Monday, November 14, 2011

~Christmas in the kitchen~

Happy Monday!

How is everyone doing today???
I'm good....

can you even believe Thanksgiving is a little
more than a week away???

yikes...and that means Christmas
is coming up real quick like...

like...time to drag out decorations...
{now that didn't sound very positive did it?? hee hee}

but doesn't it just seem like the end of summer still?
ok, not really....let's go with the end of October?

I think 2 full months of October would suit me fine....
just need a bit more time to get ready for the

but I do believe they are "upon" us....
it's time.....yep....
the 24/7 Christmas music has begun....
{my 11 year old daughter was gleeful over this!! }

and since
we'll be spending a lot of time in our
kitchens this next week or so,

I thought it'd be nice to look at some pretty
kitchens.....all dressed up & ready for the
holidays....maybe it'll rub off & get me Mr. T & T
all jazzed up to crawl into the attic & haul
down 10 tubs of Christmas.....

now, who wouldn't want to do that?
what fun it'll be!
 hee hee hee

these pics are very inspiring...
aren't they???

see's working...
getting those creative juices going....

oh bulbs.....bulbs in containers...
bulbs in cups....bulbs in teapots...

I need bulbs...

I mean how can any self respecting blogger
decorator professional pinner person
go on without forcing bulbs???

so totally beautiful....
love them!!

I've got the cutest little containers
that I do believe I'll be forcing some bulbs
in this Christmas.....
{now if that wasn't the longest run-on sentence of all time....}

sorry, got a little off track there.....
the bulbs sucked me in & got me all crazy like...

where was I?
oh yes....
talking about cute kitchens, getting ready
for the holidays....sending Mr. T & T up into the attic
to drag down Christmas tubs, & wanting 2 Octobers
each year.....
how could I lose that train of thought???

where are you "at"?
are you feeling ready to go?
ready to decorate?
ready for Thanksgiving?

ready for fudge, turkey, cookies, ham, treat plates,
candy canes, stuffing, cranberries, pine needles,
bulbs, trees, wreaths, pine cones, ribbon, packaging,
and s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g.?

am I making you tired?

share your thoughts!

Have a great day!!



{all images with links can be found here}


  1. LOVE those images you chose!! Are alot from Jeanne D'arc? So pretty!! xoxo Rachel

  2. Wonderful, inspirational images. Simple yet so 'em.

  3. If I wasn't ready before I am now! Those photos are truly inspiring!!
    I have hubby getting the Christmas tubs out of the garage today too. Don't we just love the husband's!! They can deal with all of the spiders in the attic's and garages!! :)
    Hope you have a beautiful week Shellagh!!
    P.S. I love seeing posts from you so frequently now!!!

  4. Oh, those Scandis know how to do Christmas! Love those photos. My gifts are all bought and wrapped. Don't hate me, but I love Christmas!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful !!! from me.......♥.. ♥... ♥....

  7. Darling Shellagh these images are gorgeous, especially the first one!
    I love so simple Christmas decorations.
    Thank you for share

  8. Okay you have now scared me and sent me into a panic. thanks for that. :)

  9. lol! You crack me up so much, Shellagh! Where in the world do you get all of your brain energy, girl...??? lol! Have you been pinning again.....???? (you stalker, you!) hehehe! These pics are just gorgeous. Of course, I had to pin a few. lol! Guess what I did yesterday? Got all of my JDA-inspired Christmas decor up! yay! It's all done and I'm sitting here just enjoying every single bought and merc candle.... ♥ Luv ya!

    xoxo laurie

  10. i soooo love xmas but i don't even THINK about decorating around here until after thanksgiving. the minute that "tryptophan" is digested though....the attic boxes come down and the "decking of the halls" commences!! LOL! :)

  11. Your pictures have inspired me to do a little more decorating in the kitchen other than a few statues and a wreath!! Everything is very simple and it! And yes, the hauling out of the tubs in my basement is the worst part. That's why I procrastinate. But this year I am going to be early {hopefully!!}

    Have a great evening. You forgot to mention your weather!


  12. Beautiful inspiration! I'm looking forward to seeing Christmas at your place! :)

    Have a great week!

  13. Greetings, Shellagh!

    I'm new here and am loving your images - such beautiful kitchen dreams and very inspiring, indeed. I love the simple, sophisticated touches.

    Linda at Beautiful ideas

  14. Those are some beautiful kitchens..Slowly getting ready for Thanksgiving and then the Christmas season kicks into full gear here..I can't wait..I love Christmas but like you I could have Fall be my season year round..Have a great week..

  15. I'm with you about the 'end of summer' thing.... the sun will be shining and I'll go outside in a hoody and then FREEZE, and it hits me, I am still in denial.

    I have one Christmas vignette on display in the kitchen.... but do dread bringing in all those huge bins from the garage.... until I see the contents, and then I will be excited!!!

    Beautiful inspiring kitchens!
    ~ Violet

  16. that first picture is awesome! and totally makes me want to update the house here....ugh...such a quickness to this time isn't there??

  17. i like this wonderfull kitchen!!! we don`t have thanksgiving in germany but we know it from many films and i like the big turkey and the whole family round the table...i wish you a wonderfull time and thankx for inspiring me...greets from the north coast of germany, silvi

  18. Hi Shellagh
    I love all that you inspire, the serving cart is my favorite, well one of my favorites :)
    I am sure your Thanksgiving will be beautiful.

  19. Yes, I am getting in the mood. You found some beautiful inspiration to get us all going. My five year old was pretty excited when I put some Christmas music on today...I thought it would motivate me.

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  21. Could you tell me the patter of the white dishes?

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