock, from my rock wall, fell on the top of my left foot. It is recovering slowly. Walking is fine, just not jogging, yet. Hugs, Cindy s

  15. All I can think of to say is, "Run, Forrest, run!"

  16. Beautiful, Shellagh!
    I'm loving the photo of the mirror with the way cool reflection of the signs in it. Awesomeness!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  17. What beautiful and serene photos, Shellagh. I'm so glad I got that basket. I think it can be used in so many ways.

    I'll send you an email regarding Camas.

    Enjoy your Wednesday. Hopefully the sun will show itself.


  18. Gorgeous inspiration photos!!! Good luck with your running! Having a buddy should help a lot!

  19. My motto when it comes to running is...don't run unless someone is chasing you! :)
    But you GO girl!!

  20. Lovely inspiring photos and now you've told us all you have to keep running!!

  21. beautiful photos...funny, how they look better here than the magazine!

    good for you with the running, just remember you can walk if the running is too much!

  22. Shellagh, You are so right I am lovin the blue ticking.I knew it would look fabulous!
    I need one..........I am going to hire you to make me one.LOL Ebay here I come......
    Bi-Mart has Peonies right now for 9.99 I am on my way to get me a few more.They ar emy Fav as well.
    Good luck! my best to you with the running wish I could but just can't do it!Happy Trails to you.
    I will call you about Fri and we can decide then.~Cheers Kim

  23. Oh I love these pics Shellagh! I want to move into that house with the blue ticking slipcovered sofa - please!!! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics - inspiration everywhere!! Good luck with your running. ~ Tina xx

  24. Lovely post ... gorgeous images ... that's the thing with CL - no matter how many times you see the images, they remain gorgeous!!! I adore the first image for the bed!!!

    Love your blog ... found u thru faded charm - have added you to my blogroll on Vintage Rose Studio
    Gena @ Vintage Rose Studio
    Inspired Living Spaces

  25. Hhahahahhah!! Shellagh goes running !! .....goog girl !! go for it !!!

    What a lovely pictures i see this morning.................i love them !! have a great day my friend !! hugs from me.........run ....Shallagh........run !!

  26. I love all the beautiful pictures!! Your bedroom is so very beautiful. I just love coming back here to look at it. You did such a wonderful job on it....Kathy

  27. hi Shellagh!!! Wonderful images, I'm never fed up with those inspiring photos....

    I started running myself as well last year, at the beginning it's hard but then you just can't stop. It's great for the body and the spirit!! Finally, the wheather is fine in Italy so I can start running again. Let me know how it feels to be a runner!!!

    Hugs from me, Zaira

  28. Sigh, wonderful photos, more ideas to play with, when can I move there....Kx

  29. What beautiful photos, thanks so much for sharing your inspirations. I love them all, and little by little I'm trying to infuse my home with more of the white stuff...now if I can just convince papa to let me paint. The peonies are gorgeous, I have a hot pink one, but that soft pink is so lovely I just have to get some more wouldn't a whole bed of them be yummy. Good luck with your running.

  30. Love your pretty blog. The photos are sooo inspirational. I like the one with the subway sign art. As a home stager, I've used that photo to inspire clients when dealing with redesign.
    I'm now following, love your style.


  31. I have been in love with ticking for years. It just goes with everything and is so comfortable for the eye and soul. Love all your images.

  32. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing; I always get some great inspirations from your pictures.
    I just switched our bedding to our "summer bedding" which is mostly all whites and I'm always looking for ideas for pillows and pretty details to add to it!

  33. I am definitely feeling inspired after visiting. I love the ticking on that slipcover. Ahhh peonies...I love them. Can never get enough.

  34. Shellagh your pictures are wonderful! I love that little pitcher with pink peonies! I've got to find me some of those! Thanks for the pretties! I'm inspired to work on my guestroom!!!

  35. Those are some beautiful pictures. I copied a few of them for my inspiration folder. I also love that you're picking up running. I decided about a year ago that I was going to start running and I really enjoy it. I'm in and out of it, but still giving my treadmill some good use.

  36. Hi Shellagh! Beautiful pictures are never enough! Love them!!!

  37. All of it......LOVELY! Seriously, it would not do for you and I to shop together...we would never stop! smiles.....left you something at my place today....have a great week...

  38. Love your inspiration...I have many of those same pics in my inspiration folder...ahhh...I need a bigger home ;o)

  39. Shellagh,
    That first photo does it for me! Ahh, love it so. There is something irresistible about ticking with a touch of painted black. Just about perfect I think. Great inspirational photos. Lisa
    PS My bedroom is in a complete stall. Too many irons in the fire.

  40. Oh My, all those beautiful photos have my imagination working overtime. Thanks

  41. Wow your blog is beautiful. White is my favorite color so I'm drooling over all your pictures. Oh to live in the midst of all that beauty...your blog is a breath of fresh air!

  42. Hello! I am new to your blog and loving! I was checking out your slipcover that you made for the wing back chair. AMAZING! :)


  43. You can totally do the running thing! I have only started 6 months ago, and am running a half marathon in two weeks! Eeks! You can do it!
    Love your blog

  44. Fabulous inspiration pics, Shellagh! Thanks for sharing them.

    Oh, and I became a "runner" (more accurately a jogger) at 40, six years ago. I was hitting "that age", and decided I wanted to be more fit and fabulous at 40. LOL!!! It worked! ;o)

  45. Love the images you shared with us. Years ago I used to have a fabulous white bedroom and I loved it. It was very soothing and refreshing.

    ~ Tracy

  46. Those pictures have me drooling all over my keyboard! Good for you with the running, you know me and my 40~something body is doing it and loving it. :)

  47. Hi Shellagh, your picture are so beautiful!!!
    I love the cabinet, the bed and the pitcher with peonies!!!
    Have a good night, Annamaria

  48. What lovely inspiration.

  49. Such wonderful pictures, thanks for posting!!

  50. Now my morning started so great way!Founding your blog i mean!This is so great inspiration,Thanks!

    And you asked about the the font it's Edwardian script ITC this is the name in WordPad program.I'm so happy to hear you like my pillow.

    I must say that it's so great to that you have six daughters! I have two daughters and three sons and oh how my sons are so wild sometimes/always!:D

    Kirjoitit suomeksi blogiini?Siis voinko kommentoida suomeksi tänne?

    Take care,
    Hugs, Anu

  51. Well done with the running, that is a fantastic goal to have. I'm starting with the walking but have hurt my foot so back to square one again :0( Anyhoo, LOVE those pictures, and that bedroom with the little quilt. droool
    alicia :0)

  52. Oh how I love these spaces! We have such similar taste....that bedroom! Your bedroom!

    It's never too late to start anything--including running! I'm sure you will do what you set your mind to. You are an incredible woman!

    So glad I stopped in this afternoon. Hopefully you've got a lot of sunshine on the west wide of Wa like we do here on the ast side.

    best to you and a great weekend my friend,

    Starview Sonnet

  53. Hi! So glad that I came across your site! I am loving everything about the pictures. So pretty! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

  54. lovely images! Hope you and your 40 something ;PPP will be used to running very soon.. Gosh your brave!

  55. What a gorgeous post! And the running? Wow good for you. Ive been trying to get started myself. It might help if I put the shoes on!

  56. Shellagh,
    These pictures are are awesome! I
    love all of them but my favorite is the great old mirror. I have such a fondness for them, especially one you don't really use to look through. The ones worn away, pitted and scratched have so much character.
    Thanks for sharing and good luck with the whole running thing. I hope you don't get too sore!!

  57. I have a girlfriend lets say around your age too and she has just started back running and loves it too. I am very inspired by you all...can't wait to see a pic of your sexy legs when you reach your goal..haha, cheers Katherine

  58. Shellagh, these photos are divine! Such inspiration. Best wishes to you on your goal of running. ~ Angela

  59. Hi Shellagh,
    Thank you for stopping by, No!!! really thank you your kind words are what make us new bloggers hang in there. It meant a lot to my daughter that you loved her room, her private nest of her own. You are my idol in the blog world, and between you and me, it was you and Kim that welcomed me into the world of blogging with open arms :)

    Keep inspiring us Shellagh, and soon I will be blogging like you...the pro!!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!