Wednesday, December 28, 2011

~what to do what to do!~

Hello there!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas
and are enjoying this week!

I've definitely been enjoying some
much needed down time......

in fact ~ I stayed in my new fuzzy
bathrobe all day yesterday!!
well ~ I did change out of it for about 2 hours....
just long enough to go to dinner with my
then I was back in....snug & warm....
& settled in for movie....

I'm thinking I might be ready to do something
tomorrow......something productive....
but let's not rush things....hee hee

will it be working out????

{not that I need it or anything after
living on fudge and chocolate covered
pretzels for um well 2 weeks....}

will it be cleaning something???

highly recommended since I have
company coming this weekend.....

or......... will it be redoing something??

like....say.....ripping out the bathroom
vanity & putting in an old dresser???

why yes...the dresser is sitting out in the garage....
oh to twist Mr. T & T's arm....

alas...he's so much more
and r.e.a.s.o.n.a.b.l.e.
then me.....

hee hee

I'm just glad that the urge to
do something
is beginning to return....
have to admit ~ I was getting a little
worried at my majorly lazy self....

I think I needed this little staycation.....

What are you up to??

Where are you at???

ready to jump back in to projects?
or ready to jump back into bed?? :)

love to hear from you!



all images found here

Friday, December 16, 2011

~need a little getaway?~

Happy Friday my friends!

yep, it is definitely my favorite day
of the my Fridays....
and guess what?  the sun is peeking out
from the's gonna be sunny today!!
yay!! :)

well, we're winding down here at the Linen Shoppe...
only a few more orders to finish & then it's

and I think that's why I'm so drawn to this
today....this escape....


~we've had a lot of Christmas....yes?
~we've seen a lot of crafts....yes?
~we've got our lists written, shopping
done (what?? I do?), been crafting away,
decorating away, baking & fluffing,
wrapping & stuffing....and now....

....we need a little break....
we need a little nap....
right here....

with the window open...
and the soft breeze drifting in...
with the faint smell of lavender....

and maybe a little bubble bath?
and a little toe painting?

those always go hand & hand with me...
bubble baths & toe painting....

oh wow....take a look at those travertine floors
up there.....oh my....I cannot get enough

ok...can you be in love with a sink?
because I seriously am....{and there we have more
travertine too...ahhh....}

shall we make a 'fresh from the garden' salad?
because it's the middle of summer ya know?
add a little fresh herbs?

we can sit in here....or

or here...I'm thinking we better go out here....
and soak up a little sun.....

when we're done eating our lunch & sipping
on lemon water....

maybe we'll feel like reading a great book...
or thumbing through several hundred

or pinning a few pins...hee hee

{now, I'm trying to keep the techy stuff
outta here on this little getaway ~ so
I'm thinking we're unplugged...all the way...}
I know scary...

but who needs to be pinning when we can
soak up this view??
and breathe the fresh air?

I'm thinking a little walk would be perfect about right now...

maybe there's a cute little market down
the road....where we can pick up yummy stuff
for dinner? 
some fresh bread?
and cheese & fruit?
{I could be perfectly content eating baguettes,
cheese & fruit...forever...period.}

maybe there's a darling little hole in the wall
antique browse about....

and when we're all tuckered out...
and ready to come back...
we'll make some dinner here....

and then relax by the fire....

I don't want to wake you up.....
I'll just quietly sneak away~
and wish you a wonderful weekend....



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

~the best of the best Christmas crafts~

Hello hello!!

It's Wednesday a.l.r.e.a.d.y.....
crazy how the time is speeding by!

a bizillion Christmas craft ideas...
I'm hoping to have time  s  o  o  n   to
play & create....
here's a few that made the A list....

cute angel wings....
wouldn't these be sweet hanging on the tree?

I couldn't find a template for the wings....
but I think you could almost trace gently over
your computer screen, no?
probably a big no-no for sure....
otherwise maybe free hand it?

sticking with the book pages, newsprint theme
how about this darling little birdie ornament??
I love the little doily & button...
so cute!

here's a similar bird template you can
print & trace....
you can also go here to get it:

what I really really reeeaaallllyyy
want to make are these little bird ornaments....
this is from Lulu's tree

they are just precious ~ but I'm thinking they
would be quite time consuming & I need
a lot. of. them....

but who knows?  maybe the urge will
strike & I'll give it a whirl....:)

so what else is super cute, you ask??
I love this wax paper garland!!
so easy & looks dreamy on a tree
don't ya think?!

and how about wax paper garland
mixed with little paper birds??
ok...actually think that is button garland (down below)
but either way...cute!

ya got a lot of buttons in a jar somewhere?
I know you do....:)

this is the sweetest little button star....

I have no clue how they made this one, but
I'm thinking....cut a star out of super
sturdy cardboard....spray paint cream
if you like...and hot glue the buttons on!?

wouldn't this make a nice gift as well?
love all the different vintage buttons...

are you still with me??
are you bored yet??

ok then ~ just checking....:)

who has made these clay tags?
definitely want to try...

and can't forget about my cones....
so easy & darling...

AND cute to hang

ok I just a couple more!
got little ones??
I thought these were too cute!

and lastly cute little candy cane hearts.....
wanna make these too...
my goodness....too much to look at & make huh?

well I'm off to take my daughter Madi
to Drivers Ed...yikes...yep she's got
her permit now & is practicing


hope this inspires you to get crafting!

head on over to here
and here
to get instructions &

Happy crafting & creating....



Monday, December 12, 2011

~a glimpse of Christmas at home~

Hello everyone!
Happy Monday to you :)

I had fun decorating a little
over the weekend......
we've had our tree up & decorated for a week
now but not too much else......

but I finally had some time to "play" and
it was so much fun!

I really didn't want to "think" too much ~
just wanted to let it flow....
so I opened all my bins &
grabbed a little here & there
and started playing around....

robbed the Linen Shoppe of a display
stocking....thought "hey, I know where
some cute stockings are ~ might as well
use them!"

climbed & tugged on branches from our
cedar tree for some nice greens to play with....
and mixed it up w/ a little glitter here & there

I started with my front entry table....once I got
it done, I was motivated to keep going....
I actually did a lot on my front porch, but
will have to show you pictures another
day ~ because my camera is really acting up!!

I got this cute bundle of books from
I replaced the floral ribbon with
the red plaid for Christmas

she has the cutest little Etsy store~
head over if you haven't been there...
you won't be disappointed!

I actually had this old enamelware bowl
in the goodwill pile not too long ago....
{I know a moment of sheer insanity...}
Mr. T & T snagged it out & gave me a tongue
lashing!! ha ha not really but he did snatch it out of
the box! 

I swapped out the antique blue striped
grainsack, on my sofa, for a red striped one....
I love the touch of red this year!

I made up this little "believe" pillow ~
thought it so fitting for our girls...

those who don't "believe" don't get any presents
from Santa...right?

I remember my mom never would admit
the possibility of "no Santa" to me...

I've never admitted it to my kiddos either ~
they've pretty much cornered me & said
"Mom, we know..."
"know what???" I say...
they just laugh & go on with their day! hee hee

I just remember how depressing it felt when
I knew for sure.....
it definitely put a bit of a damper on the season
for me....but that only lasted until I had my own
children.....and what a have Christmas with
little ones!! :)

my little Allie....still wonders about Santa....
although I think this will be the last year
for's kinda hard for a kiddo to believe
when all the kids on the school bus tell them
"it's your parents!!!"
argh!!!  I wish they'd stop!!

my camera completely pooped out after this this is just a snippet of our tree....
it's pretty simple along with the rest of our decor
this year....a little red, a little white & cream
a lot of homemade ornaments of the kids'....
little school pictures glued onto construction
paper & such...
I love it!

almost forgot to show you this darling
little postcard I picked up last week....

the little "frog" is so teeny & adorable!!
it's probably less than an inch wide!
I was sold instantly, although I'm sure
I paid too much.... ;)

I hope you're all doing fantastic &
merrily going about getting ready
for Christmas!



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

~simple swedish decor~

Hello there!!

I didn't make it for my Monday post....
I was buried in linen & grainsacks....

my life is a little  i.n.s.a.n.e. right now
filling orders in the Linen Shoppe

we are a "2 man" show but even with my
super ninja sewing girl......I have been swamped with
cutting, image transfers, & everything else that
goes with running a business....

I do feel very grateful for my little business though,
and thank you all for your support :)

due to my current state of craziness,
I think I'm leaning towards a more simple
look for Christmas this year....

I really like this home ~ and it's simple
touches of Christmas here & there...

I have to tell you though ~
the notion of decorating my kid's rooms
flew right out the window when my little Allie
(well not so little...age 11)
was so excited to show me the lights she
put up in her room......

she was begging me to come look....
uh oh...I'm thinking in my blogging brain....

.....and here's what my little sweets came up with....

oh, you like the JB poster???
no, it's not for sale....don't even think about it!! lol...

so I walk in & she's got a very nice string
of lights starting from her doorway ~
across her closet....
to the top of her dresser~
and the JB poster & beyond....

and the best part??
the special fashion in which she attached
them to the walls....

yep, that would be priority mail tape...
.....such a nice touch....;)
hee hee....

what to do ... what to do....

I kissed her on the forehead & tucked her into
bed and told her it was beautiful....

walked out of the room and thought
okie dokie.....
guess I won't be showing that on the ol'
decorating blog...hee hee hee
 these are the moments to remember huh?

would you like a little more eye candy?
{and not the 11 year old variety!)

I love these yummy drapes....
with the simple wreaths tied w/ ribbon...

and the look on this kitty's face is so funny!
like...what are you doing????

love this little chandy....
that would probably be easy to make huh?
well sorta....ok, not so much but I bet
there's some amazing blogger girls
who could whip it up in an hour or so!

btw...where do these very cooperative
kiddos come from?
you know the ones who don't put up
JB posters?
or green strings of Christmas lights?

oh I'm only kidding.....I love love love
my kiddos & their amazing decorating

Hope you're having a great week!!



{images via skona hem}