Monday, June 11, 2012

~chippy white in the garden~

Hello everyone!!!

where in the world have I been, huh?
I tell ya.....I don't know!
everywhere, no-where, running in circles,
birthday parties, end of school parties
work, working out, working in the yard

I have seriously missed you all!!!

but my little blog vacation is over & I will
try to be more diligent :)

I had some fun the other day snapping pictures
in the garden.....

when my mom passed away almost 13 years ago,
this chippy white garden chair was one of the things I was able to bring home with me....

I just LOVE it......there's also a matching loveseat
and even though they are rickety & tattered....
they remind me of her & I will keep them forever! :)

there were many summer evenings spent with
her, sitting on these very chairs, out on her deck....
enjoying her beautiful yard & garden....

 we had some incredible rain storms here
in the last 8 months  couple weeks
{shocking I know, eh? ;) hee hee} 

so before they even peonies were 
literally laying on the ground....
even with the stakes & supports.....

so what to do other than cut them all!?
and enjoy.....!

oh how I love peonies.....they are just the best....
wish I had a whole garden full....
really wish they bloomed longer & more often...
once a month would be perfect!

the lovely purple behind the chair is
Walker's Low Catmint....
..... it is c.r.a.z.y.....seriously...grows like crazy!
evidently some Catmint is quite invasive, 
but this type is not supposed to be.....
we shall see....this is only it's 2nd year
and it is quite h.u.g.e. 

but I am loving it ~ it really adds to the whole
cottage feel in my garden...

I have Knock Out Roses behind the Catmint...
and they always bloom like crazy as well!

apparently, all the plants have been enjoying
the extremely wet spring...winter...fall...we've had!;)

I've really been enjoying the 50mm lens I bought 
with my camera....
it's the lens that blurs out the background while
keeping the focal point in focus....

well worth the $ money spent.....

I think we are almost caught up on the all weeding
in the garden ~ finally!!

Mr. T & T weeded for me for 4 1/2 hours Saturday, 
while I was working in the Linen Shoppe!
What a sweetie ~ :)

and his rear end is quite sore from all the 'stiffed legged,'
'non-bending' weeding he was doing.....

he said he didn't want to get his pants dirty ~ 
so the 'stiffed legged' 'non-bending' weeding 
 process was invented, that just so happens to
directly target the hamstrings & gluteus maximus

I shouldn't laugh....everytime he stands up... or walks
up or down the stairs.....
cuz that just wouldn't be nice....;)

but it is kinda funny....:)

hope you all have a fantastic week!!!




  1. Encantadoras y dulces imágenes
    feliz semana.......

  2. Sweet chair even sweeter with memories of your mom... The peonies are incredible!!! Have a great day.

  3. What a gorgeous series of garden pictures. They are just beautiful. xo Diana

  4. Welcome back and wowza your pics are incredible - the colors, everything - so so beautiful!

  5. Beautiful peonies and such a lovely garden! Penny

  6. Your mother's chair is precious. I wish peonies lasted longer.

    Love your photos

    Helen xx

  7. Your flowers are gorgeous and your pictures turned out like they are in a magazine! I hope you are getting some sunshine! I would be out in that garden all the time. The chair is precious! :)


  8. SHELLAGH..your peonies are stunning..& your moms chair is so delightful!
    We are enjoying peonies here on the west coast ..but sadley I have only a tiny bush in our shady garden!
    Our daughter has a 50mm lens and is very good with it...says it has made a huge difference!
    Wonderful pics!

  9. I just love, love, love your gorgeous photos! Peonies are my favorite. I first saw your photos on FB and was so glad to see you posted about them as well. Welcome back!!
    You are lucky Mr. T&T weeds, every time my husband does I am missing WHOLE PLANTS!! I think he may be doing it on purpose so I won't ask him to do it again :)


  10. Beautiful pionies darling !! from me...great chair with good love love

  11. Beautiful photos, this chippy white chair is amazing!

  12. What gorgeous Peonies !
    I have really enjoyed looking at them all in all of their elegance.
    I'm sure that your Mother would be looking down with a smile on her face. You have a beautiful blog

  13. So nice to have you back to work!! LOL Love the garden pics...I love my peonies too and so enjoy the short time I can have them!
    Blessings, Lorraine

  14. Glad your back. Love the items that were your moms. My mom is terminally ill and now she is giving the kids her belongings and her mamas and grandmas I have brought home several pieces. And while it is sooooo hard I will treasure them forever... Does it ever get easier?

  15. Hi Shellah,
    Your gardens is aboslutely dreamy. I love peonies too but we can't grow them here where I live :-( But at least I can enjoy their beauty through your beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  16. Gorgeous chippy paint! Love the pink and purple and the soft lighting in your photos! Absolutely beautiful!!
    Miss Bloomers

  17. These photos are gorgeous!! I first saw them on Pinterest! lol I love peonies as well and had ONE lonely flower this year. I don't think I am meant to grow that flower!! :(

  18. lolol! You always make me either grin like crazy or laugh out loud, Shellagh! I can just imagine your husband weeding that way and you giggling at him groaning his way up the stairs. lol!

    Do you realize that we have the exact same things in our gardens...??? I SWEAR that we've been separated at birth, girl! Catmint - check. Knock-out roses - check. Numerous peonies that we wished bloomed longer - check. :) Oh, and a tip on your catmint: If you split it each spring, it won't get overpoweringly large and floppy. Plus you can plant the splits everywhere else in your garden.

    Your photos are absolutely gorgeous!!!! Beautiful pics of that sweet chairs of your momma's. ♥

    [I sooo need one of those cameras and lenses.... :)]

    LUV ya, girlie!!!!

    xoxo laurie

  19. einfach traumhaft deine blumenpracht.
    grüässli daniela

  20. Oh my! the peonies are simply lovely!....smiles

  21. Hi~~ I love your chair tha tis full of such wonderful memories that you can take with you each day as you enjoy your beautiful garden. Love the peonies. We arent able to grow them here so I am very jealous:)

  22. I just loved looking at these photos this pretty

  23. Hey,

    Just getting around to catching up on blog posts since the past few days have been CRAZY!!!!

    Loving your flowers and your photos are amazing! My peonies are just starting to open so I'm going to need to play around with some different photos shoots of them:-)

    Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.


  24. Hello I love your photos. The white chair that belonged to your mum and the peonies are just divine! Thanks for sharing.

  25. WOW!! Absolutely gorgeous photos my friend!!~
    Those peonies are to die for, and I love your mom's white chair, what a special keepsake!
    Hope you have a beautiful weekend.

  26. Wow those are such gorgeous colors!!!

  27. I love love your peonies and the catmint. We only have peonies in Nothern cal for a short period of time. I wish we could grow them. I have them all over my house right now as I know that this is the last week I will see them until next year. Have a great week


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!