Monday, May 16, 2011

~waiting on peonies and roses.....~

Good morning everyone!

The sun is shining in the NW today!
After a very rainy Sunday.....
but a very sunny 1/2 of Saturday....;) 

I was browsing my pictures looking
for   a  n  y  t  h  i  n  g
interesting....or inspiring.....
or lovely......

I think I found it.

Can I just say I'm dying for summer??
and cannot wait for roses???

these are all, of course, from last
year......and I'm just now barely getting
buds on my rose bushes!

it really seems to me that we're getting
quite the late start this year....

maybe it's been the 11 straight months
of rain?  hmmmm.....?

I have noticed, however,
that the aphids are out in full force....
attacking every rose bud that has started....
~not for long~
they did meet their untimely demise
even in the rain....sorry guys.....

this is a little vignette from last year....
love the little vase I won in a giveaway from
Morning T!  Trish is the sweetest!

I also love this shabby little tray....
chippy & white...
nothin' left to say...:)

so moving on to peonies...
only the worlds most fabulous flower
E  V  E  R  !!!

I can't say enough how much I am
in love
with peonies.....

can someone please tell me
I only have one measly bush????
oh good grief!  I need to remedy that

they had them on sale at Bi-mart
last week.....
better run back & see what I can find.
found a white plant but just ONE,
and it was all bent & distorted....
so I didn't get it. :(

but I think I'll run back & see what I can find!

other garden happenings....
it's been so wet that we haven't even started on
the Mother's Day/birthday arbor!
it was literally ~ freezing~ that weekend!
a bit on the depressing side....
I must admit!

but it's supposed to be dry later this week so
that's the plan.

Mr T & T  tilled the whole side garden
on one end of our little lot so it's ready for stuff!
the plan is the little arbor will be in front and lead
to the back side garden (which was just tilled)

right now it's got 4-5 hydrangeas along the fence
and under a couple pear trees, but it's going
to get a cobblestone-ish path and a whole bunch
of transplants from the rest of my garden!!

It was the home of a little playhouse for a few years
but now that the girls are getting a little too old
for that......{boo-hoo}
it's a big old blank slate! yahoo!!

who doesn't LOVE a blank slate??
can't wait to get it done!

Hope you all have a fantastic week
of sunshine!




  1. I love their pictures with the beautiful roses! greetings angie

  2. Very pretty!!! Yes, spring is late getting here too.

  3. all so beautiful. spring is late making it's entrance here too.

    happy monday~

  4. Beautiful photos Shellagh and I love peonies as well. It has been a late start this year and I am noticing that even my plants are a bit smaller than previous years. Oh well, hopefully they will catch up soon. :)

  5. When I lived in the mountains, peonies grew abundantly and everywhere. I would fill my house with them. I love them.
    Now that I'm on the coast they will not grow here. (sad)
    I love your photos and bright pink peonies are my favorite.


  6. Hi Shellagh......beautiful rosses....amazing pionies!!...have a nice week

  7. Can you mix a bouquet of Peonies and roses? I love them both. I think Pink Peonies are my all time favorite flower. We only have one bush, too. Something is wrong with that. I think I'd like to rip out a couple other things and plant more. Your photos are gorgeous!
    Hope the sun shines for you this week, too :D

  8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Peonies. They are also my FAVORITE! Your photos are beautiful. I can't wait to see what you do with the new garden. We have had freezing temps still here in Colorado, I want warm, sunny days! I have 7 Peony plants and just planted 8 more. I also have a tree Peony (it's more like a shrub) that I also love. So fun, all of this gardening!


  9. The roses are beautiful but those peonies are stunning. Love, love, love x

  10. Oh Shellagh,
    Those peonies are to die for!! I can't wait to see your side garden, what a wonderful hubby you have.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  11. What a lovely photo's on your blog !!!
    love these beautiful roses and peonies
    Have a nice day
    greetz from Holland

  12. No sunshine here this week!
    Your photos are stunning and my favorite is the peonies in the champagne bucket!

  13. Love, love, love the pictures! Oh happy day!

  14. Funny, I'm actually
    moving our old playhouse
    INTO my garden patch as
    a focal point...of the
    Seriously, we are also
    waaaay behind. Just now
    starting to see BUDS on
    the lilacs....How do you
    like THEM apples??? We
    do have sunshine and I'm
    sending it your way....
    xx Suzanne

  15. Peonies are just gorgeous! I love the pink flowers in the white vase with the black lovely!

  16. I hear ya, girl! It's been the rainiest spring I can ever remember here in MI! Ugh! We'll have 80 degrees one day and the next day it's raining and 50! You and I have the same taste in flowers, for sure, Shellagh. I ADORE peonies - and have about 12 of them in my garden. They're so much easier than roses (even tho I love them too!), but their scent is amazing! :) get out there and scoop up more of them for your garden! We can never have too many of'em..... lol!

    xoxo laurie

  17. Shellagh, these are gorgeous. Worth the wait, I'd say! You can send TX some of that rain and cool temps. ;-)
    Hope you get to garden soon. ~ Sarah

  18. I am just delighted that I stumbled upon your blog! My favorite flower is the peony....beyond gorgeous for sure!!! Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  19. Beautiful Shellagh, peonies are my daughters favorite flowers, she wants to have them when she gets married someday!

    I even love them when they are losing life in them, so old and lacy tatering look to them.

    Beautiful over here as always.
    Come for a visit, I am having a Place of Shelter GiveAway!!

    enter up to 3 random comments :)
    see you soon.

  20. Yes I must get some more peonies in our garden too, they are gorgeous!

  21. Shellagh
    I commented on my site for you and I would then add my comment number as counting for you on the giveaway! next time girl it may work out better!

    Come for a visit and see the winner and my new ROSES inspiration piece!!

    see you soon friend!

  22. Just absolutely scrumptious pictures. So beautiful. I wish I could grow peonies but it doesn't get cold enough here, although there is one called 'Festiva Maxima' that would possible work and I am thinking of trying it.


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