Saturday, February 18, 2012

~working for a living~

Good morning friends!!

it's Saturday......not a normal day
for me to post....but since I missed
alllllllll  weeeeeeeeeeek......

I've had good reason....our family
has just been blasted with the worst cold....

"pass the kleenex, nyquil, ibuprofen,
airborne, breathe right nasal strips,
& cold medicine"
kind of cold....


we don't usually get sick around
here so it's been e.s.p.e.c.i.a.l.l.y.
annoying....cuz our secret weapon
didn't get called in soon enough.....

secret weapon?  you ask??
yes.....secret weapon...


usually without fail
airborne will kill an oncoming cold

but you have to take it immediately....and
this is where we failed....this time....

anyway....we are on the mend now!

before we got sick
I actually managed to get my workroom/
studio all cleaned up!

oh you wanna see????

nope. not yet.  heeheehee...
it's all spiffy but not blog worthy.....
but it's close....;)
so maybe soon...

but here's some other very inspiring

this one is light & bright...

and with my favorite flower...
delphinium...who can resist?

I love the little pop of color in
the teal lamp....

love the vintage baskets in this room.....
and the amazing organization skills at hand....

course my workroom is way huger {k pretty sure that's not a word...."huger" but you know what I'm talking about!}
 than these cute little desk spaces....
with all my bolts of fabric & big ol' cutting tables...
it's pretty hard to keep things cute & sweet....

pretty sure I need this big ol' room....

cool huh??
would love this space to work in....but definitely
wouldn't love driving into a big city to work...

nooooooo.....I do love working from home.....

this room's nice....a little modern vibe here....
I like the yummy sheepskin rugs~
they really cozy up the space

seems ridiculous to even type the words....
but having a clean & organized workroom
really makes life better....duh! ;)

and decorating it is just more bonus...
(deserves another...duh!)

so I'm working on & there when I have

this room by Brooke Gianatti
is just beautiful...
more of an office than workroom...
but love it ~ don't you?

love the white floors & walls in this space....

I hope you all have a wonderful &
inspiring weekend!!



{all images with credits here}


  1. I don't know how much work I would get done in these rooms...I would just be looking around with my mouth hanging open!! Gosh, I just love them all. Creative people putting together creative spaces! I hope you post yours soon. And a clean, organized room always makes me happy!

    Sorry about the cold bug going around your house. We all had it after Christmas and it seemed to last forever. Hope you are all well soon. :)


  2. so sorry you are feeling poorly...I will look into the aribornne remedy it @ a local drugs store?
    The work space inspirations are wonderful!

  3. I've been to that really big loft!! It's in NYC - they rent it out for parties or photo shoots. The other side has this awesome claw foot tub, cute cottage kitchen, and a brick fireplace. It's beautiful!

  4. Drop dead gorgeous workspaces!! I could get used to playing in these rooms!! :)

    Hope you all get better real soon! Hubby had it and shared it with me and it was two awful days, but I am much better now. :)

  5. Oh Shellagh

    a family of colds is awful - especially for the Mama!!!

    Our family magic remedy at the first sign of sniffles, is a peeled clove of garlic wrapped in thick honey and swallowed whole.
    Followed by a teaspoon of fresh parsley to chew - no telltale garlicky odours!!!!!

    GORJUS workspaces!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Shane in New Zealand

  6. So sorry you all have been under the weather! Glad you getting better now! Sucks when everyone in the house is sick!

    great work rooms!


  7. hope you are all on the mend now and soon raring to go. Love these spaces. Bit beyond the hopes for mine but I too am working on it. Cant wait to see your results.

  8. What a great working spaces !!!...lovely weekend

  9. Love those work stations. I could never show mine, hideous beyond reproach!


    Hope you are back in good health and feeling well again soon!!

  10. Can't wait to see your space Shellagh! Mine is so tiny I seem to spend as much time organising as creating!! I've heard airborne is good, our standby is those ester-C pkts that you throw in a glass of water, as soon as you feel the first signs, and I'm a big fan of oil or oregano, though no one else in the family will touch it!! Hey we could have a whole linky party on cold remedies (joking!)

  11. Some of those office pics are amazing...I posted a new album today , I invite you to check out my new blog...Blessings Lori

  12. Glad you are on the mend Shellagh! I have heard that remedy but not tried it, I will next time..
    OMGoodness! You always have the best inspiration. Can't wait to see your work space. Hope you are enjoying your weekend~SueBee

  13. who wouldn'd be inspired in these gorgeous spaces? Love your pics. Im just 3 weeks into the blog world. So, come visit me. I've just become your newest follower.

  14. lol! I've gotta agree with Janie, Shellagh! You'd find me in my studio sitting in my chair with a stupid smile on my face from sheer happiness! lol! But LUV these photos, though! (yeah yeah yeah...had to pin couple, dontchaknow....)

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. How did you catch that cold from me, anyway...??? lol! I'm just getting over one, too!

    xoxo laurie

  15. Great photos -- Love these spaces -- I so need to organize!

  16. Esther C and Zinc in addition to Airborne....
    feel better soon....

  17. I would never leave these workrooms..Simply beautiful..Glad everyone is getting better..

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