Monday, October 31, 2011

~beautiful inspiring....~

Happy Monday my friends!

I am feeling so very fortunate right
now because it is

the weather has basically been
"one day good, next day bad"
for the last week!

for instance~
doom & gloom

but today ~ birds chirping...
blue sky....gorgeous....
the kind of day the makes you
just want to be outside & breathe
the beautiful fresh air.........

do you know I just cut my last
bouquet of roses....

the last few stragglers of the season....

they smell sooooo nice......hate to see
them go....but love all the colors of fall
that replace the flowers...

like this image ....

totally reminds me of my Grandmother's garage.....

and how about these caramel apples with the cute
little branch stems??

cutest idea ever huh??

I find soooooo many images on
holy's mega-addicting.....

like this in my "bulging at the seams"
craft folder....(do thumb drives have seams? ;} )
I am totally making this cute little pumpkin.....

you can find the tutorial here

It seems I have nothing much to share today....
just a few lovely pictures....
and a little bit of "so-so" dialogue...

basically just sayin' hi!

and wondering if
 everyone ready for Trick or Treating??

our youngest is now 11 so she
wants to go out with her "friends"
not so much Mom & Dad.....

so Mr. T & T will be walking a safe
not too embarrasing make sure
they're safe.....

while I'm at home handing out candy
to all the little kiddos..... 

and while our "high schoolers"
are at their various
Halloween festivities....

how about you?

got big plans?

handing out candy?

eatin all the candy?

hee hee...that'll be me.....

I'll try to have *ahem* restraint....

have fun!!



Come see me on

{photos via pinterest}

Thursday, October 27, 2011

~dreamy warehouse living~

Hello my friends!!
How is everyone?

I am doing great!
 we've been enjoying a nice
sunny week in the NW.....
but it has frosted the last 2 nights!!

been pulling out all the big blankets,
slippers, snuggies, flannel pajama pants and 
let's not forget fleece...for which the NW has been
strongly chastised for on
"What Not to Wear"....

apparently we wear more fleece in the NW
than ever imaginable or acceptable!!

well....we are cold....yes....
when it's damp and cold...we wear fleece...
and slippers....and snuggies....and....
{oh Clinton, please do not show up at my house...already
warned the kids to not even think about turning me in!...ha ha ha!}

so this is just the coolest place!!
it used to be a mattress factory!

and it's been transformed into
a beautiful, expansive open living area
by Lyn Gardener of

one of the many reasons Mr. T & T
and I hit it off so well was the
fact that he has always said he
would LOVE to live somewhere like this....


he's so into stuff like that...
not hod podgy & stuffy ya know??

don't know if we ever will, but just knowing
he would want to is all that matters....

we used to live in a very urban setting
right in NW Portland....pretty trendy & hip
{the setting - not us..hee hee ;) }
....but not so much for raising kiddos....
so off to the sleepy suburbs we went....

speaking of sleepy....
now I'm stuck in a wake up at
midnight & 3 or 4 am schedule...
why do I do that???

love this bedroom....
her style is really amazing!

I mean seriously....painted brick walls...
wood floors....chandeliers..

all in the same place??
it's a dream!!

super talented gal....that's for sure!!

love it!!!


I'm off to cut fabric girls....
then out for a run....
I'm up to 4 miles now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can you believe that????

Enjoy your day~
whatever it is you're doing!!



{all images via Gardener & Marks}

Monday, October 24, 2011

~are we ready for....?~

Hello my friends!

Happy Monday!
It's half's it been?
was it rough getting up this morning?

let's see.....for me.....
I "got up" the first time at 1:40 am....
Mr. T & T sprung out of bed thinking
he was going to...well....upchuck.

well a couple minutes hanging out in the
bathroom...and it appears all is well...
~and he's back in bed...
and I'm back to dreamland...


4:48am.....when the shower turned on.

cuz Mr. T & T had an early flight to catch...
{this time not for the working out thing....he's doing that at lunch now...hee hee}
so I put a pillow over my head & snoozed another
20 minutes....

and then, at 5:08 woke up, got dressed
and drove him to the airport.....
and he's gone till Friday night...:(
not complainin' here cuz I know lots of hubby's
do this sort of thing....but I do miss him when he's gone....

but ya know what's shocking?
I'm not that cranky!
usually with that kind of night...I'm
not that happy the next day....
but not today....maybe it's the sunshine!

it's a little hard to be a grouch when the sun
is out & it's simply beautiful!

I fully expected to show you my 'wheelbarrow
remodel' today...but it's getting late
and I could not put off saying hello to you all
one more hour......

so instead I thought I would show you
some more pumpkin pictures....

have you seen enough yet??
are we ready for the next holiday??

I'm getting there.....

I'm painting some pumpkins today...
seen so many pics of pumpkins painted white ~  I thought
I'd give it a try!
I'll get 'em all painted up & let you know on Wed...


how's your Monday going?
are ya ready for the week?
got any big plans?
got any big projects?

do share!



{pics via Southern Living}

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

~cozy up~

Happy Wednesday!

Today is the first very "cool" day....
a little drizzly, a little brisk,
the needing a jacket kind of weather...
~indeed...very much like fall.....

definitely a cozy up by the fireplace day....
if only we had one...hee hee...

how about cozying up next to some....
{not quite the same.....}

I am really loving this distressed leather
chair business.....
ah...worn out leather....does it get
any better??

well, I'm looking out the window, and
the leaves are really starting to fall now...
and the colors are amazing....
but I just dread the bare trees...

anyone else dread this?
it basically means "for real" we're in for it...
for a bunch of months...

the best way I've found to get out of
that mindset is to embrace the 'coziness'
fall & winter offer....

patchwork quilts...
warm snuggly blankets... cocoa...
10 extra pounds
all the joy that the season brings...;)

now I'm off to embrace the kiddos....
who just hopped off the bus & are
foraging about in the kitchen...

Hope you're all doing terrific!!



{images  via}

Monday, October 17, 2011

~I need this.....~

Hello everyone!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

It seems I don't have much to say today.....

other than....

I. n.e.e.d. t.h.i.s.

have no idea where it came from....
just jumped out of my computer at me....
and now I need it....

how charming are those little shutters
and the chandelier???

 well I'm loving this next picture too...
and nope don't know where it came from...
in a file called "inspiration"

chippy wood, faded fabrics, painted floor.....
does something good for the senses....

I could never love anything shiny & new...
{unless of course you're talking new car or something crazy like that ;)}

like "new flooring" nope...can't love it...
gotta be worn out...gotta be faded...

new coffee table?  nope better have dings
in it & chipping paint ~ all the better!

new lighting?  nope better be an old chandy....
new shiny wood bed?
nope, same deal....

shiny new vanity?
not a chance.....

is this one not the cutest thing ever??

what about you?
do you have the same illness?
are you allergic to new furniture stores?
are you only happy in vintage shops?

do tell!



Friday, October 14, 2011

~Aussie Eye Candy~

Hello hello!

It's Friday!
my favorite day of the week!!

oh man....serious eye candy coming up....

I love every square grey & white inch
of this place.....
it is just as close to perfect as
there is....

the wall texture & color
the floors
the architectural detail
the exposed lath above the
{do you suppose they did that on purpose??
if not ~ they'll start a new trend I'm thinking...}

ya think this person is a little magazine
obsessed??  that would sooooo be me
if I could contain it all.......I do have my
stacks ya know....hate throwing them out!


love the old bottles...
and the branches with the baby buds....

whimsical & fun....
love the mixture of industrial and
elegant lighting in their home....

and this little girl's cute!
that pink dresser....darling!....

 the pink against the creamy
beige wall looks amazing ~ it tones down the
femininity of the pink and makes
it just....perfect! no?

these photos are from
Gardener & Marks....
they're home stylists
from Down Under....

I wonder if they charge extra to come up here? ;)

oh what fun it would be
to have them come fluff & primp!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!

