Tuesday, February 9, 2010

~cabbages and roses~

Hello my friends!

Can I just tell you....
{I'm sorry in advance if you are in the NE!}

that we have the most amazing....


here is the Pacific NW!!

it has been rainy & cold for so long......and now 60 degrees
and clear blue sky....ahhhhhhh.....

can you say major Spring Fever?????

So on that note....

here's a little Cabbages and Roses
sunshine for your soul!

I know that I am WAY late in discovering this
amazing company!!!

but, I did just recently discover
their website

and their photography is just

not to mention their fantastic fabric selection!

just some yummy stuff to make you smile....

or drool....

I am really loving the white shelves...
and considering changing my stainless steel to something similar.

I seriously can't wait to cut some blooms like these
from my garden!

and have a little garden party~

or get in my jeep like this
and head out for a day of junkin picnic with my family~

{just day dreaming....;o)}

I'm off to move some dirt around in the garden....



  1. love all those pics. glad you got a break in the weather. it appears that we are getting another round of winter here in sunny (ahem) florida.



  2. I love cabbage and roses. I discovered them a year ago when I was looking for fabric for my vintage boards. They are amazing! Love all there fabric stunning. Never to late to find something beautiful! ~lulu

  3. Hi Shellagh ~ I love this post as Cabbages & Roses is one of my favourite companies:) I love their fabrics and have used them for everything from making pillows to re-covering vintage lamshades, they are so lovely! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics! Enjoy your sunshine and clear skies:) ~ Tina x

  4. ...I've adored and have been following Christina Strutt, Cabbages and Roses for years, you simply must read/own her books! Inspiring! as are you, love you blog! xo

  5. G'eve Shellagh ~ You all deserve a break out there, which is rare enough to see the sun ... so enjoy it while you can ... chuckle! I never missed the d(ark) d(ank) d)reary d(ismal) d(ays).

    We are enjoying immensely the 30" of snow from the weekend & are getting hammered today with another 20"+ here in MD. It is a spectacular sight to see ... so keep on blowing your storms our way! TY

    What beautiful presentation pictures. Enjoying the decors.

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a beautiful week!
    Hugs, Marydon

  6. I love these photos. Such delicious shabbiness.

  7. I'd never heard of Cabbages and Roses!
    Thanks for providing me with yet another shopping addiction! ;-)


  8. Hi! I've just happened across your blog and it is just beautiful!

  9. Thanks for letting me know about another place to go and dream!! ;-)


  10. Hello
    Thanks for all the inspiration... I need it with the snowstorm outside going on.

  11. Thanks for such a sunny and warm post. I am glad you are having nice weather there. It's like a breath of fresh air, to know it is nice somewhere in the US. Go and have some fun moving your dirt around and plant an extra flower for me :)
    Have a blessed week.

  12. Thank you for the link to Cabbages and Roses will have to take a peek...Yes we are bracing for more snow.

  13. Shellagh, so delighted you had a sunny day and hope you got a lot accomplished in your garden today! Well, I've not heard of C&R, guess I'm out of the loop, but I'll surely be taking a look...that's for the insight.

  14. Beautiful images. I'll have to check C&R out. Thanks for sharing!

  15. OOOOh. loved your post. I like the blue and white bedroom and the red and white kitchen. Great pictures. Thanks so much for sharing them. Had blast cruising through your post today.

  16. You have a very lovely blog. I have enjoyed my visit. We have alot in common. I live very near Vancouver (Canada).

  17. Dear Shellagh,
    found your blog recently and love your pics and way of writing ! The first picture is my favourite one, it really invites you to dream. I will check the website you´ve mentioned and have a look what they offer.
    By the way: here in Germany / Bavaria it´s snowing again and very cold....
    Have a nice day

  18. Hi Shellagh, thank you ever so much for your wonderful words that you left me!! I``ll send you a warm hug! :)

    Mee too love Cabbages and Roses, I was in fact going to make a post about them soon. I love the faded fabric, and everything is so cheerful, crisp and bright. Like summer days!

    Have a beautiful day!

  19. Shellagh - I have to confess... usually my eye will jump to one thing in one photo and I'm in love... there's not one thing that stands out more than the other in these though - it's all FANTASTICALLY GORGEOUS!!! Thank You for sharing! I'm going back to drool all over again!!!

    Have a beautiful day!!!
    ;-) robelyn

  20. i'm liking this, I'm REALLY liking this

  21. Well girl, if you are late in discovering this site... I am even later!!!! I just went over there to check it out. Wow! I'm with you...so fresh and wonderful! Thanks for sharing. (I'm going back again)

    My Desert Cottage

  22. Such beautiful images! Bright, and...well, sunny. Missing sunshine... ~ Angela

  23. I could just move in and be really happy~Kim

  24. Hi Shellagh, thank you for visiting my blog and the lovely words you left behind...

    Cabbages and Roses has a wonderful offering of lovely things, thank you for sharing them with us.

    The sun is also shining here, but a far cry from the milder weather you are enjoying....it's in the teens here.

    Have a lovely afternoon - blessings - Julie

  25. First, I'm so jealous that you're off to garden. I am happy for you though. We've got a snowy day here. I love Cabbage and Roses fabrics too. They look so well-worn and soft--not to mention the lovely patterns. Thanks for this sunny post. Betsy

  26. Shellagh,
    Beautiful post today. I love C&R, Christina Strutt is her name & she has several books. You probibly already know that. My favorite is Crafting Vintage Style. I love that English romantic look. It's rainy & cold here too. Lisa

  27. Your dead on!! Love this post,always loved them!! Made me smile!!!! x0

  28. Thanks for filling us in on this company. Lovely stuff. I love that last photo.

  29. Hi! Just saw that you added yourself as a follower on my blog - and thought that was so cool! I didn't even now that someone outside Norway was reading my blog :) I went right over to your blog of course - and this I need to visit again! So many lovely pictures and inspiring text... Hope you have a lovely evening!

  30. thak you for visiting my blog today and leaving a great comment..i hope you will visit me again because i was soooo thrilled to see you on my comment page! i LOVE your blog and i felt so dissapointed in my main blog page because its not my "best" I have been in a bit of a slump and really have slacked off...and it shows. I hope you looked around after the first page...because it would be such an honor to have you as a follower! you are so creative and your blog is beautiful..thank you so much for inpiring me!And thanks again for stopping by!

  31. I love their style and have a few of their books...and look at them all the time. Lucky girl...you getta play in the dirt.

  32. I really like that wire shelf thingy. Great photos...thanks for sharing!


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