Friday, April 1, 2011

~shabby love~

Happy Friday everyone!!

well there's been rumors that the
sun might shine today.....
so far...nothin'.  

you all may think I'm complaining....
well ~ yes.  as a matter of fact...
I am.

because, you see....
we have had rain the last 30 of 31 days....
it's rained 6.43 inches in March
5th wettest on record.....
we did however finally reach 60 degrees
for the first time (this year) yesterday.

so yes....I'm complaining....
I want SUN!
just a little ~ even an hour a day would suffice!

it's starting to look like I'll have to leave town
in order to get some sun....
I seriously have forgotten what it feels like...!

anyhoo....I was drooling  looking at the Shabby Chic
website earlier....what a bunch of eye candy!

I thought you might enjoy it too.....

it is just pure delicious-ness....
her style never goes out....
I never tire of it...

it's just so beautiful & serene.....

who could tire of chippy and white?

how does one ever tire of worn wood, or painted furniture ????
or old linens,  ironstone or chandeliers???

I am quite certain it's impossible.....I'll love it forever.....

what an inspiration Rachel Ashwell has
been to the design world....

on another note ~
I've been working on a couple custom
orders this week & loved them so much
I had to add them to the store....

first up ~

this collection has the perfect blend of
rustic romance.....

the fabric is distressed, and softened...
nubby and full of texture...

there's some lovely ruffle pillows and
pillowcases that go with....

you can find the pillowcases here

another custom order I recently completed
is the....

she's very similar to the

except she is made with a beautiful cream linen
and without any graphics....

she's so feminine and romantic...
and I am simply in love with the cream linen....

if you'd like to take a closer look skip
on over to my Etsy store


next week is spring break for us....
Mr. T & T will be out of town on business
so it'll be me & the girls for most of the week.

But we're going to have some fun!
maybe head to the beach or something.
{that's assuming it's not pouring & freezing over
there....;) }

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!



{Shabby Chic images found here}


  1. You always post such beautiful and inspiring photos, Shellagh!!
    LOVE all that linen!

  2. Love. Love. Love.... I love it all. Rachel Ashwell is such an inspiration!! Loving your sweet chair slips too- they are darling!! Thanks for sharing this eye candy!! :) Hear you on the weather... I have been whining a bit for the past month too- but FINALLY this week we have warmed up and our snow is nearly all melted away!! California sunshine!!! Love it! Hope your weather improves quickly too!

  3. Hi Shellagh, the image by the pool and the one with the mosquito net are my favourites! - ever!! They are just so me, i love them and have used them in a few posts!!! Rachel Ashwell is such a clever lady! I hope you have recieved your packages, especially the one from the UK? If you havent, i hope they arent too much longer!! Hope you get a little sun this weekend!
    Laura xx

  4. I hope you get your sunshine soon! I won't tell you what our little weather is like here on the Texas Gulf Coast! :)
    Lovely lovely pictures. Your little chair seat covers are just so charming!
    Have fun with your girls.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I will never tire of Rachel, worn wood, chippy anything and who could ever have enough linen! I'm redoing my bedroom and want it to look just like hers!
    Your chair covers are there anything you can't sew?! I love it all ~

    I'm praying you get some's cold here but sunny so I haven't gone compeletely spring fever crazy yet! :)
    Enjoy your weekend and spring break!
    sarah xo

  6. Oh Shellagh- You have rain and we have snow! Snow and more snow coming! How can it be April 1st? I cannot wait until Spring hits here full force. Your chair covers are beautiful and I'm sure they will fly out of your shop. Happy Friday- Diana

  7. Hi Shellagh,
    We have some sunshine here on the coast, but not as much as we should for this time of year.

    I love the chair covers. They are so soft and romantic looking. Love the photos too.


  8. Bless your heart, I wouldn't know what to do without sun for that many days!

    Loving your gorgeous chair covers, wish I could afford a few!!!


  9. For the love of shabby! I feel like I'm home when I see Rachel's work. I hope your weather gets sunny soon. I hate to tell you we are having beautiful weather today after 2 days of big storms. It will come for you.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Pray for sun! You will get some I'm sure...your new follower, kelley

  11. Oh I am so looking forward to some sun! These rooms would kinda...kinda make up for not having any tho!

  12. I think I could live with it forever too! Your linens and the chairs are beautiful, Rachel will be looking for you soon! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  13. Oh I could look at Rachel's decorating all day long.
    So sorry you haven't seen the sun either. Today was pretty beautiful here today though, but rain tomorrow.

    I love you beautiful bedding and slipcovers Shellagh. You make the loveliest things.
    sending hugs

  14. I love that first bed. I want it in our master, right now!

    Your are so talented! Thanks for sharing!

  15. You can't complain living on the west side of the Cascades! That is what the west side is...RAIN. Move to east side...Yakima is SUNNY AND WARM! You can come stay with my hubs and I if you want.

  16. Thanks for all the beautiful eye candy!
    Enjoy your time with the girls!

  17. We had the most fabulous weather on Thursday! Love all the eye candy!
    Thank you!

  18. Oh, love all these pretty pictures! And that beautiful bedding that you made is gorgeous.

    The weather here has been pretty awful too. I feel like it's never going to end. It got up to a balmy 59 degrees today and I was absolutely sad.


  19. Really loving your new linen line, just gorgeous!

  20. Ah, Shellagh.....I am with ya, girlie! We left beautiful sunshiney weather in FL last week and came home to cloudy 40 degree weather. Ugh! At least we haven't had the rain you've had, you poor thing! Just keep those beautiful photos comin'. They sure help lift our spirits! :)

    Oh, and amazing work on your textiles! Beeeeautiful!!!!!

    xoxo laurie

  21. Trade you like snow in April...cause I don't !!!!These photos are to die for!! x0

  22. Love the sun, it’s the extreme heat I can do without (I’m in southern California, it can get SUPER hot here because we are a desert environment)!

    I have a bed very similar to the one in your first picture. Right now it has a mahogany finish, I am going to paint it white. It’s just beautiful, and I would not be able to take a paint brush to it if it were an heirloom or an antique, so it’s a good thing it was a bed used on a photo set for displaying high-end linens! It’s new, and not heirloom quality, so I shall paint it with abandon!

    Love your slip covers. So very pretty! You have such talent!



  23. The white rooms in my house are my favorite! So peaceful :)

  24. Hi Shellagh!
    greetings from Norway. You have a eclectic beautiful blog.
    I do get you complaining. it is aloved. March was the wettest ever here as well. My garden overflooded with water. Not a pretty sight.
    Absolutely found a lot of inspiration here so I will follow your blog.
    Have a wonderful evening.:)

  25. Mmmm! Loving the first bed at the top and the antique typewriter, too! Your newest follower.

  26. Hello
    This all looks amazing, love the chair covers and of course you can't go wrong with white and chippy!
    Thanks for sharing

  27. Love those pics.. SO Inspiring.. Im searching your blog for the tutorial on double welting..

    LOVE You-YOur Blog Thank You..

  28. gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love the photos!
    take care,

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