Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~look what I found!!~

Hello bloggy friends!

What an amazing fall day!!

beautiful clear skies, crisp air....
so lovely!!

Remember this post?

and this picture??

and this picture....

well......while on my home from an errand
this morning.....I thought I'd just pop into
the Goodwill Bins.....bright & early...

and look what I found!!
of course not nearly as nice as the above,
but what do you think???

it needs a bit of tlc, but I'm thinking it's
gonna be awesome in our
little dining room!!

here are a couple other finds from the last week
or two......

I have NOT decided what to do with these but
knew for the price....
I needed them....(there's 2!)

and this cute little tray

so now I need to get to decorating.......
yay!!  I love finding fun stuff!! :)

ok....got a couple new pillows
to share with you
for the Linen Shoppe

this first one is made from a wonderful
nubby dropcloth fabric....
it's fabulous!

and I added another bird pillow....
this one is sweet with it's vintage birdcage

well enough show & tell for today, huh?

time for me to get back to work!!

Enjoy your week friends!!

btw....I LOVED Phantom of the Opera!!!!

I hate to confess such a thing, but I watched
it a total of 4 times over 3 days!

with myself
with 2 of my girls
with Mr. T & T and one of my girls
and with my friend and one of her girls......

{while working of course ~ gotta do something
while I'm sewing.....:) }

bye for now!!





  1. OMGoodness! Great great finds. Can't wait to see what you do with the windows.
    Enjoy your week,

  2. What fabulous finds! The fire surround is amazing :o)

  3. Hi Shellagh...great finds !! wowwwwww... i like that chimney !! it is great !! and your lovely pillows....so nice.......happy evening darling hugs from me.....and love lots of love Ria....

  4. oh my goodness! What a find..what a steal! Ten bucks? Really? Magnifique!!

  5. Hi Shellagh...

    Ohhh my gosh...are you serious??? You actually found this fabulous, frenchy looking mantel at the Goodwill? Girl, I need your Goodwill store here!!! Ohhh...it really is gorgeous and it's sooo close to your inspiration photo mantel! I'm just tickled pink for you! I think this may very well be...the find of the century!!! Ohhh...and I know that the $10 sticker wasn't for THAT mantel!!! Darlin', I do believe that God was smilin' down upon you that day! Can't wait to see what you do with it and how it will look in your dining room!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. WHAT? The mantle was ten dollars! That is awesome... can't wait to see what you do with it!I always adore your pillows! ;)

  7. I think your mantel find is incredibly awesome!!! Congrats and glad to "meet" your blog! I'm a new follower.

  8. I cannot believe the price on that mantel. What a find. Can't wait to see how you decide to use it.

  9. Great Finds! Love the new pillows and after I read you were going to watch The Phantom of the Opera I decided it had been too long since I last watched it so I popped it in my dvd player too, Isn't it Great??!!

  10. It is every bit as wonderful as the one in the picture!! What a find! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see what becomes of these treasures!!

  11. That is amazing! Who finds that kind of stuff at Goodwill?!! I can't wait to see it all "dolled" up.

  12. OOOH I want to go to your Goodwill. lol Wow, you really found some great things:)I can't wait to see that mantel all decorated. The pillows are so pretty. What a great day!
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. OMG I am LOVING that mantle. I am sure you are going to do something amazing with it. Don't you just love this time of year? All the best, Lori

  14. Holy cow! that is one awesome goodwill find!!! Can't wait to see what you do with it!!

  15. That is an amazing find...and an amazing price!
    I never got to answer your post below on movies...have you tried North and South? I think it's my fave...even more than the jane austin's.

  16. Are you kidding.....$10... WOW! Love, love, love it!

  17. Shut. the. front. door.

    You're kidding me, right?
    You found that fabulous mantle at GW for TEN DOLLARS?

    I may have to seriously reconsider our friendship now.


  18. Great find on the mantle! Your pillows look beautiful as usual...

  19. SHUT the front door Shellagh! $10 for that mantle?! I am so green right now. :D
    You have NO idea how horrible our Goodwill is....such a bummer I tell you. I love all of your finds. Im sure they will look amazing in your home. Isnt it thrilling to find things on your wish list :) And for $10!!! XOX

  20. Haha...I just noticed that Anne and I said the same thing. Silliness :)

  21. I think if there was a competition out there in blogland for 'best find' you would win hands down! Love everything you found.. can't wait to see how you use them.. take care, Maryann

  22. The fireplace surround is going to be fantastique!

  23. Are you kiddin' me...10 bucks...that's the deal of the century....great find Shellagh.

  24. The mantel is so gorgeous!! $10.00 what a find.That is going to look great decorated for the holidays.....Kathy

  25. Oh my gosh!!! I cannot believe you found that mantle for $10!!!! WOW! It is GORGEOUS!!!! Is it plaster or stone? I LOVE it!!!! Great find! :)

  26. One question: Where the hell is that goodwill store? lol Never , ever would you find any of that stuff here... Great finds.

  27. Wow! What great finds especially the mantle. It will look great in your home.


  28. You did not find that mantel at the goodwill!!! After seeing the things that all you ladies find...I've determined that our gws stink! That is the find of the year - it's almost the exact same mantel as the picture. We have a freestanding in our dining room and it's my favorite thing in the whole house. I love changing it - almost weekly. :)
    Can't wait till you show us what you do with it all and the 1st pic is now my favorite inspiration photo.
    take care ~

  29. WOW! What an awesome find at a Goodwill! It's gorgeous! And so similar to the one in the photo... that's wild!!

  30. Hi Shellagh....You must have a really nice Goodwill to find something like that beautiful mantle! How lucky was that! Love your pillows! I have not seen the movie/ musical "Phantom of the Opera"....I am going to have to check it out. I have only see the original old blk& white movie with Claude Rains! Have a good evening!~Hugs, Patti

  31. Oh my gosh...can you stand it?! I LOVE Goodwill for exactly this reason! You never know what treasures you will come across. Amazing finds! Way to go girl!!


  32. I think you were in the right place, at the right time!! Great find and I just know you'll make it look even prettier once you give it your magic touch.

    Pretty pillows too.


  33. What fabulous finds!! And bargains to boot too!! I can't wait to see what you do with them! I love the nubby drop cloth pillow...LUVERLY!!!


  34. Good heavens...I can't even believe this! You got that mantle for TEN DOLLARS?! And at Goodwill? Love it. You're one lucky girl :)

  35. Shellagh, you scored! It's amazing how similar the mantels look. And $10.00 that's pretty amazing for Goodwill!

  36. Great Finds! Those windows are sweet!!
    Tammy :-)

  37. You lucky girl finding such great stuff. Love the mantle especially. I got to see the Phantom of the Opera play. Have you seen it? It's so good and the music too.


  38. Oh my goodness I can't believe you found that gorgeous fireplace mantle for $10.00!!!!! That is the deal of the century! Wow! I love thrift stores. It's like going on a treasure hunt!

  39. Well, girl! You hit the jackpot with that mantle. Can you believe it? I would like to know who the heck is donating that stuff to your Goodwill...we get mostly c-r-a-p at ours...did I say that?

    I KNEW you were going to love Phantom of the Opera- See!? Great flick, huh? Yeah-I loved it too! Hugs- Diana

  40. O well, I just don't know if I can like you anymore. These are amazing finds, and I'm a little jealous. ;0)
    And I really want the chicken pillow, really bad.
    Your pillows are always stunning :)
    Can't wait to see what you do with the mantle.
    Becky C

  41. wow, i love Goodwill! you never know what treasure is waiting for you!

  42. Wooooow! that mantle was calling your name! Fabulous.

  43. FABULOUS score on the mantel!!! It's beautiful.

  44. OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!
    That my dear is the "deal of the day"!!!
    Absolutely beautiful
    lovin' the windows as well...we sell window screens in the shop...just hinge those puppies together. Stop back at that thrift store and see if they will let you pick out a couple of old hinges from their "junk" box.
    Happy Day Dearest...smile on Rosie

  45. What a deal you got on that mantle! I cannot believe it was only $10! I had to look at that photo twice. It's beautiful. It was meant to be for you since you were just looking thorugh inspiration photos of the same. I love your new pillows!

  46. What a great find!!! Can't believe how much it looks like the one in the pic! Look forward to seeing it all decorated pretty.
    Have a good week.
    ~ Julie

  47. What great finds and your pillows are gorgeous.

  48. Wow what a find you lucky girl you :-)

    The cushions are fabulous.

    Leeann x

  49. Boy Oh Boy...it was your lucky day for sure! You were obviously meant to have that gorgeous surround!

    Best wishes,

  50. Love, Love, and Love your finds! Lucky You.

    Glad & Celia

  51. YOUR area has
    the best GWs...
    I KNOW, because
    I frequented quite
    a few of them this
    summer when I was
    visiting! What great
    finds! And you KNOW
    that I love the rooster
    pillow ~ I got my own
    sneak preview. Now,
    I have to get my hands
    on the Phantom as {eek!}
    I haven't seen it!
    Big hugs today for you : )
    xx Suzanne

  52. Oh my goodness....I am having the most wonderful time reading your Blog! So much eye candy!


  53. Oh....my.....gosh!!!!! I think my chin is on the floor like all the other gals who commented here, Shellagh! I can NOT believe you found that mantel at GoodWill first of all....and for 10 bucks???? T.o.t.a.l.l.y. incredible!!!!! (psssst! Let me know if you ever get tired of it.....) lol! :)

    xoxo laurie

  54. Shellagh that mantle is incredible!!! What a bargain too, wow! It is going to be amazing in your home!!! Your new pillows are so lovely too :)

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  55. WOW! I want to go to your Goodwill! We like the same things.
    Let us know what you do with the windows.....I have 6 sitting on my back porch awaiting a project. smiles.

  56. Shellagh,
    Every bit as beautiful,(mantel) and the price makes it even better.
    The doors I would not pass up as well. I would frame art in them and hang them on a great wall if to only use them in some sort of way.

    I am sure you will find great inspiration for them!
    Wow I never find these kind of deals, that California for you...Way to many shabby chic-ers here snagging everything up :)


  57. Unbelievable find!! Will be gorgeous in anyones dining room. I would have run to my car with it!

  58. I cannot believe you found a fireplace at Goodwill. That is amazing. If one were to show up here...they'd want $200 for it. Really... so that's quite the bargain. I cannot wait to see how it turns out in your home.

  59. Hi Shellagh,
    I am in total shock at that gorgoeus piece that you found at the Goodwill for only $10.00!! It looks just like the one in the photo!
    I can't wait to see what it looks like when you have it placed and fixed up in your home.
    Just wonderful!
    Have a great weekend.

  60. SCORE!! I am seriously in lurve with that mantle oh yeah

  61. The GOODWILL????? Oh my goodness... I go allll the time and have found some great things, but NOTHING like this. WOW.

    Warm blessings,

  62. Hi Shellagh,
    Great finds, and LOVE the cushions...you AMAZE me!!!

  63. Wow, absolutely love the mantle--and what a bargain price! Congrats!

  64. Hi Shellgh, Thank you for visiting my blog. It's always great to meet another person who shares my first name -- especially with another unusual spelling. I love your blog. That mantle is a truly amazing find! I'm loving all the inspirations pics you've posted...especially the ones in the next post. Just visited your Etsy shop....those pillows are to die for. Looks like I'm your newest follower. Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful creativity! ~Sheilla


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!