Friday, May 6, 2011

~garden traditions~

Happy Friday!


Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's
and all the women who mother & nurture!

Has anyone read or heard of the
"5 Love Languages?"
it's a wonderful book & really
answers a lot of questions......

Like, why I am way more excited to
have Mr. T & T build me something,
or dig a ginormous whole for me
to plant something....than to
receive a pretty wrapped gift......

My love language is "acts of service"
and due to this love language of mine~
it has become a bit of a tradition around
here for him to do something so sweet
for me for Mother's Day & my
birthday (which falls right around
Mother's Day each year....)

3 years ago or so....he built this split rail
fence for me for the occasion....
I was happy as a clam!

and dug huge holes for 3 rose bushes which
he planted for me too.......
couldn't have been happier....;)

2 years ago....Mr. T & T planted
a beautiful pink & white dogwood tree for me
and 2 climbing rose bushes......

I have to say.....a rose bush or tree
has got to be one of the best gifts
one can watch them grow
each year & remember the day you
received it!'s the best :)

so this year.......Mr. T & T wants
to build or buy an arbor gate to go right here....

you see where the climber is?
well....I took it out last year ~ it just wasn't
doing well at all....the first year or 2 it was ok but
there's not quite enough sun there and the soil
is soaking wet all the time from all the #$&#~* rain  oh excuse me.....I meant, a little damp from
our wet weather here....hee hee ;)

and this little area would
be a perfect spot for a gate to go to the back
garden........and this weekend
is the perfect time to put it in......

my sweet husband....ok gushing here....
but he is just the best.  period.
sorry girls!  ;)  He is so willing
on this special weekend to do
I am pining for ...... without
complaining, and with the best
attitude in the world.....

oh happy me!

so here's a few ideas.....
from a previous garden post
which I am probably going to repost
next week because this lady's garden
is 2die4!!

here's the old doors made into a gate idea....

really cute huh?
but her home and garden might be able
to pull it off more....?

and a little tricky due to needing old doors etc...
of course, nothing that craigslist wouldn't take
care of.....

here's another view leading up to the doors.....

that's a whole row of astilbe by the way....
so beautiful.....

ok here's another neat idea ~ love this too....

although this probably won't work because
the space available is real narrow....
but I love the curved gate.....

so it needs to be on the narrow side.....

maybe something like this but with a gate??
really wish we had a big ol' piece of property
to do all this fun stuff....but
I will bloom where I'm planted......
right??? :)

we'll see what we can come up....
Mr. T & T's been out of town all week so
we might just buy something from a big box
store & be happy or ???????

if you have a fabulous idea
you're just dying to share....

please do!!!!

Have a wonderful day & weekend!




  1. You are a lucky girl to have a husband like Mr. T & T! Happy birthday and happy Mother's Day, enjoy! ~Brooke

  2. Hi Shellagh,
    What a lovely husband you have!! It is so true though, I would love to have trees and roses to plant for my present. I wish we still had a yard to plant in. I can't wait to see what you get.
    Wishing you a beautiful Mother's day and a Happy Birthday too!

  3. Happy weekend darling...have a nice mother day !! enjoy !!

  4. Shellagh, I speak the same language. LOL Love seeing your beautiful garden and the inspiration photos.
    Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day! ~ Sarah

  5. Happy Mother's Day! I love your blog! Hope the weather gets better soon so you can enjoy your beautiful gardens. We've had lots of rain here, too!

  6. well i guess we speak the same language my friend because i'm with you when it comes to gifts...."acts of service." Oh yea...they make my heart go pitter patter. your hubby has come through with some beautiful gifts. how sweet! I hope you get the arbor of your dreams! happy mother's day! :)

  7. I love gifts like these! I think they are more from the heart. You have a great guy here.

    I'm sorry you lost the rose, it was so pretty. But I love the ideas you have and think hubby will come through for you!

    Happy Mother's Day, Shellagh!


  8. My best Mother's Day gifts bloom in our yard year after year too. And that arbor with the old doors is now in my idea file--Habitat ReStore here I come!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Your garden is so lovely Shellagh! I'm so impressed with both you and your wonderful hubby. You are very blessed my friend.

  10. I loved looking at all of your garden photos! They were so beautiful! I think old doors would be awesome as a gate for that area. I can't wait to see what you decide to do.


  11. I speak that language too! Love all of your ideas. Happy Mother's Day!!

    Susan and Bentley

  12. I love it when my hubby makes things for me or does something that I have wanted done too!! We must have the same love language! I haven't read the book, but my daughter highly recommends it.
    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and may your dream come true!!

  13. Hope you had a wonderful day and I didn't know your Birthday was coming up. Let's do lucnh sometime soon:-)


  14. I am always amazed at what people can create! The doors you showed us are stunning!

  15. Gorgeous ideas! Love the door gate. I can't wait to see what you and your amazing hubby come up with. You are a lucky girl!

  16. Shellagh your garden is so beautiful!! I just love your roses and how wonderful if hubby to do all those things for you! I am very much the same, I am more happy with something like that than a gift. My hubby surprised me with an arbor one year for Mothers Day. It has since been destroyed by high winds but I loved it so much! I can't wait to see what you come up with. The inspiration photos are gorgeous!!

  17. such an amazing amazing garden! wow. I love the door!!!! Wow!
    Mine is definitely touch.. but all of them of course! hehehe.

  18. It's a great book - every young couple should read it!

  19. that is so pretty!
    perfect garden! it reminds me of the summer days to come!
    take care,

  20. You may get a lot of rain on that side of the state, but your garden loves it and just takes my breath away.

    It is so inviting and beautiful. Your home is truly gorgeous INSIDE AND OUT.

    you inspire me : )


  21. Beautiful Garden, a true Mothers day joy. Hugs.
    P.S. I have your lovely blog on my cottages page at Katherines Corner :-)

  22. Plants & InsectsFeeds, Fertilizers, Soil & Plant Amendments. To encourage flower bud production you can apply a fertilizer complete tomato fertilizers: homemade recipes. The fruits are usually eaten fresh, but they also make excellent jams, jellies, pies, ice creams and other useful desserts. When choosing containers, it is important to always choose the container that has the most room for the plants.


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!