Tuesday, March 16, 2010

~crazy Monday....~

Hello there Bloggy Friends!

Let me tell you...

I am getting sooooo close......

to being finished with our bedroom makeover.....

sconces get delivered tomorrow....

I cannot wait!!!

I hope Mr. T & T is ready to crawl up in the attic....
to do some serious wiring....
up there w/ the spiders & insulation...blek...

I spent the day yesterday doing this....

dropping off kids to school..

going to Lowe' to get paint & ceiling fan...

coming home to paint...cutting in 1/2 the room....

getting on computer to check in w/ all you fabulous girls...

checking craigslist...{kiss of death}

just in case...there's something....


there was....



uh oh...
{I feel project ADD coming on...somebody get me my meds...}.


downtown Portland...

..........what to do...what to do...

called the guy to tell him I couldn't come till tomorrow...cuz...

.......I'm focusing.....

but he wouldn't wait....

so off I ran with my gardening gloves in one hand...
Sadie in the other...

wondering the whole time just how insane I am.....

so I picked up 30 free boxwoods for our front yard...

threw them in the flower bed & went back to painting....

 I went with a pale grey recommended by

I'm sure you all remember this post of hers?
her daughter Caighton's room...

click here

to check it out...totally amazing...

ok...where was I?  oh yes...

back to painting...

I managed to stay focused until I was forced into the shower at {ahem} 4:30...

...that's pm....

{but I finished....yay! even moved the furniture back...:) }

then grabbed my 'band booster club president' hat

and ran off to a band concert/fund raiser

for my sweet Kenzie who plays the clarinet....

came home at 8:40pm

fed the crew....noodles w/ parmesan...

...so glad they love that...so easy...

and painted frames for my room....

remember the fabulous mirror I told you about, awhile back, from Goodwill?

can you imagine a crazy ornate detailed mirror painted brick red?


now it's white....and ready to go on my pale grey wall....yum city.

dropped in bed at 9:45....

today is a new day...brand new & fresh

ready for being filled up....

with fun stuff...

have you been enjoying these pictures?

they are from the stylist Tricia Foley

isn't she awesome?

click here to view her work

I knew you would like it...

now, the big news....well not that big...
but news...

I'm having my first giveaway ever....

coming VERY soon....

the picture above is a small clue of what will be included....

so check back .....

have a fabulous day!



  1. whew, and I thought I was busy...I am terrified of craigs list...to many temptations..lol,,cant wait to see the finished room...and you are right, those photos are amazing!

  2. Oh, I love boxwood. I have hedges of them all over the lakehouse grounds. Lucky you!!

    Love the sound of pale grey. It's going to look fab, along with the sconces and mirror. You have been busy! Can't wait to see everything!


  3. Amor, your bedroom is going to be Bellissima!! I can't wait to see the pictures, I love that pale grey color, looks so lovley and peaceful. I am still crushing on those new sconces of yours :)You know, your going to need an awfully big box for your giveaway :) Besos, Rose

    ps...I love Craiglist...but I have stayed away recently...no garage and too many treasures to bring home with me lol

  4. I'm tired now:)...waiting to see it all!

  5. Hello Shellagh.

    I 'am tiered only to read your stoy..........i 'm glad i don't have to do that in one day !!
    Gosh.............relax !! take your time...................pictures are nice......nice a give away !! and the last foto i recognize that's what we sell in our shop..........jdl !!! hugs and slow down hugs from me .........

  6. Hi Shellagh,
    You are a very busy girl! I have really enjoyed looking at all the lovely photos. And, I love French Larkspur. She is so talented.

    Great post.


  7. I've got to have a nap, right now, just reading your post wore me out!!! You've got the most energy of anyone I've ever seen!! What's the secret? i need a cup! AND, you have a Dear Doxie girl! Sadie is so cute! We have a kennel and doxies are my life...
    Love what you're doing with your room and can't wait to see photos!!! (hint hint!!!). Share some soon!!

  8. Hi Shellagh, my you have been busy!! Life does tend to interfere with what we really want to do!! lol! Looking forward to seeing your finished bedroom, but I know it's going to be beautiful! I have just posted about my daughter's bedroom if you want to have a look.... love your blog,,, take care, Maryann

  9. Well I can't wait to see your room, I painted my living and dining rms grey too but havent been able to post them, I used the same color as Dreamy Whites! You have been a busy girl, your probably going to crash when your bedroom is finished but at least it will be a pretty place to rest (;

  10. Loved her! Thanks for sharing! And get planting!!!

  11. Oohlala! You've been a very busy bee. I love the grey and white. I bet your mirror is gorgeous now that you've painted it white. Free boxwood? Are you serious? You're a lucky little leprochon! Have a happy St. Patty's Day tomorrow!

  12. Did you say 30 FREE boxwoods?!?! OMG! SCORE! Lucky girl!!

    Can't wait to see your bedroom! The sconces are gorgeous!

    Thanks for the peek!!


  13. The pictures are beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of your finished bedroom!

  14. Well Shellagh, I don't think I've ever been given a nicer compliment! It took me probably about 3 wks I'd say as I wasn't on it constantly, you know what it's like! But I didn't have to sew curtains or make headboards like you. Thanks so much for popping over! take care, Maryann

  15. First off . . . START THE CAR because all those free Boxwood - you saved a fortune. DEFINITELY worth the little bit of inconvenience. I paid at $16 a piece for mine . . . speaking of "ahem". (blush)
    2nd. You made me so tired - I am now ready for bed. You the energy of a half dozen good women. My goodness.
    Excited about the giveaway - YAY! Pictures were awesome . . . my family never would eat just fettucini for dinner . . . by that time I would've picked up something on the way home.
    Whew! What a post! But I loved it! And can't wait to see the finished room!
    Hope today was a little more slow paced for you.
    And have a great tomorrow! Karen

  16. Our leprechauns do the exact same thing. The favorite is the toilet water and the milk. I do admit, it does take a long time to clean everything up after those pesky guys have been through our house, but the kiddos love it!

    Hope they don't create too much of a mess at your house tonight. Maybe they could plant some of those trees for you!

  17. oh Shellagh you tease us so... can't wait to see the redo... wish you were coming to Marburger...



  18. The end result is going to be wonderful and worth all the work. No wonder you're so motivated!

    What a deal on the boxwood--I hate to think what 30 plants would have cost!

  19. Shellagh,
    Just love your style and blog. I must admit I had to sit down and rest after reading it. Where do you get your energy? I want some.

  20. Let me guess.... you are giving away 20 boxwood because you got tired of planting them! ;)

  21. Can't wait! And good luck getting it all done!

  22. I am DYING to see your finished bedroom!
    So what comes next after that? Gotta have a project, ya know! I vote you head on over to my house and start on MY bedroom!


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Sorry! I'll try again. I truly enjoy your blog. And now I can't wait to see your finished room.

  25. Your room is going to be beautiful. Nice score on the boxwood. Did Sadie help load them?

  26. Hey Mrs.T&T~I am so excited for you, can't wait to see it all come together.

    Great Post and Style!

    I didn't know you had cute lil Sadie.I grew up with a Wiggles loved her to death.

    I'm excited for your Giveaway it sounds wonderful and I am thinking it's gunna be some Fabulous Pillows! TTYL~Kim

  27. Love the sconces, and really excited to see the room in it finished comfort and style. I have to mention you never disappoint us with your inspirational pictures.

    See you soon.

  28. Hello over there Shellagh ** insert wave **,

    THANK YOU so much for dropping by....It was LOVELY to hear from you & I'm THRILLED to 'meet' a fellow shabby metal admirer.... :o) !!!

    I've added you to my lists & look forward to sharing our Shabby Vintage Treasures together....!

    I'm off to read through your blog to the start....!

    Warm wishes from Australia,
    Tamarah :o)

  29. Gorgeous pics Shellagh! How lucky are you to get so many boxwoods for free no less!! I can't wait for your bedroom reveal, I am so excited as I know it is going to be so gorgeous!! Wishing you a great rest of the week ~ Tina xx

  30. Hi Shellagh,
    I had my paint mixed at Lowes and they still had the Martha Stewart color charts under the counter just not displayed and it turned out ok maybe the person just mixed yours wrong? this is the code on mine 101-16.5 107-18 109-1.5 Valspar(Satin Ultra White base) Gray Pearl Interior Satin, I hope that helps.

  31. So much taken care of in one day! Makes me dizzy, but kudos to you. Eagerly awaiting final showing of your room! ~ Angela

  32. MAN! Grass just doesn't grow under your feet! I cannot wait to see your room.

    Have a lovely day!


  33. I'm having one of those days too...just stopped to have lunch while folding some clothes and take a peek at some lovely whites to recharge me for the rest of the day!

  34. Dear Shellagh,

    Thank you for that kind comment on my blog!

    I agree with that picture from Bountiful in your side bar - that's the look I'm aiming for - I look at the picture all the time in my personal file!

    Tricia's house is in fact very pretty - I ride past it the days I ride my bike to work!


  35. Wow, you are a busy girl! 30 free boxwoods. How lucky are you? I'm back from vacation and ready to meet up with you at Monticello's. When do you have Spring Break? I think their Sprin event in the garden room starts the first of April. Email me.

    Take care,


  36. Oh my goodness! 30 boxwood??? I don't even know where I would put that many let alone get them planted and on to other things. I would be exhausted!:) You are one busy lady!! Can't wait for your giveaway.

  37. I especially love the white rooms. There is just something so classy about white on white. Very elegant.

  38. I WANT to see your bedroom NOW!!!!!!!!!No presure!!

  39. I cant wait to see your reveal. My room needs a makeover too. Its in bad shape!

  40. Aw, thanks for the shout out...very sweet of you!! Can't wait to see the finished bedroom! I feel your pain with the craziness of trying to get a big project done while still keeping up with the rest of life!!! Good luck...

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  41. Sounds like one of my days!
    At least YOU got a shower!
    PS. Wanna see the bedroom soon!

  42. Shellagh,
    Love Tricia Foley, but your styling is just as gorgeous! I can't wait for the room reveal. The bits & pieces, paint, scones, other teases have me soooo curious! Stop looking at craigslist & get done so you can show us! BTW, will you email the paint color. I lost that post. You know what a copy cat I am, lol :) Lisa

  43. I did the same thing with Box hedging I found on the side of the road. Some one had pulled heaps of them out of their garden and thrown them on the side of the road. I was able to line a whole garden bed with them!! lovely photos, I'm loving your blog and am "following"
    alicia :0)

  44. Wow, what a day! So tell me... what do you do in your spare time? lol. Well, I looked around your blog and found out. I love your slipcovers. All of them. I can't wait to see what you're doing in the room you're working on!

  45. I can't wait to see your finished room...I know it will be spectacular. Pale grey walls, those beautiful sconces and the painted mirror sounds perfect.

  46. Wow, I'm tired after reading all you did. Can't wait to see finished bedroom!

  47. Wow...30 free boxwoods...that's great! Okay...the suspense is killing me...I can tell by the wall color and the sconces that this room is going to be amazing...can't wait.

  48. so beautiful it almost hurt my eyes...does that make sense? FAB.

    thanks for sharing.

    give sadie a kiss and snuggle for me.

  49. Can't wait to see it finished! The gray is going to be fantastic! Was this the room for the aqua dresser? Come on...show us! Show us! ~mary~

  50. Hi,
    the pictures are so lovely and I'm looking forward to see your room !

    Have a nice day


  51. You have such a beautiful blog! I am going to follow your blog as well! I hope you have had a happy weekend!

  52. Nice blog! You have a great eye for that rustic feel of decorating. Enjoyed it. I have become a follower.

  53. Hi Shellagh
    Thanks for stopping by! Love the white pictures and it sounds like you should slow down a bit, girl! Can't wait to see your projects though!

  54. Hello Shellagh...
    I just stopped by to snoop! Seeing what is going on over here and loving everything you do :)

    See you soon, i'll be back to spend more time this evening, I am so loving your post big ideas running through my head.

  55. Holy Samolies Rock n' Rollies....you post made me want to go lay down....smiles.

  56. Hey shellagh,
    Thank you big time for stopping by, I sent you an email with the address to the ebay site.

    Hey you changed your header, It L@@KS GREAT!! it looks like everyone is changing there headers...I need to change mine, I don't want to sound like a cry baby, I just want to keep up with you site designing GIRLS.

    See you soon,
    PS. Tell KIM at white whispers to you that as I am writing you my Ikea give away that I won from her site came right now, Soooo! have to go un-wrap it Hee he!!!

  57. I haven't been to your blog and am so enjoying popping all about it. Your bedroom makeover is amazing!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  58. Love your blog! Where did you get the artificial tulips from? I have been searching for realistic-looking fake tulips for a while now...yours are beautiful and would love to know where you got them. Thanks!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!