Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~just a little Christmas~

hello everyone!

I have been way slow getting my
Christmas decorating going....

but finally have a tiny bit of Christmas
to show you....

I made this cute little banner
after seeing Tracey's post

she sells a Christmas kit that includes
this banner and a Peace on Earth paper craft.

if you all could have seen me trying to hang this
thing.....oh man.....trying to take short cuts
trying to do it w/ only my 2 hands & no slaves one
at home to hold it for me so "I can see"
before making it permanent....;)

it only took 4 tries.....3 times dropping the whole
pine cones, greens, bird garland contraption onto
the floor to get it just right & ready for stapling to the
window...........but anyhow.....I finally got it right!

I have to admit......I have felt discombobulated this Christmas season.....with my decor ~
I love the white nordic look but my decorations
aren't really as such, and I just haven't had the time to look for more and/or  focus on it....
 so I think after this season I will be doing a lot of sorting
and purging to get ready for next Christmas.

But I did put a few different things together
for now, a few little things to show you~

I picked up some paperwhites last week & just LOVE them.....
I'm planning on ordering some more paperwhite bulbs..... and possibly some hyacinths
to watch bloom while it's gloomy outside this winter.
any good sources out there??

this front entry table still needs some Christmas magic ~
but I wanted to show you these beautiful blooms
because they are already starting to fade :(

I piled some greens and pine cones into a galvanized
bucket and added a few vintage ornaments

I found this little box at the goodwill bins a couple months ago and held onto it ~not knowing what in the world
I would do with it~
 but got a little idea for it this weekend

on my pillows, (click here for tutorial) on wood~ and it looked
great ~ I would have never thought to try it~
thank you Rie!

so I decided to give it a whirl on this little box...
gave it a quick shabby paint job and added
Joyeux Noel.

I added some pillar candles that I adorned w/ a little vintage sheet music & twine and voila!

so simple & fun!

I picked up this sheep skin rug
last week ~ thought it would cozy up the white slipcovers
a bit during winter.....
it really does make it a difference!
{pay no attention to the upside down monogram pillow.....whoops!! ;) }

I wanted to thank all of you for sharing
 your beautiful Christmas vignettes.....

I have really enjoyed them!

well, you know how the rest of this goes....time
to get back to work ;)




  1. O.K so I just left here.....love this post,that candle box is so pretty! All your things look just lovely...I am going now,promise!! x0

  2. beautiful decorations...wish I could have been there to lend you a hand...

  3. Everything looks so beautiful, Shellagh! I love the Noel banner on the vintage window... gorgeous... great idea!!
    Happy Holidays!
    Jo :)

  4. Oh Shellagh this is just lovely! The candle box, the greenery and pinecones...everything!

  5. Looks great! A local nursery was out of paper whites but recommended


    I haven't had a chance to order any paper whites from them though.

  6. Hi Shellagh,
    I love your beautiful window with the garland and banner, it looks just beautiful even though you had such a hard time getting it up! And I love the sheepskin over your sofa, it does make it warm and cozy for the holidays. Beautiful post!
    Have a lovely day.

  7. So very beautiful! I love the Noel garland and window project and the cute box from GW also! Very creative and they look great!

  8. Discombobulated is in the air this year...I am having the same kind of season....too much to do! I would't worry too much...your decorations look beautiful.

  9. Your banner came out so nice. I love your paperwhites too. They are so pretty.


  10. Beautiful! I love it all.
    I purchased my bulbs at Home Depot and have different stages of growth around here, love it!
    Have White Daffodils I haven't even planted yet.

    I'm w/you on the sheep's skin. We don't have the real skin here but the warmth of a sheep skin type of fabric which is keeping us so warm. Your photos are so lovely and so full of inspiration.

    Happy Holidays!

  11. Amazing. I just did a CitraSolv tute (for fabric use) and I hadn't ever thought to try it on wood. Now I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. thanks for sharing.

  12. Wowwwwwww....it all looks so great !!! shellagh....love what i see here today !!! love Ria...

  13. j'adore the noel banner and your burlap-wrapped bucket. everything looks so lovely!

  14. Shellagh, it all looks wonderful, so many great ideas and the window with the banner and greenery is fab!

  15. Beautiful decorations! I love that box you adorned :)
    Merry Christmas Shellagh!

  16. It all looks great Shellagh! So glad you tried the citrasolv on wood. I'm wondering if you experienced some "bleeding" like I did. I just sanded off those parts. :)

  17. ~*~Beautiful!!~*~*~

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  18. I love, love, love you Christmas decor so far Shellagh! It is very nordic to me. I love the look too...I just can't seem to stick to it. I love the sheepskin too!

  19. Everything looks beautiful, Shellagh. I love your banner...I had to laugh at your story. That would definitely be me trying to hang it! lol!

    I am going to try to get some paper whites that haven't bloomed. I have been late in the game with a lot this season. At least I have the shopping done! No tree yet, but gifts galore!


  20. Oh so very lovely! Makes me want to redo everything in my house!

  21. Very pretty Shellagh! I love this new holiday look everyone has been showing...yours included!~Hugs, Patti

  22. Lovely, just lovely, I really like the look that looks like you just got things together very casually, but at the same time it looks so classy and carefully done!!
    A joy to look at!!
    thanks for sharing!

  23. yeah.....i feel bad, your hands must be exhausted from working on all my goodies i ordered & trying to get your own house ready for the holidays. Enjoy your christmas cheer around you...it's all so pretty!

  24. Love the simplicity of all your Christmas decorations. I'm keeping all mine really simple this year also.

    Hope things slow down for you soon so you can take some time and enjoy the season.

    Hope to see you soon,


  25. I LOVE your NOEL banner hanging across your your vintage window!! (and thanks for sharing that you bought the banner kit from me....)

  26. Just love it. It's all so beautiful!

  27. Everything looks so so pretty!! Lovely job!!

  28. Your touches of Christmas are just lovely, Shellagh!

  29. Everything looks wonderful. I love your banner and your little wooden box :)

  30. Wonderful details! I like your banner very much. You did a terrific job.

  31. Oh Shellagh, I am freaking out!! I almost bought a sheep skin at Marshalls Saturday when I was out and about. I was back and forth with should I or shouldn't I...Now I am kicking myself. I am going to run back and get one after see yours.

    You see I was on the right tract with wanting one, you made it so euro winter chic displayed on your sofa, I have to now get one for sure.

    Love the holiday over here girl!

    Joyeux Noel


  32. Everything looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  33. Shellagh,
    I love the little Nordic touches you've done. I also am loving that for Christmas but unfortunately my decorations are very cottagey & old school. It's good tho, cuz that's what the kids love & it is festive. But I did my bedroom total Jeanne D'Arc! I love it, now I have the best of both worlds. Love the way you did your laying on the sofa. The rug is way cool!

  34. Simply beautiful!! Loving the "S" pillow!

    Happy WW

  35. I love all your vignettes, Shellagh! Especially the textures on your couch, combined with the new cozy sheepskin rug.
    I can relate to struggling with garland. After spray-snowing mine and adjusting it 'just so', my house & hands get dandruff.
    - Susan

  36. Very Nice! Happy Holidays Hope all is well~Cheers Kim

  37. You did a lovely job. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  38. Everything looks so pretty and festive. The paper whites are so nice and the box is beautiful.

    I've had a hard time getting my decorating going too. We just put up the tree today. Mantle is decorated, stockings are hung and the tree went up today! Much better :)

  39. Everything looks gorgeous and so festive and peaceful! Really a beautiful job decorating, Shellagh.

  40. Hi Shellagh
    Your decorations are beautiful, I am way behind this year. Will post a little Christmas Sunday. Funny I bought that sheepskin a couple of weeks ago, I just loved the color and it is so soft.

  41. I'm loving all your touches of Christmas it's fabulous!!!!!

  42. I love the NOEL banner and the box and candles are great too. I have thought a lot about going through my decorations and just keeping the simpler items I really like. Your just a touch of Christmas is lovely.

  43. VERY pretty! thank you!

  44. I love that! i I want to go buy some paperwhites!

  45. Love your little bit of Christmas. Your window is great and love your candle box. I think I would love to have that window with garland on my mantel :)! or the candle box!
    I also just read your chair post. I've heard of blog hopping but not chair hopping. I love your creative writing. I really thought your post was done when you said you were keeping the club chairs and almost missed the dining chairs lol. Love your dining chairs. They will look great white. I also need a new pair of chairs for our living room; I guess I better get chair hopping.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
    ~ Julie

  46. Shellagh - your Christmas touches are soooo pretty! I love the Joyeax Noel box with the candles! Very JDA for sure. :) When you do the Citra-Solv method on your pillow slips, do you then wash them after wards to get rid of the solution on the fabric? Where do you find Citra-Solv?

    I used a galvanized bucket for my little Christmas trees this year, too - dressed in burlap. I adore the simple rustic-ness of it. Nice job, sweets!

    xoxo laurie

  47. Hi Shellagh, not sure how I missed your post, but I'm just now getting over because I saw your sweet face on blog frog. I love your holiday decorating, the goodwill box is lovely. The simpler the decorations the more lovely in my opinion, and yours are gorgeous. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Hugs-Carrie

  48. Ahhhh... How Very, Very Beautiful...as usual!

    Just a quick note (as that is all I have time for these days) to thank you for the L*O*V*E you sprinkled all over my site through out this last year and wish you and your family All the JOY this perfect season brings...MERRY CHRISTMAS dear one xoxo...Rosie

  49. oh yes I hear you on the trying to stay to one colourway chrissy thing. Same happens to me when I open my vintage decs and am bombarded with colour!

  50. Sweet Shellagh.
    Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for inspiring so many of us ! much love,

  51. Wishing you a happy Christmas eve in you r xozy looking home

  52. Lovely photos
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Carolyn x

  53. GOT to love that Burlap ribbon - I did my gifts in that this year - and I totally hear you on sorting when I pack all this stuff up. Time to update and purge!
    Happy New Year!~

  54. missing you like crazy

    happy new year
    be blessed and prosper

  55. Well,now the clock is ticking as well and the new year is right around the corner.I am just here to give you an order....you just must keep on my blogging your style and bring me all my laughs and smiles,along with all that inspiration and beautiful pictures!!!!!
    Happy New Year from Norway:))))))

  56. so very beautiful- i love your banner. your style is so pretty.

  57. Hi:)
    I wish you & your family a very, very Happy New Year ! Lots of smiles, joy, love & success!

    Kate from Tomaszowa Chata

  58. Looking in and wishing good continuation of the new year / Mary

  59. Your Christmas decor was beautiful! Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

  60. Everything looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!