Monday, December 12, 2011

~a glimpse of Christmas at home~

Hello everyone!
Happy Monday to you :)

I had fun decorating a little
over the weekend......
we've had our tree up & decorated for a week
now but not too much else......

but I finally had some time to "play" and
it was so much fun!

I really didn't want to "think" too much ~
just wanted to let it flow....
so I opened all my bins &
grabbed a little here & there
and started playing around....

robbed the Linen Shoppe of a display
stocking....thought "hey, I know where
some cute stockings are ~ might as well
use them!"

climbed & tugged on branches from our
cedar tree for some nice greens to play with....
and mixed it up w/ a little glitter here & there

I started with my front entry table....once I got
it done, I was motivated to keep going....
I actually did a lot on my front porch, but
will have to show you pictures another
day ~ because my camera is really acting up!!

I got this cute bundle of books from
I replaced the floral ribbon with
the red plaid for Christmas

she has the cutest little Etsy store~
head over if you haven't been there...
you won't be disappointed!

I actually had this old enamelware bowl
in the goodwill pile not too long ago....
{I know a moment of sheer insanity...}
Mr. T & T snagged it out & gave me a tongue
lashing!! ha ha not really but he did snatch it out of
the box! 

I swapped out the antique blue striped
grainsack, on my sofa, for a red striped one....
I love the touch of red this year!

I made up this little "believe" pillow ~
thought it so fitting for our girls...

those who don't "believe" don't get any presents
from Santa...right?

I remember my mom never would admit
the possibility of "no Santa" to me...

I've never admitted it to my kiddos either ~
they've pretty much cornered me & said
"Mom, we know..."
"know what???" I say...
they just laugh & go on with their day! hee hee

I just remember how depressing it felt when
I knew for sure.....
it definitely put a bit of a damper on the season
for me....but that only lasted until I had my own
children.....and what a have Christmas with
little ones!! :)

my little Allie....still wonders about Santa....
although I think this will be the last year
for's kinda hard for a kiddo to believe
when all the kids on the school bus tell them
"it's your parents!!!"
argh!!!  I wish they'd stop!!

my camera completely pooped out after this this is just a snippet of our tree....
it's pretty simple along with the rest of our decor
this year....a little red, a little white & cream
a lot of homemade ornaments of the kids'....
little school pictures glued onto construction
paper & such...
I love it!

almost forgot to show you this darling
little postcard I picked up last week....

the little "frog" is so teeny & adorable!!
it's probably less than an inch wide!
I was sold instantly, although I'm sure
I paid too much.... ;)

I hope you're all doing fantastic &
merrily going about getting ready
for Christmas!




  1. Hi Shellagh,
    Your home looks absolutely beautiful!!! I take some of those yummy stockings too! :) I'm just waiting for my older son to come home asking me about Santa. I hope it won't be for another few years though.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Oh, everything looks so fresh and festive! I love the greens!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Like your post......what a beautiful decoratings !! your house in christmas from

  4. That white enamelware looks so perfect with the greens and pine cones. I just love your touches of red and the plaid ribbon too. Everything looks simply beautiful and festive! ~Lili

  5. Everything looks so beautiful! I am afraid that this is the last year for Max too, unfortunately he is one of the few third graders to still believe and he rides the bus too :(
    I have told my other 4 and will tell him when he asks, I still believe... I believe in the spirit of Santa and always will. Then I tell the rest, if you don't believe you don't receive! I never had to worry about my own telling their younger siblings though, they always feel so bad for the one who finds out.
    On to happier thoughts... your home is gorgeous! I love the believe pillow on your amazing sofa!

  6. Everything looks so beautiful! I am afraid that this is the last year for Max too, unfortunately he is one of the few third graders to still believe and he rides the bus too :(
    I have told my other 4 and will tell him when he asks, I still believe... I believe in the spirit of Santa and always will. Then I tell the rest, if you don't believe you don't receive! I never had to worry about my own telling their younger siblings though, they always feel so bad for the one who finds out.
    On to happier thoughts... your home is gorgeous! I love the believe pillow on your amazing sofa!

  7. Everything looks so beautiful! I am afraid that this is the last year for Max too, unfortunately he is one of the few third graders to still believe and he rides the bus too :(
    I have told my other 4 and will tell him when he asks, I still believe... I believe in the spirit of Santa and always will. Then I tell the rest, if you don't believe you don't receive! I never had to worry about my own telling their younger siblings though, they always feel so bad for the one who finds out.
    On to happier thoughts... your home is gorgeous! I love the believe pillow on your amazing sofa!

  8. Hi~ I love what you have done for Christmas. It is so beautiful. I love your Believe charming. Thanks for sharing.

  9. My Mom would never admit there wasn't a Santa, never. So, I have been a believer forever!

    I love all the pretty Christmas decor around your home. Love the sweet believe pillows.


  10. So pretty Shellagh. The touches of red are just perfect! And isn't it wonderful that you have such a great 'stash' to rob from.

    Happy Holidays!

    ~~ Connie

  11. I really like the casual arrangement in that urn -

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Oh my gosh....we DO think alike, don't we, Shellagh?! lol! I couldn't tear my eyes away from that red grain sack across the back of your sofa, girlie. Wowweee. Instant love!!! Your decorating is just beautiful. Love that little Joy to the World sign in the bottle. Great idea!

    Now....if you ever get tired of that red grain sack....I know a reeeeally good home for it.... :)

    Hugs to you, sweetie!!!

    xoxo laurie

  13. Oh my..Iknow how ya feel..When the kids told my girls, when they were younger,that there was no Santa they were told by me that those who believe when they get older always have a gift from the "Spirit of Santa" and those who don't don't..To this day at 29 and 33 (along with their husbands who are 30 and 35) there is always a gift from Santa under the tree for them..Because they still believe in the Spirit of Santa..Love your decorations..You have a beautiful home..

  14. Your home is beautiful all dressed up for the season! Just the right touches of red. :)

  15. LOVE your sweet xmas touches shellagh! merci for your very kind praisse about my book bundles! made me smile! merry xmas mon amie! :)

  16. I LOVE the touches of greenery from your cedar tree much more than pine that I see {and used myself!} It's so feathery! The vignette you made is so sweet. You have the perfect touch with color and arrangement. I really do love everything!!

    Happy Holidays!


  17. Your home is so festive looking. I adore the stocking hanging over the window.

  18. Simply beautiful Shellagh!!
    Merry Christmas to you~xoxo~Suebee
    We Believe!

  19. It all looks so cozy and cheerful! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  20. Shellagh

    Your home is always a place of beauty and wonder. Every picture had me drooling over the loveliness. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Stop by I 'm having a shopping spree giveway.


  21. Everything looks so beautiful!
    Going back to pin a few!

  22. It all looks wonderful Shellagh! :) Have a Very Merry Christmas my friend!! xoxo Rachel

  23. Everything looks so wonderful Shellagh! I love all the beautiful greenery everywhere! The silver urn filled w/ green and red is really pretty!

  24. Adorei tudo! A slipcover foi você quem fez também?

  25. Love the touches of red, Shellagh. the enamelware bowl is wonderful, good thing you snagged it back!! Have a wonderful Christmas Season! xo

  26. I love your decorating here Shellagh! The stockings are fabulous and I love your touches of green and red. Petite Michelle is a wonderful friend - I've had the utmost pleasure of spending time with her. Isn't she so inspirational?
    I don't think I'll tell my kids about you-know-who, either. My eldest is 6 and I hope he believes as long as possible. :)
    I wish you a wonderful Christmas.
    Happy WW, Susan

  27. Stunning, especially love the stocking with the Fluer des Le on it!

  28. I love the vignette you put together. The stocking is so amazing, I love it! The greenery adds a beautiful touch and I love the script ornaments, too. Gorgeous, all of it!


  29. Everything looks so beautiful and festive! At our house (we have one almost-19-year-old son), we all believe ... if you don't, you don't get "Santa" gifts, only "mom" gifts (socks, underwear, etc) ... and that's no fun, lol

    Have a wonderful Christmas!


  30. BEAUTIFUL!!! Love everything....the greenery, the touches of it!!

    New follower! And I will be back!

    Lou Cinda

  31. It is all so lovely Shellagh! I love all the beautiful cedar you used in your decorating. Everything looks so festive and I'll bet the children love it.
    I still remember the day I learned there was no Santa. I thought my world had ended :( Like I just lost my best friend.
    Truly? You had that bowl in the pile to go to goodwill? Shame on you!:)
    hugs from here...

  32. All your decor looks so lovingly festive! I love that stocking.

  33. Everything is just peacefully perfect Shellagh :)

    I also believe.

    Blessings to you and yours.
    Merry Christmas.

  34. Oh my goodness! Your decorations are truly beautiful and I love, love, love your tiny chalkboard sign!

  35. Your home is always so beautiful. I love what you do! Thanks for sharing and making my heart go pitter patter.

  36. Looking good! I love the little pops of "red" everywhere:-)

    I'm frantically trying to get things done around my house so I'll have time to "clean" before my family comes on Christmas Day. Only 11 days left..Yikes!!



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