Thursday, September 15, 2011

~lovely cottage full of books~

Hello hello!!

Happy Thursday to my bloggy friends!

I've got the cutest home to share with you, but first
 a weather goodness, how will
you go on without knowing the weather over here! hee hee...

today is lovely...clouds are clearing off to
some beautiful 70 degree sunshine....
we were actually in the 90's for a week or 2~
just as soon as the kids started back to school.... go back to school & weather gets hot!!
C  R  A  Z  Y!!!

is this not the cutest little cottage??
k, not really so little but sooooo cute & full of
charm &  B  O  O  K  S!

I loooooooooove books.........!
in fact, I hate...hate...hate to leave bookstores...
Mr. T & T has to push & nudge me out the door as
the stores close up for the day........
There is just  N O T H I N G  better
than sitting in a big comfy chair with a stack
of there??? :)

so I was particularly drawn to this home
which is full of them!

I think since the weather here is so gloomy 99% most
of the time.....that in order to soothe myself on those
miserable rainy days ~  I dream up a scheme of
sitting in a cozy chair, sipping hot tea, wrapped in warm blanket, with a big ol' pile of books.....

it is the only way to survive in the NW!
that of course & a bunch of Jane Austen movies!

but no need to go there right now.....
not yet because the sun is shining!
and hopefully we have at least another month or so
to enjoy it.....cross your fingers for me!

oh to have a fireplace in the kitchen......
we had one an amazing victorian duplex
we rented right after we got married....
it was a dream!

and get this -  the owner had replaced many
cabinets and such with antique armoires!
in the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the kitchen...
it was divine.....*sigh*

so I do have a book recommendation for all y'all.....
I just finished "The Help"
I wanted to read it before I see the movie.

It was really good......I liked it a lot.....
so if you are in need of a good read, I would
highly recommend it!

Enjoy your Thursday~
hope the sun is shining wherever you are! :)



{all photos via Period Living}


  1. I love, love, love books too! We are hoping to do a very "booky" theme in our Monticello space soon :)

    My daughter loaned me her copy of The Help (really I overtook it and read it before she did)! I couldn't put it down. We went to see the movie and it was so good...

    It was great lunching with you and Kathleen last week, hope to see you again very soon!


  2. So wonderful pictures and all the wonderful books. I love books that give such a life. Hugs Mary

  3. Hi Shellagh,
    I adore books as well, I love roaming around the book store for hours, it makes me happy!!! I've always wanted to have a quaint little cottage with book shelves all the way to the ceiling packed full of books. I don't think I would ever leave unless I needed to buy more books! :)
    Gorgeous photos.
    Have a beautiful day.

  4. "You had me at books" I'm happy to know that there are other bloggers that love books as much as I do, I loved the tour of the lovely cottage!
    Have a wonderful sunny day!
    XXX Ido

  5. Shellagh- Oh I love that "cottage"...and books..oh my! My home is filled with books-all read or in the process of being read. I read The Help when it first came out and loaned my book to a dozen people. It was a wonderful read- I haven't seen the movie yet and am waiting for it come on cable.

    Barnes & Noble is my favorite place to go - Books AND Starbucks! Heaven on Earth- Love this post- xo Diana

  6. Shellagh, thank you for stopping over to my blog...sorry you could not leave me a message ...what is up with that:(
    I miss you and Kathleen already..we need a girls trip planned!
    I love this cottage! Thank you for sharing...I love books too..especially garden and decorating books.
    I will get back to you soon on the tables

  7. I love books too and would love nothing better than to have dedicated library in my house. I had to smile at your Jane Austen comment. The other day I woke up, got my coffee and turned on the TV to catch the weather but Sense and Sensibility was on. The last half hour of it. It was a lovely way to wake up but then of course I was in the mood for JA all day so I had to watch Emma later that day :)

  8. Color is perfect for spring and your little table is so much better painted. Very cute! Furniture with the glass is awesome. Now a days this type of furniture is very much popular in market. Also stone pieces is very beautiful.


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