Friday, November 11, 2011


Happy Friday night!

I don't think I've ever posted
on a Friday night....but.....
 I've been feeling so grateful for our
wonderful veterans all day...
and then
came across this picture....

makes me cry....
each time I look at it....

I can't imagine the emotions she's feeling....
finally holding her daughter....

I can't imagine how brave she was ~  to leave
her little one........and head overseas.....
to serve our great country....

my heart felt thanks....
to this sweet mom &
all our vets past & present.....





  1. Oh my goodness- this photo of the mother embracing her child certainly choked me up.

    Your blog is lovely- nice to visit here.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The picture says it all..We should be forever grateful to "all" of our veterans..I couldn't even begin to understand the sacrifices she made for her country and family..

  4. Those of us who live in the comfort THEY ensure can only imagine the sacrifice! I had to honour my own family hero on my post today. Thanks!

  5. Oh, this photo makes me cry.
    We just don't think often enough about how lucky we are that there are those who are willing to sacrifice so much for us.

    Beautiful post!

  6. This is one most beautiful moment.....

  7. Amen- It breaks your heart, doesn't it? xo Diana

  8. Of all the Veteran's Day photos I have seen in the past few days, this one is the one that touched my heart the most. Thank you for posting.

  9. That is a powerful photo, I'm choking back tears...I'm so glad that we have this day to "remember". Perhaps there is hope for our world, still.
    I read in one of your recent posts that you live in Lewiston, Idaho. Am I right? One of my kids lives there, just thought I'd mention that. ;)
    Have a great day,

  10. Oh that caught me off guard and yes, instant tears welling up. Just found your place over here and am LOVING it! xo ~Lili

  11. I can't even imagine.....

    I have a hard time leaving my furbabies for two weeks when we go on vacation. I can't imagine leaving my daughter for years...

    Bless you, Shellagh, for this post.

    xoxo laurie

  12. and now you have me crying! This is just precious!
    I am so thankful too.
    hugs from here...

  13. Love you blog. Wonderful what you are sharing with others. Thank you for sharing.

  14. This photo really grabs you by the heart....

  15. The amount of excitement he feels we will never probably feel in our life's.


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