Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~I am not complaining ....~

Happy Tuesday bloggy friends!

I've been a bit MIA as of late....
.....trying to garden.... in between orders and
"terrible weather" shall we say??
(downpours, hail, wind,
 and more downpours....
basically your typical
run-of-the mill 
freezing cold winter weather)
{.....but I'm not complaining... }

and since I'm not one to give up easily....
so in the midst of all the weather
 I transplanted 20ish
boxwoods, planted 24 new boxwoods,
divided and transplanted 20ish
blackeyed susan's, planted lavender, catmint,
hostas, bellflowers, astilbe, mock orange and clematis.

phew....but there's more.....
transplanted daisies, coneflowers,
 poppies, asters, 3 shrubs
 a fern, and an evergreen!
  I think that's it.
nope, forgot the veggies....planted bell peppers, watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, peas and transplanted
chives....(which did surprisingly well considering
they were in bloom when I did it!!)

Everything did well with the exception of the transplanted poppies.....they still are upset with me,
but are surviving....sorry poppies.....wrong color, wrong size, and wrong place...it couldn't be helped! ;)

I'd LOVE to say these pictures are from my
garden but since it's raining
 no, pouring....

and I really don't have too much blooming
quite yet ~ I thought I'd share with you again
a garden I went through last summer.....

you see this gorgeous climbing vine below?
it almost looks like a climbing sweet pea, or some
kind of honeysuckle, but it's not....

it's a beautiful clematis and
I just got one at costco!
it's going to climb my new arbor that I told
you about a post or 2 ago!
yay! :)

it's a "Betty Corning" clematis
and it is beautiful and so fragrant!

this beautiful garden was such a treat to tour!
I am   r  e  a  l  l  y  hoping she has another
open house this year.....I'd love to see it again.

every little inch of her garden is so breathtaking
and surprising too....little surprises in nooks and

they have a cute little workshop where
they build all their own garden structures....
I tell ya ~  there is nothing this gal won't tackle!!

they build everything themselves, and
do all the gardening as well....

I just love her little potting shed....
chandelier & all

lovely huh??

one or 2 more then off to the fabric store for me!

have a wonderful week my friends!!




  1. Que imágenes mas maravillosas, un saludo desde españa.....

  2. wow, you have been busy!!!
    those are gorgeous garden photos!

  3. You have been a busy girl! Poppies never transplant easily-but they will be back next year full force.

    I love that garden your toured! Oh My! I think one of the most striking things is that black arbor! I mean...you always think of arbors as being white and I love the drama of the black!

    Put your feet up and rest a while-right after you get done with your sewing project! xxoo Diana

  4. ihr garten ist sehr schön, ich liebe ihre bilder und schicke ihnen die sonne!!! viele grüße, angie

  5. What a great garden they have,....lovely......have a nice day darling....love Ria....xxx...

  6. Darling pics! I love the boxing hares ;)

  7. Hey Shellah, what beautiful pictures....love em! I am quite jealous, as you know, of the flowers that grow in the NE, and of your energy. I've just had to put gardening on the back burner right now. It's all I can do to water the few plants are are trying to grow for me. It's so darn HOT here....

    Good to hear from you.


  8. Thanks for the beautiful tour. Lovely pics.

  9. The photos are gorgeous and believe or not, soon all of your hard work will pay off and your garden will be just as lovely. We have had all the nasty weather, too. Rain, rain and more rain. I haven't planted anything!! You inspire me, girl! :-)


  10. What a pretty garden. I'm glad you shared this with all of us. I look forward to seeing photos of your garden once things begin to bloom. It sounds fabulous. ~ Sarah

  11. Such lovely garden eye candy! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Lovely garden - is that the mock orange in picture no.2? I love it whatever it is.

  13. A-MA-ZING! This garden is so pretty. Everywhere you look! I will definitely on the hunt for that clematis now Shellagh!
    I know what you mean about the weather...it makes gardening a real challenge.
    hugs from here...

  14. Wow, to have a garden like that! So pretty!
    It sounds like your garden is coming along very nicely Shellagh. You've been one busy lady, you made me tired just reading about it!
    I hear this week-end is suppose to be sunny! (o: Crossing my fingers,

  15. Those are beautiful gardens, but I be yours will be just as wonderful. Sounds like you have really been working hard and accomplishing lots. Come back and show us yours when you can.

  16. Well your garden sounds Lovely!!! And these pictures are GREAT!!! Love the Birdcage:O) And the potting shed:O) Thnx for sharing:O)

  17. Beautiful garden photos! Good weather is coming and your garden will be smiling!~Hugs, Patti

  18. Shellagh!
    You are a busy girl! I know that your garden is touched with your beauty as well! Those FoxGloves sing, in fact there whole garden chokes me up with a awwwww! feeling of wishing I were there :)

    That natural birdhouse has my heart, it is a wow piece, and her hidden cage nested in the tree is breath taking.

    I too have been GARDENING!!! on a salvage piece of a French table leaf, come see the 48" long rose garden and its wild bird!
    In all whites and grays! I think of you and your euro chic Swedish love Euro flea market style.

    Miss seeing your beauty over at my place!
    I will wait to see the next show stopper post you create next!

  19. Holy moly, Shellagh! You must be exhausted! You needed a rainy day to help you recouperate, girl! lol! Hope you plan on showing us all what you did. I bet it looks just beautiful, and the rain will certainly help them de-stress from being transplanted. :) Thanks for the tip on the the fragrant clematis! I'll be on the lookout for one! That garden you went through is seriously amazing, too! Hope you have a sunny Sunday, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!