Wednesday, March 14, 2012

~sticking my head in the sand~

Hello everyone!!

How are my bloggy friends doing today??

well ~ as you can see from the title
of this post.......

I am officially sticking my head in the sand....

why????? you may ask????

{ok is that the funniest looking creature ever???
just sayin'.....hehehe}

because apparently......
the  ^@#*!`;*%  rain will  n.e.v.e.r.

I want to pretend that it's almost
spring.....and that the sun will shine.....

and that I will possibly be able to play in the garden....
you know....?

but..... such luck...we will....(instead of
having a wee little bit of sun...) 
enjoy sideways rain for at least 6 days in a row....
 yup and we will enjoy snow as well...
not the "bright sunshine-y, blue sky & clear" snow....
nothe kind of snow that is freezing
wet, and miserable.....

can I just say I've been wandering around
my house in a snuggie????
and complaining profusely????
    s n u g g i e.....

the ultimate in complete lameness....
{oh and I do apologize profusely if you are a wandering all hours of the day in a snuggie
it just doesn't do much for making you feel
like you're accomplishing much...
you know.....

but I'm seriously freezing to death....
like wet & cold ya know???
in & out of the house & rain....
wet - cold and the only thing that warms
me up is my snuggie....
{seriously pathetic...I tell ya!! ;) }

oh and, of course, my Sadie dog....
who is perfectly happy being wrapped in a blanket
in my lap the whole entire day....

not that I've ever done that!!! ;)

ok....enough ranting.....
if you know me at all.....
you know by March of 
 e v e r y
year...I start the complaining....
about the rain.....

but it was 70 degrees last week!!!
for 2 full glorious days!!!

I knew it was a set up blessing.....
I should be thrilled for the little peek of sunshine we got...
and stop my complaining.....

so I will just keep my head in the sand....
and my body in the snuggie....
for a little while longer....
and wait patiently for the sun...., that's a little better....

thanks for letting me vent.....
I think I might actually feel better!



{all images and credits found here}



  1. Maybe venting to the whole world will keep that rain and snow away...I hope! There is nothing worse that wanting to play outside and you can't. :(

    I am a snuggie person...I always have one nearby!

    I'm wishing for spring to come your way ~

  2. I hate these early false Spring starts, too. It makes it twice as hard to go back to the reality of March. Stay warm and maybe you can get some wonderful inside projects done...if you can get you-know-who off your lap! xo Diana

  3. I feel for you and know exactly what you are saying. I would be that way right now too but it is pretttttty nice here in Ohio! We have really lucked out this winter and I hope we can continue our luck! In the meantime, your photos are very uplifting...try to keep focused on them!~Hugs, Patti

  4. You're too funny! All I can say (and please don't hate me) is that we are having the weather you want. So......get in your car and drive over to GA. You can see those sunny blue skies and 80 degree temps you're longing for. The weather has been unusually warm here for us this time of year. We didn't get a lick of snow this winter. Now the bees and ants are out in full steam too. You've got to take the good with the bad, I guess. Hang in there. I'm SURE your day will come and the sun will be shining on you before you know it. That snuggie sounds very comfortable though.

  5. Beautiful images, especially the roses!

    If you need a dose of warmth head this way, we are having lovely days this time of year.

    Greetings from the brocantes of France.

  6. Oh how horrible! But I think I may have one even better for you - by better I mean more upsetting:

    We have had PERFECT 70s weather for days now and I am so sick I am not even getting out of bed much.

    I think that's worse than rain.

    It's been a very bad week, and I am taking my antibiotics and my codeine cough syrup and nothing is helping so far.

    Trade ya.

    Love the pics you chose, I hope soon we are both up and happy and in our gardens playing in the dirt.

    Hugs <the germ free kind

  7. Rant away Shellagh. I'm ready to join in : )
    I want to stick my hands in the earth.

  8. Hey Girl,
    Go ahead and vent all you want and yep, it's good for the soul. You always feel better when someone cares enough to listen.
    We bloggers are like that you know.

    I hope your rainy days go away soon, but look at it this way.....April showers bring May flowers.....

    So stay in your snuggie until the time is right.


  9. I feel your pain my friend!!! At least you don't have snow still on the ground and we were without electricty for two mornings in a row...ughhh!!!!!

    Where oh where is that beautiful warm sunshine??? Maybe you and I need a trip to go find some? Sounds fun!!!


  10. I feel with from

  11. Yes, vent you may. I feel it too....although our weather seems sunny, it has been bitingly cold....and we know now that rain is due this weekend...all go ahead and let out your makes it easier on the rest of us...
    False spring is hard...
    Hang in there and stay in touch...

  12. Oh, you poor dear! I feel so sorry for you, Shell! You just stay all snuggly with your furbaby til the sun shines again.

    (I promise I won't tell you that it was 75 with not a cloud in the sky today...with 80 in the forecast for this weekend, and my deck furniture is all out, and the gardens have been cleaned up.....Nope. Won't say a word...)


    Sending sunshiny hugs to you, sweetie! ♥

    xoox laurie

  13. We must have gotten the weather you was 80 degrees today! But believe me, before this I would have been begging you for your Snuggie...even the pup's to wrap around my cold feet!

    Hopefully the sun will shine soon! :)


  14. Gorgeous pictures! We are enjoying some good Spring days now - yours are on the way!

  15. Hi Shellagh,
    I say come and visit me...ha ha!! We are having wonderful weather here in lower Michigan. Forecast is 70's and 80's all week long!! I can't believe it. I went to town today wearing a sweater not a coat and had to take the sweater off because it was too warm. Loving it!!
    So sorry for you though!!

  16. Ha! You are very entertaining! Won't you appreciate it even more when the glorious sun does come out and your plants are growing because they have been nourished? We are, as always, in a major drought here in Colorado, I wish we could share some of that rain. Love your post, as always.


  17. I live in the same part of this beautiful country as you do and I too am very tired of the sideways rain and feeling sooo cold. I love the beautiful spring pictures you shared.

  18. I knoooooooow! Me toooooooo! Now, where's my snuggie... ;)

  19. Sunny and warm in Ontario and I'm lapping it up! ~ Maureen

  20. Love those images....they just made my day brighter because I've been stuck inside with the flu!

  21. OMG this garden is so beautiful I'm all in awe! Is that your garden? Well I'm in love and I'm coming over to move in with you right now, despite the rain (that we have here too).
    I hope it's okay to pin your lovely garden pictures to my pinterest garden inspiration board, if not please let me know and I'll delete them. Thanky you for sharing and for inspiring us!
    Sending you warm Spring wishes for happy garden days soon to come from Germany

  22. Oh my! Sometimes I wish we had snow and cold weather until I hear about the wet cold and for 6 days! It would get tough. But just think of the flowers you will having! So much better then ours. We will be having a long summer, I think. Can't even work outside because of the heat for 8 months! But I will say we are having beautiful weather now! Stay warm and dry, spring will come soon!

  23. Oh I hear ya sista! It's been pretty much the same around here lately complete with the 70 degree teaser weather. Gosh there is just so much garden inspiration on here and I'm SO ready! xo ~Lili

  24. Well I guess we are all feeling the lack of spring! We have had rain snow hail & sun all in one day!
    We are trying to imagine what working in the garden will be like....soon...please!

  25. Come to my neck of the woods , Eastern Canada no fun when it comes to teasing spring days...BUT I MUST SAY OUR "SUMMER'S" ROCK...Come by and visit me sometime when you get a chance!!! You make me laugh...Blessings Lori

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