Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~dream garden~

hello everyone!

72 degrees....gentle breeze....
lovely weather in the NW!

it's days like this that make
the rainy winters survivable!

I had the opportunity this last weekend
to tour a magnificent garden.....

I actually stumbled on it while out
at garage sales & such....

I was walking around looking at the goodies on
the patio when I looked out back and
instantly forgot all about junkin'!
I was smitten immediately!

so let's just start at the beginning.....
I've got lots of pictures to show you...
so bear with me
{is it possible too have to many garden pictures in a post? nahhh!}

this is a shot of her yard from the street~
...big flagpole with Old Glory waving in the wind...

there are 2 different entrances to the back garden~
you can go through the clematis covered gate

through these fabulous "old" looking doors
the owner, Diane, made with her hubby

is that just the cutest?
I was blown away by the number of
architectural elements in her garden....
and her creativity!

...just before entering these cute doors
I noticed this tucked away in the trees

 little rabbit hutch with a stone bunny inside!

ok, we've come thru the darling doors and down this
little path lined with astilbe and hydrangeas

moving along....

her garden covers probably about an acre....
maybe a little less...
it's divided by several lawns
and connected by meandering paths...

Diane and her husband build all of there own
birdhouses and arbors

from this vantage point I'm looking back from the garden to her patio.....
and turning around to show you their 
woodworking shop..... 

in this adorable workshop
they build all their arbors, trellises
birdhouses and garden structures....

Diane is one busy girl!
 she does NOT have
a gardener!!

this rose bush she started from a cutting.....
and look at it now!

after wandering thru the arbor there's
a darling little potting shed with
a chandelier inside!

I couldn't get over how beautiful
her climbing roses are!
Even with all the rain ~ they look
just gorgeous!

this little birdcage is tucked up under
the arbor.....I think that's one of the reasons I'm
so mesmerized by her garden....
there are unexpected details everywhere...

now heading back towards the house

the side of her woodworking shop...

 ...there's so many different varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers.....just enchanting....

this is a gorgeous "Betty Corning" clematis
growing with a climbing rose

are you so loving this?
it was truly magical...
and nearly impossible to take it all in...

back towards her patio
which had a 2die4 view of her garden

meet Diane, the sweetest
and most gracious garden girl.....
she is truly amazing, as is her garden....

I hope you enjoyed your visit!!

btw....she invited me along for a tour
of several gardens later this summer!
woo-hoo!  can't wait!!

ok...everybody...out to your gardens!




  1. I am speechless!



  2. Stunning! I am speechless and totally jealous - didn't you just want to linger around long enough in hopes that she invited you to sit, have a lemonade so you could stare at those gardens....
    I work so hard on mine and now I feel like I've gotten no where!
    You lucky girl to find this ~ thanks for sharing.
    Sarah xo

  3. My first thought was . . . well maybe there could be too many garden pictures. Then I started the tour. This garden is gorgeous and I loved every single picture. Thanks, Shellagh! You must have had so much fun.

  4. OMG! I looove every little inch of her gardens, lawns, sheds, yard art, bird houses, nooks & crannies...Can I just live in one of her little out buildings? Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  5. Oh my goodness what a beautiful garden. You lucky girl getting the unexpected garden tour!

  6. Oh, this is wonderful! Her garden is gorgeous. I'm sure it was a wonderful treat to get to walk through it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Hi Shellagh,
    What a gorgeous and inspirational yard...thank you for sharing it with us!

  8. Oh to dream of having a garden like that someday! Lovely! ~Lulu

  9. Wow, and I mean Wow...she does all that...just her and her husband? They make the arbors & trellis'...Incredible! It's gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us! xoxo Beth

  10. Truly a gardener's dream, what a beautiful place. Thanks for taking us along. : )

  11. how beautiful. i want that potting shed, no i need that potting shed. every square inch of this garden is gorgeous. thank you so much for sharing and thank her also.


  12. Shellagh,
    I am in a trance, her gardens are amazing, I just love the little out buildings and that birdhouse takes my heart :)

    What did you think of the rabbit cage? it was a wow moment for me :)

    Thank you for sharing her gardens with us.
    PS. I've gotta go pulls some weeds now!! :)

  13. I bought some new plants today and now I'm inspired to go get them in the ground ASAP! Well it's 10:00pm so first thing tomorrow morning!

    What an amazing, amazing garden!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  14. That's amazing !!!! shellagh.....!! i never seen such a beautiful garden !! tell her!! happy summer day ...love Ria....

  15. Shellagh...YOU FOUND PARADISE on earth! This garden is a treasure chest with one place and idea better then the other! Must have been a blast,and sooo inspiring. In fact,I just have to borrow the picture of the bunny house...can you imagine...we had 3 rabbits before x-mas...now the number is 24! Have to make some more houses for them and separate the sex ´es for sure,and hopefully give away some of them too!
    But back to this garden....what´s not to love about it! I for sure love EVERYTHING and feek the urge to go outside in my own little garden and start refreshing it!Will do...not today though...here´s a little bit about the weather from me too:Norway is pretty rainy today :(
    Have a nice day :)))

  16. I'm speechless! Gorgeous! Every inch of it. I especially love the boxwood paths! Thank you for sharing!! You are right....this is a dream garden!!



  17. I can see why you forgot about the sale-such a creative garden!


  18. The only way I could even begin to replicate her magnificent garden would be to cut and paste your photos to my trees!
    Beautiful and so is she.

  19. How beautiful!! Love the gardens soooo much. I missed the garden tour this year here in MA at Chestnut Hill and Boston, but you just fufilled my broken heart! ;)bb

  20. Oh Shellagh-
    What a stunning yard.
    How does she do it all???
    e both know how much work that entails.
    I have wanted a chandelier for my garden shed and I am going to find one!


  21. Oh Shellagh! That garden is SO gorgeous!!! Thanks for the chance to see it. I just adore such things. You live in the Pacific NW? The siding on the house made it look like homes that I remember in that area.

  22. Dream Garden is right! This is how my "dream garden" would look. I need to get busy, since all I have is a flat back yard with grass and my potager!

  23. Lucky You! How amazing that you stumbled upon her home and gardens!~Hugs, Patti

  24. It truly is a dream garden!!! I am in love with her parterre garden!! I wish my yard was large enough for one....with enough room left over for a potting shed AND woodworking shop like hers! Wow!! It's amazing.

  25. Oh I sure enjoyed the lovely tour... That is one beautiful space to be enjoyed after the work.... thanks for sharing... Happy Fourth.

  26. Speechless! The effort someone puts into maintaining gardens of this beauty and size have to be enormous!
    I will forward the link to a friend that was looking for ideas for her own home.

  27. Good Morning You Little Garden Doll!

    How did you know? This was the post and inspiration I needed this morning! I was literally outside weeding and turning over dirt until 9:00 last night in the coolness of the evening.

    Why? So I could go to my favorie nursery in Milton-Freewater OR (no sales tax too)to buy some new flowers and plants.

    Your post and garden tour has me SO inspired. I am reminded why my love affair with gardening began so many years ago beside a beautiful lady named Dorothy. She taught me that gardening was probably the best therapy and the rewards of your labor were far and above the sore backs that resulted at times.l

    We have a little of the western state cool breeze here this morning....That means it's perfect weather for planting.

    What a beautiful garden ...I'm so happy you were able to walk through it and share it with us. The beautiful smile on the garden owner's face really says it all : )

    thanks again!

    Starview Sonnet

  28. Hi. WOW; that is crazy that we live in the same 'small' town. My daughters went to Laurin and PHS.
    Where is this garden? It is lovely! What an inspiration. Maybe I could go visit if she gives tours. Great find! Thanks for sharing it!
    ~ Julie

  29. Such a gorgeous garden! Love the little rabbit hutch ♥

  30. WOWWW! What an amazing garden. Diane should be so proud of herself. What a lot of work! I especially love her tall birdhouse and the rabbit hutch with the stone bunny...too cute!
    I am left breathless. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your picture perfect weather after the rain:)
    Have a great day!!

  31. Wow...this garden is chalked full of fabulous garden architecture!! I LOVE the door arbor entryway, and that bunny house is so adorable!! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  32. Oh my....I LOVED the tour! She has an amazing property and there's so much cute stuff to see!


  33. Oh my goodness! What a fabulous garden! I love all the architecture and little treasures. The plants and flowers are absolutely amazing! It is definitely a dream garden. That was sweet of her to let you take a tour and pictures! I am so glad you shared them with us!

    ~ Tracy

  34. Thanks for wooshing me away to such a lovely place.

    I better go weed now! Ha Ha

  35. Oh My Goodness! If only I had enough room to do this! What an amazing garden and a sweet gardener to go along with it.

  36. You Lucky Lady! Out Junkin and you get a beautiful Garden Tour O.k I'm jealous.It truly was a beautiful garden.Diane is darling to show you around and let you take photos to share with us.Thank you Daine! Thank you Shellagh!

    Oh I do wish we had an acre or so then I could have room to spread my wings.~Cheers Kim

  37. Simply stunning thanks for sharing :)

  38. Shellagh,
    Thank you so much for this amazing garden inspiration! I'd love to have that adorable rabbit hutch for my real bunnies... it's so cute! Everything is beautiful!

  39. SIGHHHHH.... How totally gorgeous and inspiring. Bring on spring I say, makes me want to get out there and create even if I get frostbite in the process ;0)

  40. Now THAT is my idea of a garden! I love all the charming details. ::Jill

  41. That place is just magnificent Shellagh- wow!!

  42. I was trying so hard not to be jealous! Those were beautiful. Somebody has a full time job in the yard or enough money for help. That's all I can say about that. Wow! So lovely. It was like a dream world. Thanks for the post. Glad I found you.

  43. Hey Shellagh~

    This garden is amazing with all it's outbuildings, arbors, gates and that wonderful birdcage amongst the vines. Her patio is also very inviting.

    Wondering if you received my email.

    Take care,


  44. It's all so beautiful...the flowers...the birdhouses...the green doors...just lovely.

  45. what a beautiful garden...
    the arbors and gates, their workshop and all those lovely flowers...

  46. I love it, the rabbit hutch was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.

  47. This is just stunning! thank you for sharing this beautiful garden!


  48. Shellagh, I resent the email with the photos of the table again this morning because I'm not sure if you received it yesterday.



  49. Good golly, Miss Molly, how did I miss this post??? Everything is absolutely gorgeous and I can see how you were entranced! I'm wondering if this in in Vancouver or Portland? You have to admit, all that rain I've heard about has graced you with the MOST gorgeous green summer! The flowers just blow me away. We have had a similarly wet June and are unusually lush here in Minnesota....90 degrees today, so guess it really is the good 'ole summertime, at last. Your pictures are fabulous, Shellagh, and I loved seeing this talented gardener's garden!
    xx Suzanne PS: I love bird cages but wouldn't have the heart to keep a real bird in one. I liked the ideas here of using "faux" pets or even just the nest with the eggs....

  50. I love her gardens....and all of the little surprises she has tucked away in it. Of course all of the plants are gorgeous too!

  51. B*R*E*A*T*H*T*A*K*I*N*G
    ....I am speechless...
    {this doesn't happen often}

  52. Greetings! I am new to your blog via My Desert Cottage. What a beautiful post and pictures. I am enjoying searching all through your blog. It is really quite lovely. Please stop by for a visit any time!

    Enjoy a wonderful day! Carol

  53. What an amazing garden. Thanks for the tour. Not too many garden pictures for me. Inspiration is what I needed, but it is just too hot here.
    Loved the Rabbit Hutch and all the other wood creations.
    No wonder you fell in love with this garden.

  54. Hi!

    I had to check out this great garden again before I left you a message. AMAZING! It really is a full-time job to keep a garden like this one, but oh so worth it!

    The plants we put in between our flagstone walkway is the Irish Moss. I just love it! It comes in a few different shads and I love mixing them up. It spreads pretty nicely and I've actually transplanted a few to different areas. It looks beautiful under my roses (I only have 3 roses so far).

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th. We sat outside and watched the fireworks from the surrounding cities. It was really really nice.



  55. Oh my! I'm such a slacker. What a beautiful place and thanks for showing us!
    Enjoy yours!

  56. Hello! Thanks for all these wonderful images!
    Today I have a lot of problems with blogger and comments...I hope you will receive mine.

  57. My Goodness - what a magnificent garden - I LOVE it. If only I could pick it up and put it in my own back yard - thank you for sharing!
    Paula :)

  58. I'm going out to work on my garden RIGHT NOW!

  59. Shellagh,
    Stunning, just jaw droppingly beautiful! It truly is a dream, from the climbing roses to the little sheds scattered throughout the property. What a sweetie for letting you share it with all of us. Lisa

  60. Oh my gosh Shellagh...Diane's garden is gorgeous! I love (covet) that darling little potting shed! Thank you, thank you for showing us this enchanting place.

  61. Absolutely STUNNING. A dream garden. Everything about spells Heaven! I'd never want to leave.
    Great pictures Shellagh!

  62. Such a delightful garden, thank you so much for sharing it with us Shellagh (what an interesting name I never heard it before)! What a pleasure it must have been to walk around and take pictures, there's so much to see, great garden architecture. Love the bunny house, the wooden door entrance, the turquoise trellis, the birdhouses, bird cage, garden house and shed and bird bathes and of course the boxwood hedges!
    Sending you warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany

  63. Oh, how absolutely delicious! How lovely of Diane to let you share all this with us!

  64. impressive garden ! what more can i say almost complete in garden accessories and nice landscaping . one thing i didnt see is that you have a garden wind spinner i hope that you have one .

  65. That's pretty impressive! Who designed your garden, and how many years have passed since it was built? I can't help but fall in love with this! =D

  66. Wow...this garden is chalked full of fabulous garden architecture!! I LOVE the door arbor entryway, and that bunny house is so adorable!! Thanks for sharing! Hugs ~ Jo :)

  67. Shellagh...YOU FOUND PARADISE on earth! This garden is a treasure chest with one place and idea better then the other! Must have been a blast,and sooo inspiring. In fact,I just have to borrow the picture of the bunny house...can you imagine...we had 3 rabbits before x-mas...now the number is 24! Have to make some more houses for them and separate the sex ´es for sure,and hopefully give away some of them too! But back to this garden....what´s not to love about it! I for sure love EVERYTHING and feek the urge to go outside in my own little garden and start refreshing it!Will do...not today though...here´s a little bit about the weather from me too:Norway is pretty rainy today :( Have a nice day :))) Tove

  68. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L and L-O-V-E-L-Y. That sums up your garden. I wish you have a wooden shed too since you are into wood working i bet you can create one easily.

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