Friday, August 5, 2011

~where have I been????~

Hello long lost bloggy friends!

where in the world have I been, huh?
well, I know many of you have experienced
this.....but I just felt like I had
N  O  T  H  I  N  G
to share!

nothing terribly interesting, or noteworthy
that you all might want to see.....
nothing done....completed....finished...
you know?
although ~ we did get our stairs  a  l  m  o  s  t  completed,
so that will be a post coming up......

it's not that I haven't been busy (of course!)
but busy playing with the kids....
working in the garden....
going on long bike rides....{ahhh...summer
has finally arrived in the Pac NW and it sure
feels amazing....}
ok well jogging....
ok well walking mixed with jogging ;)
and that has just felt like pain on every front
I mean awesome!!!!

no seriously, I did start a running program ~
and I've successfully completed ...drumroll please......
4 weeks!!!

it's called the
plan, and it basically takes it nice & slow
getting you ready over 8-9 weeks for a 5k.

I don't know why, but I've been feeling this
overwhelming urge to be a "runner" again.
Probably because I'm in my mid 40's
and I feel like if I don't do it now ~ it'll never happen.

I used to run a fair amount in my 20's but
haven't been too good at it here I am
giving it another try.  But this time
I am doing it!! yee - haw ;)

I did over-exaggerate a tad
when I said everything hurts.....because you
know what?  it doesn't hurt too much!
I think it's the slow progression of the program
it get's you there with not too much pain.

So anyway,
my sweet followers & friends....that's where I've
been.  But, I promise to do better ;)

I will decorate, home improve, sew,
create & more......... and share it with you. 

Thanks for hanging in with me!



{all pics skona hem}

I have no idea why blogger underlined
the few words above?? and changed the font color
to orange??  weird huh??


  1. Oh I so understand about not having anything to say some times. Then there are those times when I can hardly type fast enough. Congrats on your running.

  2. Even if you are up to nothing I still love to visit you. Glad you are having some summer weather. I know how cold the summers can be in the PNW. Congrats on a whole month of running. I wish I could exercise in my sleep LOL.


  3. Good to hear from you. Hasn't the weather been amazing. Low 80's, sunny everyday....I'm lovin it!!!!

    We really need to find time to get together. I think I'm kinda going through what you talked about last month. I think I was even more overwhelmed when I got home from vacation than before we left:-( It did feel good to get away though...while it lasted.

    Talk soon.


  4. Hi darling...nice to hear from you....blogging is helping me throw a verry sad my last posts...i am glad with all the girls !!......such a teribble summer form me.......o my...i will give you a big hug and lots of

  5. Hey Shellagh it's good to "see" you again!! I'm glad you're having a good summer. Summer took its sweet time getting to the pacific northwest so I don't bame you wanting to enjoy every second! Good for you on running again, that is awesome! I want to at least start walking everyday, but I keep finding reasons not too. :(
    Keep playing in the sun...decorating can wait for rainy days ahead! :)

  6. Oh how I've missed you! So great to see another beautiful post this morning. And running... you go girl. Every time I hear about someone starting a new exercise program or just getting off the sofa, or taking 30 minutes a day to do something for themselves it inspires me to do the same. THANK YOU.

  7. Summer is a perfect time to do very little. ;-)
    Good luck with your running program. I'm a bit envious. It's too hot here to run, and I've been away from it for far to long. I started running in my 40s. 5K is a good goal. ;-) All the best ~ Sarah

  8. I know how you feel....I have times (now) where I just feel disconnected and I hope I feel connected soon, that's for sure...Have a lovely weekend =) Xoxoxo 1942charm.blogspotcom

  9. You sure are sharing some great beauty today! Glad you are enjoying some good weather!

  10. I think there are quite a few of us who've hit a blogging brick wall this summer! I find it much easier to blog in the winter months than the summer months! Enjoy and good for you on the running thing!!!

  11. My great appreciation for the great efforts you are doing to help me.. Thank you for posting..

  12. Hi Shellagh,
    I think that is awesome that you've been running!! I always wanted to start running but never really got motivated to do it. I am going to start walking with my boys though, it will be good for all of us!
    I love the photos above, can I please have that house in the first photos? It's amazing.
    Hope your having a beautiful week.

  13. Awesome! I heard of that couch to 5K. Can you send me the program please?!!!! And by the way you have totally inspired me,not with just the running, but one of your furniture makeovers--the setee. I just found a pair of end tables with gorgeous details and cane on the sides. They look horrendous! I just finished sanding and am trying to figure out what to do next. White or cream? Hmmm. Not sure, but I will post pictures when I am done!

  14. Good for you-that is awesome and very inspiring..I can barely run a mile-...
    Thanks for sharing encouragement

  15. Good for you for running again. I would just like to hava a walking program. Sometimes, I have nothing to blog about too. I think we all go through little draughts sometimes. Your pictures are inspiring as always. Loved the white dining room and especially those chairs.

  16. Gosh! For a minute there I thought you had up and moved to France and you were showing us your new house, Shellagh! Dream on, huh? lol! Summer's gone by fast, hasn't it? Aghhhh!!! I so DO NOT want to see snowflakes fly and they'll be here before we know it. Ugh!!!! But I'm glad to hear that life has been treating you well and that you're happy and healthy, sweetie. I'm envious of your running plan. I NEED to get off my bum and do that exact same thing now that the heatwave has broke. Glad to see you back! Hugs!

    xoxo laurie

  17. beautiful pictures! so dreamy, wish my house is like that.

  18. Wow - what a beautiful blog - gorgeous things especially in your shop! Please feel free to visit me anytime - I will certainly be back to check in! We have alot of interests in common!

  19. missed you like crazy ... can you do the program walking/
    can't run

  20. I'm a new blogger. My blog is of nothing in particular, just random things that inspire me. So I am basically touring and trying to become a little more educated about blogging. I saw your blog was interesting so I stoped by to say hello! Are those pics. of your home. It is sooooo beautiful!! I'm inspired by you and your pics of your home so I hope you continue to blog!!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!