Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hello bloggy friends!

It's hump day already!
2 more days til the weekend ~ whoo-hoo! :)
don't  you love the anticipation of the weekend?

I really love this darling french home....
greys, whites, creams oh my!

did you notice the little doggy chair?
how cute is that????
I don't know about you ~ but I am
currently obsessed with grey furniture,
moldings, and doors.....
of course I am because we just redid all of ours
white! ha ha ha! ;)

I just love the way grey looks against white walls ~

Little sidenote here ~
been working on a little halloween project

yep ~ if you follow me on facebook
you might already know that I've been
working away on this.....and I've been
diligently taking pictures so I'll be
showing you all just as soon as I'm done!
{come by and Like me!! I'm moving up in the world....
from 5 friends to 34! yippee!!}

where was I?
oh yes....drooling over this amazing
french farmhouse......
{but I was just so excited to share my project with you ~
especially since I've been wanting to do it & have had the
pattern for, um, well, let's just
say a good 4 or 5 2 -3 years......}

oh you see the plank walls back there?
I just saw an   a  w  e  s  o  m  e  
idea for that.......
recycled pallet boxes!!
I see those everywhere!
don't ya think that could work??
I am thinking...yes!

now this picture (above) I'll admit is a bit
heavy on the fabric factor.  I'm thinking
either the slipcovers or tablecloth, but both
on this table, seems a little too much.
Kinda cute the way they have the slipcovers
secured with the rope/twine/? though!

k, this it....
love love love it.

oh, behold the grey door....ooooh love that
dark tone.....

by the I the only person
left without a mannequin?
I'm thinking so.....and I'm thinking
I really need one now.....Oh, I'm sure
it's a   n e e d   and not a want right? ;)
and isn't that day bed just amazing?


beautiful home ~ hope you enjoyed it!

Talk soon!



{all pics campagne decor, with the exception of witch pic which
is from Martha Stewart)


  1. Hi Shellagh,
    It's so great to see you back in the Land of Blog. :) I tried to leave a comment on your last post and for some reason "it" wasn't letting me. Don't know if the problem was with Blogger or my computer or what.
    Love these gorgeous rooms you're showing us! I am falling more in love with gray all the time too. I used to want to paint all my furniture white, but now I find I'm turning to gray tones more and more.
    I look forward to seeing your Halloween project. It looks really cool!

  2. Just gorgeous rooms - and all so soothing in lovely neutrals.


  3. Shellagh-Those are gorgeous rooms! Gorgeous- I love the grey and white combo too. I think it is classy, elegant and timeless. I can't wait to see your Halloween project-I can't FB you because we are not on because of my dil's job with the Feds....but I will wait here to see it! xo Diana

  4. Love all the shades of gray and cream in these gorgeous rooms! My walls are still a wheat color from the trend before white! lol! I am all for adding some gray to my home but what is around the corner...wheat?!

    Thanks for these images and I can't wait to see your Halloween project!


  5. What pretty rooms and I could live in any of them!
    Can't wait to see your completed project.

    Go get a mannequin!


  6. Yes i do !!! from

  7. Yikes your Halloween project is amazing!
    Love the deep grey there!
    And I too am looking for a dress maker "judy"...seems they are everywhere!

  8. I don't have a manniquin either , I know I need one too !

  9. Love this home too. Had seen it but couldn't remember where. Thanks for sharing the pics.
    Can't wait to see how you Halloween display turns out!

  10. Wonderful home! Loving the gorgeous doggy chair! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx

  11. Gorgeous rooms and that doggy chair is sooooo cute! Can't wait to see your Halloween project finished!
    XXX Ido

  12. What a beautiful home. Love the subdue colors.

  13. You do share the most beautiful spaces with us!
    Looking forward to seeing your project!

  14. Oh, my gosh!! Are there any more pix of the room in pic #7?? That fabric over the doors?? My house suffers from Ugly Door Syndrome and we (hubby and I) suffer from 4-soon-to-be-5-kids-down-to-one-income-for-a-while Syndrome (lol) so I can't afford new doors. If anyone has any ideas about how to dress up an ugly door (or more pix of that amazing room) I'd LOVE to hear about it!!

    Thanks so much!!!

    PS Your blog is one of my FAVs!!!! Love, Love, LOVE!!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!