Friday, February 10, 2012

~whatcha eatin'??~

Happy Friday!!!!!

I love love love Fridays......
yes, you know this cuz I probably
say it only every time I post
on a Friday....:)

ok....the last time we chatted...I was
going on & on about our fabulous
weather.....sunshine....things budding...

welp, it's all gone...
yup....the rain is seriously back...

and you would think we could
just   g  r  a  d  u  a  l  l  y   ease into the
massive rain
but nah....
we gotta just go from 0 -60....
one day happy sunny flowers about to bloom spring ~ the next grey gloomy
depressing nonstop rain....

now I am most definitely not
complaining....cuz I just don't do that
sort of thing....
{yes, I know I am lying here....hahahaha}
you can't NOT complain about the

well yes, I suppose it is humanly possible...
I do have a friend who says...

*insert sarcasm here*
"I love the doesn't bother me..."
*insert very bad attitude here*
uh huh....sure it doesn't....
ya right~ hehehe :)

so what does the rain have to do with eating???

just had to update ya...cuz I know you
are just dying to know what the
weather is like & how I feel about it right??

so what in the world is this post about?


watcha eatin????

Mr. T & T and I have gotten serious...
serious about leaning up....
serious about working out...
all that stuff...

and unless of course you've been living
under a rock
{no offense of course if you are living under a rock or just haven't heard this!! ;)}'s a pretty well known fact
that diet accounts for at least 80% of
your results.....

"you can't exercise away a bad diet.."

so we've been eating a lot of what we call
"green & white"

that would be
green veggies & white meat....:)

but we are not so over the top that we
don't add any condiments & stuff...
but primarily smaller meals, protein & veggies
and moderate complex carbs....
and lifting weights mixed with cardio...
{and in case anyone is curious~ I am still running about 2-3x week!:)}

now granted....we are only really a week into
this "for real this time" situation....
but we've been having fun!

we've been meeting at the gym in the late
afternoons & working out together
 ~ ahhhhh so nice ;)
{boy am I so sarcastic today??!!}

wow~ check out those abs!!!!
well those will "never" be mine
not with the gigantic babies
I was blessed with....but one can dream huh??

so these recipes here are actually healthy...
even the cake!!
yep!! chocolate protein powder & other good
stuff is used in it ~

so if you try them let me know!

I'll be trying at least a couple of these
recipes in the next week or so ~
I'll let you know!

have an awesome weekend!!



{all images w/ their credits found here}


  1. Hurray for you! I am happy to hear you are still running and eating so well! That's a lot of inspiration for me! I have to and white!

    Love all you images of the white open shelving I have that at the lake and if I add one more thing to the shelves they will fall down. It's hard not to want to display every white or unique piece you own!

    I hope the rain eases up...we finally had some snow today!


  2. Well, we Texans are still happy to see the rain. Had a bit more last night. ;-)
    Good luck with your green and white diet. Your dishes look delicious!

  3. I loved looking at all of the wonderful photos..The one with the abs was just plain wrong..HaHa..One can dream though..Have a great weekend..

  4. Hi shellagh

    Great for you hooray!!! Satying healthy is so very important. I don't think I will ever have abs like that either. Have a wonderful weekend


  5. Oh I forgot to add the kitchen inspiration was dreamy LOVE IT


  6. Hola!

    -Preciosos posts, que bonito todo: es una maravilla pasarse por su blog!.


  7. How nice that you two meet in the afternoon to workout together, i always like having Duane with me when I walk and especially when we bike. With the white stuff on the ground right now, we better find another form of working out because I can feel the effects of winter when i try to zip up my jeans!!!
    LOVE the kitchen photos, gorgeous!

  8. Darling Shellagh it's always a pleasure pass to visit you, but especially in this grey never ending snowy day...

  9. This is fun !! and what a delicious food from me...happy

  10. Gorgeous photos as usual, anything with ironstone in it makes me swoon!
    And did you have to post all of that yummy food, I'm starving and drooling all over my computer! :)
    Have a great weekend Shellagh!

  11. You know what? I think if my kitchen looked like the kitchen in your photos....I wouldn't have to eat. I would just want to sit in the middle of it and gaze at it lovingly....Now that's MY kinda diet.

    However....if it really starts to bother you that you're sitting in your pretty kitchen eating that gorgeous chocolate cake without me and wondering if I'd want a (BIG)'d be right. Feel free to stuff one in an envelope and mail it right out to me. :)

    xoxo laurie

  12. PS Keep runnin', girlie! I'm right behind youuuuu...

    (with my cake)....

    xoxo laurie

  13. Your blog is so so amazing...I love all your shelves and how you display your love for dishes on them...I invite you to check out my new blog...Blessings Lori

  14. Great photos, love the kitchen! And, that spinach-strawberry-feta-pecan salad, one of my faves. Nutritious spelled D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! Hehe Thanks for the inspiration. I need all I can get! Lol Love your blog!

    Happy week,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  15. Your kitchen is fabulous....and you have great recipes...Thank you for sharing it all.
    I hope you visit my site again...and see what I have been doing...(

  16. Way to go Shellagh! It sounds like you are enjoying the healthy eating. After Dale found out he had type two diabetes we have been eating so much better too. It really makes a difference!

    Darn that rain!!!! I hope you see the sun soon : )

    sending hugs...

  17. Keep up the good work mind, body and soul :)
    Love all that inspires you my friend, in turn you inspire us!

    Lots of love

  18. I hope the sun
    is shining by
    now, Shellagh!
    Mom and Dad
    are coming home
    from a three week
    cruise {from Hawaii
    to Tahiti, no less}
    and it will be a bummer
    if it's all grey and
    gloom. Are all those
    pics of YOUR kitchen?
    Seriously loving each
    and every one. Some
    day I will have a white
    kitchen, again : )

    SUNNY {but crisp} hugs
    from Minnesota!

    xx Suzanne


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!