Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~spring wreath~

Hello friends!

I am officially.....anxiously......
impatiently waiting on spring......

yesterday it was sunny and beautiful.....
and the air smelled so fresh & wonderful.....

today ~ not so much.....back to rain
partially sunny forecasted for
 S  a  t  u  r  d  a  y 

come on......spring....!

I'm ready to welcome spring!
ready for daffodils, hyacinths, lilacs,

one of the saving graces is the happy birds
chirping outside my window.....

love that!

the sweet sounds of birds in the garden
bring me a lot of joy.....

and the smell of lavender.....
can't get enough ~ :)

I picked up this fun wreath at an
antique show over the weekend....

I met up with Kathleen from
Faded Charm....you know White Wednesdays?

she's awesome & we've met up
several times at different antique malls & stuff...

so I did a little fluffing this morning....
I'm embarrassed to say this window
in my living room sat empty
since um....Christmas.....

the shame.....
and "you call yourself a blogger"
hee hee....now you all know!

I'm really loving our sisal rug
we got a few months ago.....
you can see just a peek of it here
but it really adds so much warmth to the room....

we will probably be painting this room
in the next few months....
I really like the texture on the wall ~
but the "parchment paper" look
tends to look a little more yellow than I want....

I'm on the hunt for sconce lights or maybe
candelabra/sconce lights for either side
of the window......

I'm not sure I'm going to leave it (the window) there
long term or maybe move a big mirror
I have into it's place...

I've always loved this little table
I picked up a few years ago....

it may or may not stay but I do love it......

on a side note....
I got some very fun items in the mail

isn't the packaging darling???
have you been to Lori's site?
she has a wonderful blog
and a
 "brick & mortar" store

and let me tell you....she is a accessorizing,
vignette creating NINJA!

you will gain so much inspiration from
her site....go check! :)

these are cute little paper pulp pots....
they look like aged cement....
can't wait to put something in them...
and show you

she sent me some beautiful cards along with
the package ~ she also designs greeting

apparently the pots look awesome stamped so,
I'm thinking about trying "the citra-solv
transfer method"...on them....maybe I'll
transfer some kind of fun graphic!

fun to look forward to ~

well that's it for today!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!




  1. Love your wreath~It looks beautiful in your living room~ Hugs, Rachel :)

    French Farmhouse 425

  2. it's all so gorgeous shellagh...i love your sofa and all those sitra-solved pillows! i have to try that method one day soon! happy WW!

  3. love lavender!!!! and those pots are soooo cute!

  4. Your wreath is gorgeous, Shellagh! And I really love the window above your sofa. I have one sitting in the garage and just haven't figured out where I want to use. it. I thought of over my bed but I worry it will come crashing down some night! lol!

    Very pretty lavender and cherub and I love the goodies you received. I will have to check out the link.

    Hang in there, spring will be here soon!


  5. *** How ABSOLUTELY C*H*A*R*M*I*N*G!!!!!!! What a joy to come home and find THIS~~~ lucky girl!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  6. Love the wreath and your sofa looks so lovely with all the pretty pillows.

    I always leave her inspired and ready to create.


  7. Oh it's always such a treat to see photos of your beautiful home! I love the little vignette with the dried lavender! I'm longing for spring too. Even though it's usually sunny here, it's super windy so we can't spend anytime outside w/o getting a bunch of dirt in our eyes. No fun.

  8. Love all the pictures, I just discovered your blog and became a follower. I have a question, do the images in your pillows stay like that, can the pillows be washed(the ones with the citra solv method) or if you wash them the image will go away. I would really appreciate your answer, thank you very much. Lovely blog!

  9. Hi Ido,
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment! Yes, you can definitely wash the pillow covers, cold water & hang dry will ensure the image doesn't fade. A hot dryer will fade the image a bit, but it still looks great. Good luck!

  10. I am so ready for spring myself! Can't hardly wait!

    That Lori is one talented gal! I've been following her blog for a long time and she never fails to inspire me!


  11. Oh my! It's all so wonderful, the wreath, the rug, the pillows, and the lavender are my favorites :) You have great style, my friend- gorgeous.
    Becky C

  12. O yes ready for spring the waether is beautiful here in Holland now we have had three days full sun !!! love it !!! i will send some sunshine to you darling i promised!!....love love Ria....xxx..

  13. Lovely wreath! And your home looks like a breath of fresh air! Enjoy the first signs of Spring!

  14. Snow this morning and rain all afternoon. I am home with the flu, but I am warm and cosy inside with a cup of tea while enjoying your lovely blog. So ... it's all good.

    Susan and Bentley

  15. So pretty...make me a tea and I would stay forever!!! We are getting a ton of rain too :( x00x0

  16. Shellagh- What a wonderful post. Love your home and especially that old window~ And I also adore that little table painted white. I hope you keep it to use someplace! I suppose you don't want to know that we are supposed to get about 8" of new snow tonight...sigh...Spring is a ways off here I am afraid! xxoo Diana

  17. Your wreath looks perfect on the window. I'm so glad it worked out. It was so nice to see you on Saturday. You know I'm up for junking anytime:)

    Take care and think sunny thoughts.


  18. oh Shellagh.... you are so sweet... a NINJA !! You are crazy girl friend. Thanks so much for the shout-out and the love!

    I can't wait to see the pots done up shellagh-style.

    Love your lavender, your sweet cherub, the books and those pillows are supurb-o prim-o!

    Thinking sunshine and warmth.

  19. Your photos are so beautiful and so Springy!! I can't wait for Spring, we have rain and snow this week! Your wreath is beautiful on the window and I love your sisal rug! I am on the lookout for one. May I ask where you got yours from?
    Your treasures that you received are wonderful, I love the little pots!

    Thank you so much for you sweet comments about my family room color! I see you are thinking about painting as well! :)

  20. Your pillows and wreath are gorgeous! I read about your Citra-Solv transfer method on a fellow bloggers post. I will have to go back and look at your tute! I was excited to find a better method than using the fabric transfers. I don't like the rubbery texture.

    Impatiently waiting here too :) Michelle

  21. Beautiful wreath. I love anything that looks natural and this sure is. ~~Sherry~~

  22. Hey Shellagh! Your living room - sofa, window decor, pillows - is amazingly beautiful! Lori's shop is soooo cool, isn't it? Love those little pots! What treasures! :)

    xoxo laurie

  23. Love your spring time wreath! I have one similar that I bought from one of our vendors at the shop, she made hers too..waiting for spring with you!
    Lisa ;-)

  24. Im in love with your white sofa with the decorations to go with it, so warm and inviting to come home to!

  25. Your wreath and bucket of lavender are the perfect spring touches but if I could carry that sofa on my back out of your house, well....
    I might start lifting weights, it is GORGEOUS! I'm with you on trying to usher spring in, we have rain today too. Happy WW! xoxo

  26. That wreath is just beautiful. I love the bucket of lavender too. You have such great style!

  27. Everything looks so beautiful and yes the count down to spring begins~ oxox, Diane

  28. Your sofa and all of it's pillows are just gorgeous. Happy painting and happy almost spring.
    Blessings, Amy

  29. I always love seeing your home Shellagh! Your new goodies look divine.

  30. Loving the wreath on the window. Wanted to ask you about the sisal rug, I am thinking about getting one but do you find them a bit harsh and scratchy at all. And does it tend to damage the floor underneath? The ones I have seen arent lined. Just curious!

  31. Loving all the cushions! Just gorgeous!

  32. Loving all the pictures of your house, as always!
    I just might have to invite myself over, for a upclose and personal view?!
    I was lucky enough to stumble on the Round Potting Barn last Fall, while on a trip to MN. I was in there for a good two hours, and my mother finally had to drag me out! I loved it!

  33. count me in to wait with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    gorgeous photos!!!!
    take care,

  34. Your home is beautiful! I just found your Etsy site AND your blog today~ filled with lovelies! I am DESPERATE for spring at this point, it's been a long MN winter! Am going to check out your blog now, so much to enjoy!! :-)

  35. Those little pots are darling.....smiles.

  36. Hi Shelagh,
    Love all your sweet goodies,,,,,I am so with you on the spring thing!
    Happy day!

  37. This is for you Heather! The slipcovered headboard tutorial. http://tickingandtoile.blogspot.com/2010/09/slipcovered-headboard-tutorial.html

    Good Luck!!

  38. Love that slipcover on your couch & the lavendar in your bucket...& of course the pillows!!! Love this post.....xoox

  39. Everything is looking so wonderful. Over here we are saying bring on autumn..fall, cheers Katherine

  40. I love your couch with all those beautiful pillows, very nice!


  41. The table arrangement is very pretty and oozing with Spring scents. Love the wreath and the paper pulp pots I can imagine various ways to use it this Spring.


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!