Thursday, November 24, 2011

~Happy Thanksgiving & a winner!~

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We are having a wonderful time
visiting family in the Seattle

Spending time with my "little" fun!

{he's got a death grip on my hand to stop the tickling :)....}

we'v'e been baking, laughing, cooking,
giggling, playing games, and
looking through very old pictures
of family....

 and *bonus*
he loves to cook!!
kinda nice break for me!

So the winner of the
2 stockings & a 20%
discount on stuff from

by random number generator.....
which selected #84
the lucky girl is............

Andrea (AndeM1) !!!!

I'm so excited ~ because Andrea was
one of my very first customers way back
when my store first opened!!

and the sweetie girl already ordered a stocking
for her close friend!  Now you get your
own 2 stockings for free,  Andrea! :)

Thanks so much everyone for following
my blog & supporting my store :)

I feel like I have a big group of friends
out there that I can pour my heart out to
anytime......I am grateful for you all &
for your friendships!

Hope you have a wonderful




  1. Great photo of you and your brother. Looks like a fun time.
    I'm glad that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, now it's on to the festivities!

    Congrats to the winner.


  2. sounds like you're having a wonderful time. so happy for you! happy Thanksgiving! and congrats to andrea! lucky gal! ;)

  3. Looks like you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
    And I'm thankful for you and all your blogging!!

  4. Wonderful photo and Congrats to Andrea! Happy Friday! xo Diana

  5. Looks and sounds like ya had a great Thanksgiving..Congratulations to Andrea..

  6. Happy Thanksgiving
    to you and your family!
    We are in Maryland
    visiting my little bro
    and his family and,
    guess what? He lies
    to cook, too; yay!!

    xx Suzanne

  7. Hey Shellagh, it's your long lost friend from Texas! I love catching up on your blog because you have such amazing ideas & your home.....well it's wonderful. I love the stocking tutorial. I have so many awesome graphics but I can never get that citri-sol stuff to work for me. Any tips?
    Hope your Thanksgiving was great!

  8. You two are so cute, Shellagh! It's certainly a blessing to have such a great relationship with a sibling - especially one who loves to cook! lol! Glad you're having a great time with family! Hugs to you, sweetie! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  9. Is that your running suit you have on....??? :) I worked out in the yard today for a couple hours. Does that count...? lol!

    xoxo laurie

  10. Stopping by to wish you well this holiday season. Cute photo of you and your brother. ~ Sarah


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!