Thursday, February 4, 2010

~little etsy update~

Hello friends!

I've been adding so many things to my etsy shop,
that I thought you all might want to see....
and like

I've been completely obsessed with
hunting for treasures!

yep, seriously in the "can't stop digging mode"
driving all over town...searching....for....

stuff that you might like.....
and it's not like you make a bunch of money,
selling stuff....

but it's enough to go out
search for more treasures....

it's the hunt.....

and I can assure you, my bloggy friends....

{whom I adore!! you guys bring me so much joy...
I feel like I have a whole bunch of new friends!}

I search for only the treasures that
I have a hard time parting with....
yup, they have to make me smile....

they have to speak to me.....
{ he the cutest thing ever??}

it's fun.....

and lots of fun when others like the treasures I find, too!



  1. All of your treasures are lovely. Treasure hunting is fun, but it is the parting that is sweet sorrow :) I will have to go check out your Etsy.

    Have a great night.

  2. Hi,you have some great treasures!!I have such a great time searching for stuff.I always find something good...Kathy

  3. Wonderful for the parting that is hard.

  4. what a beautiful blog you have. I love your style. Found you through Faded Charm (whose style I also love) I love OLD things
    with charm
    and a crystal chandelier in the kitchen IS MY DREAM
    I will have one someday ----and it will still be surrounded by old and country. I love the contrast.

  5. I feel exactly the same way, not much money, but I so enjoy the hunt. I end up keeping a lot of what I buy, and then at some point it gets to the flea market space. I never buy anything I wouldn't use myself! Love your goodies,

  6. It is definitely the thrill of the hunt!
    I love combing through all of my favorite haunts and finding something that I know my buyers will love too.

    Good stuff you are showing us today.


  7. pretty stuff, I love looking for treasures too!

  8. Oh my gosh! That is too weird...I just found that exact same sugar bowl when I was out scouting for treasures on Sunday. You have great taste! ;O) wink...wink... ~mary~

  9. I know what an awesome feeling it is when you find that perfect little piece. I wish there where more places around her to search in. I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you!

    My Desert Cottage

  10. Shellagh,
    I've been doing the same girl! Except I'm thinning out not only the stuff from the store, but from home as well. I've decided to take the leap & actually decorate this house. Lisa

  11. Exactly! It's the hunt! I saw a junky friend yesterday (I love junky friends!) and we were talking about that, getting spring fever, getting out and finding great stuff. It reminds me of men who go hunting for the things with horns lol! AND to top it off, you meet some of the nicest people, hunting for wonderful things! AND you can buy lots, because you can share it!

  12. Love your treasures Shellagh! I am hoping to go thrifting tomorrow morning, hope I find some lovely treasures too:) Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day. - Tina

  13. Hey Shellagh, looks like you've been having fun find treasures. I always say a little prayer before I go into a thift store..."oh, please let me find at lease one little treasure"! Unfortunately, I work full time, so I don't get much 'junkin' time these days! Good luck with your Etsy adventure. I had some things listed a few months back, but didn't sell much..I guess I should give it another try.

    So, as for the chair...well, I have had it on my 'to do' list for the last 2 Saturdays, but just can't quite get going. I've decided which fabrics and all, but I think I need a larger size piping than what I have. What do you recommend? As always, I appreciate your input.


  14. We sound just like sisters!
    I treasure hunt for exactly the same reasons.

    Wonderful stuff as always, and your Etsy shop is looking pretty darn tempting! ;-)


  15. Yes, you have found some lovely things to add to your Etsy store. I can see why you would have a hard time parting with some of them. The hunt is fun isn't it?

  16. I'm finding out that this is a numbers game ...the more you post the more you sell ...
    go girl ...

    I've had the best week in my four year blogger history over at stuffintheburbs ...
    I'm pinching myself.

  17. I love your stuff. The sugar bowl you have is the set of dishes my mom had when I was growing up - I just recently asked her if she still had them, but alas they are gone. You do find such delightful treasures. Thanks for the effort.

  18. I absolutely agree! I love the hunt, and I really hate to part with most of them...but that helps with pricing too....smiles.

  19. You said it exactly right! Great finds. Hope you have a happy weekend. ps. I am not getting any chickens anytime soon. xo Lidy

  20. I'm with you .... the smalls are sometimes the biggest treasures. I wish I could get some of your chairs at my shop.... I covet everyone you create.

  21. Shellagh what lovely treasures you find...I too love to hunt and I plan on selling some of my treasures one day..notice I say one day :) I just have a really hard time letting go..perhaps there is a 12 step for people like me lol hmmm "treasure hunters/hoarders annonymous" :) Besos, Rose

  22. i could do it 24~7 if the funds allowed. wouldn't that be fun?



  23. I just wish I had the time to go "hunting" in the mean time I will just have to enjoy all your beautiful tresures...Thank for visiting my blog...Cate :)

  24. Lovely Lovely goodies! I must say i am happy i am not the only person stuff talks too. It has to get you in the heart, cheers Katherin

  25. love your blog and the photo's that are posted, I am a big fan of doors as well, have a great weekend. XO MARY

  26. Tack för påhälsningen inne hos mej , och ända from over there ;-)
    Vilken fin blogg du har , hit kommer jag gärna igen !
    Ja visst är jakten den som är mest spännande !!

  27. Loving all your stuff, I think we are all in the same junking treasure hunt my friend.

  28. Watch out! A cruel treasurehunter on the hunt!!! =) Lovely tings you have found! I love them all!


  29. You've found some super cute to check them out.

  30. My heart is racing over these finds. I must have that squirrel. You have a great eye.

  31. I'm glad you're having so much fun stocking your etsy shop! It is so fun to hunt for treasures!! Are you having trouble selling a lot of your items...wanting to keep them for yourself??!! That's the problem with having a shop :)

    :) T


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!