Tuesday, September 7, 2010

~english farmhouse~

Good morning!




well if this doesn't get my mind straight
for school starting tomorrow ~
nothing will!!

I came across this charming English farmhouse,
too darling not to share!

I guess it actually started as 2 little cottages
and they converted it to one.
How about cozying up to a nice fire
this morning for a little cup of tea
and a browse through a favorite magazine?

ya' know, I think the home we're in
now is the 1st one we've owned without
*gasp* a fireplace.....

I've always wanted to add one....

 my good friend actually just put one in *exactly* like
the one above & they love it.

this home is just so charming & cozy....

love those floors.....
what fabulous patina, huh?

ok....now my favorite detail in the kitchen....
a sofa.....right there to lounge on while gathering
in the kitchen....how wonderful!

I've always loved the idea of comfy chairs
near the kitchen for just that sort of thing,
but this is just so neat.

I am really loving the farmhouse doors
throughout the home~

Their bedroom is nice and neutral....
~with a simple headboard...someone could
easily duplicate!!

{as promised...headboard slipcover tutorial up next!}

more reinforcement of what I need to do in our bathrooms....yep....pronto....

so darling, no?

and the thing about putting sinks into
various pieces of furniture....
it's just not that hard!
so why do I stall?

 I wonder if that's an original
pump & well?  probably huh?

looks like the set of a Jane Austen movie....

I'm moving in......

and then I'll start wearing those sweet
cotton dresses like Elizabeth does....
with little boots....

Enjoy your week!



{all images from Period Living}


  1. ~*~I love that home..so beautiful and so cozy!!Hope you have a cozy and relaxing rainy day too~Im loving this Seattle rain! :)~~*

  2. What a beautiful post, how dreamy and cozy!!! It just makes you want to curl up and relax. Have a wonderful week!!!

    warm wishes

  3. That house is beautiful and, I agree, would look right at home in a Jane Austen movie. The bathroom is so cute and the floors are amazing.

  4. What a amazing home !!! .love everything i see............happy evening darling......love love Ria....

  5. What lovely pics! Thanks for sharing!!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Gorgeous Shellagh! Looks like there's plenty of room... I want to move in too!!
    Good luck with the first day of school tomorrow!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  7. Beautiful! I love Pride and Prejudice! Kiera Knightly version. So wonderful.

  8. Oooo, it IS like the set of a Jane Austen movie!
    And I'm crazy about those barn doors throughout the house, too.

    Monsoon weather here for our house closing. Of course!

  9. I love your taste, every picture is just beautiful and I covet them all

  10. you always send my mind a-whirling!

    stately and cozy

  11. Hi Shellagh,
    I am out of town still for the holiday and had to get on to see the weather in Seattle. :-)

    Love these photos. Wood burning stoves are too hot for me, but I love a good fireplace.

    I use to have a rocking chair in my kitchen . . . enjoyed visitors while I was cooking.

    Happy September.

  12. Ahhhh, this is the kind of images I'm never tired of!! Great great great! I love the setting, the rooms, the atmosphere, everything...

    Zaira xx

  13. Hi Shellagh!
    Geez, sorry about
    the rain! We've
    had some the last
    24 hours, too....
    But it does put
    you in the fall
    mindset : ) !!
    Someday I would
    also love a couch
    in the kitchen ~
    how cozy can you
    get?! We have a
    little stove fireplace
    in our basement and
    I highly recommend
    it ~ Really cuts down
    on the heating bill
    AND it's cute!!
    Love everything about
    this house ~ fun post.
    xx Suzanne

  14. Beautiful cottage! What's not to love?

    Thank you for sharing!

    Flora Doora

  15. Just found your blog via Little Emma English... Any blog that features an English cottage will stop me dead in my tracks and demand my attention... When they were on my doorstep, I took them for granted, but not they're pure eye candy... Love the blog. Lx

  16. Love this English cottage! It just feels so homey and wonderful, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing this little piece of the world with us! Diana

  17. Hard to believe it started out as two cottages and emerged into one! It is sooooo charming...think they would notice if I moved in? LOL...Gosh, I really want one of those cupcakes...they look so yummy!

  18. LOVE IT!!! All of it! I think English cottage is my all time favorite style. This home is just perfection Shellagh.

  19. So so beautiful, Shellagh! What's better than a French country home? (well.....maybe a old, creaky beach house snuggled up into the dunes....). But this is beautiful. Seriously awesome. My eyes immediately went to that beautiful floor, the incredible sink, and just then general 'openness' of it all. Thanks for getting our dream machine going today. lol!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  20. Looks like heaven. I love the kitchen too...lounging in the kitchen sounds wonderful :)

  21. Gorgeous! I especially like that kitchen/dining room! I wanna move there now too!

  22. Oh! It does look like a cottage I have seen in a Jane Austen movie on PBS! What a dream place!
    Thank you for sharing. I like the bicycle too!

  23. So many pretty spaces : )

    I'm so proud of you! Your blog and your etsy shop has just TAKEN OFF!!!!! Care to share any secrets???

    I do have a question for you though. I finally got my Citra-Solv in the mail. I have practiced and practiced with it. I feel my images are more "grey" than black. I have rad your tutorial over and over and STILL the results are not what I expected. I tried letting the solution sit a bit before burnishing (and, yes, I'm burnishing like crazy.

    Again, congratulations on all your success, followers, advertising...WOW! Just WOW! Shellagh! You have to be so tickled with yourself....and to think I bought one of your first pillows... )



  24. This home is full of great inspiraton and beautiful images. I love the easy, breezy look and farmhouse style!
    Beautiful post!

  25. Love it, you know I love to mix white with the natural wood

  26. What a amazing home !!! .love everything i see............happy evening darling......love love Ria....

  27. What a amazing home !!! .love everything i see............happy evening darling......love love Ria....


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