Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~dream garden~

hello everyone!

72 degrees....gentle breeze....
lovely weather in the NW!

it's days like this that make
the rainy winters survivable!

I had the opportunity this last weekend
to tour a magnificent garden.....

I actually stumbled on it while out
at garage sales & such....

I was walking around looking at the goodies on
the patio when I looked out back and
instantly forgot all about junkin'!
I was smitten immediately!

so let's just start at the beginning.....
I've got lots of pictures to show you...
so bear with me
{is it possible too have to many garden pictures in a post? nahhh!}

this is a shot of her yard from the street~
...big flagpole with Old Glory waving in the wind...

there are 2 different entrances to the back garden~
you can go through the clematis covered gate

through these fabulous "old" looking doors
the owner, Diane, made with her hubby

is that just the cutest?
I was blown away by the number of
architectural elements in her garden....
and her creativity!

...just before entering these cute doors
I noticed this tucked away in the trees

 little rabbit hutch with a stone bunny inside!

ok, we've come thru the darling doors and down this
little path lined with astilbe and hydrangeas

moving along....

her garden covers probably about an acre....
maybe a little less...
it's divided by several lawns
and connected by meandering paths...

Diane and her husband build all of there own
birdhouses and arbors

from this vantage point I'm looking back from the garden to her patio.....
and turning around to show you their 
woodworking shop..... 

in this adorable workshop
they build all their arbors, trellises
birdhouses and garden structures....

Diane is one busy girl!
 she does NOT have
a gardener!!

this rose bush she started from a cutting.....
and look at it now!

after wandering thru the arbor there's
a darling little potting shed with
a chandelier inside!

I couldn't get over how beautiful
her climbing roses are!
Even with all the rain ~ they look
just gorgeous!

this little birdcage is tucked up under
the arbor.....I think that's one of the reasons I'm
so mesmerized by her garden....
there are unexpected details everywhere...

now heading back towards the house

the side of her woodworking shop...

 ...there's so many different varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers.....just enchanting....

this is a gorgeous "Betty Corning" clematis
growing with a climbing rose

are you so loving this?
it was truly magical...
and nearly impossible to take it all in...

back towards her patio
which had a 2die4 view of her garden

meet Diane, the sweetest
and most gracious garden girl.....
she is truly amazing, as is her garden....

I hope you enjoyed your visit!!

btw....she invited me along for a tour
of several gardens later this summer!
woo-hoo!  can't wait!!

ok...everybody...out to your gardens!



Sunday, June 27, 2010

~fern valley farm~

hello there!

I hope you're all having a great

I think we've finally gotten over
the rainy days here!

It's been just beautiful for almost a week now....
too good to be true ~ but we are sooooooo
loving it!

I wanted to share with you a wonderful blog
I recently discovered.......

Elissa lives with her husband and
2 kids on a beautiful island
in Maine!

Yep, I said island......lives on an island....
heaven on earth I would say....

she often posts stunning pictures of her
surroundings.....beautiful fields, beaches,

I love visiting her site ~ it's like a breath
of fresh air....

Elissa is quite talented

she whipped up these laundry baskets
after seeing
from Home and Harmony

and I'm fairly certain she is an organizational

she posted an awesome house cleaning
schedule that I really love......
{ok...NO...I haven't actually tried it but know I'll love it
when I do.....hee hee ;) }

she loves thrifting, and often posts her
awesome finds....like this bottle rack....

she sews, decorates and creates....
.....isn't this pillowcase so sweet?

I think there is nothing this girl
can't do!!

so head on over there friends....
I am certain you will love your visit!



{all photos from Fern Valley Farm}

Thursday, June 24, 2010

~decorating flea market style~

hello my friends!

for the weather update....
.... heaven....

clear blue sky & heading to 80 today!
same thing yesterday.....

what a wonderful change ......
.....we really needed to see the sun!!


now, on to decorating flea market style...
isn't this a great idea for our chandy's!?

I really want to try it in our living room
or dining room!

and wouldn't it be amazing to find a little bird cage
like this??? to use like this??

ok this picture (above) really makes me crazy....
because it makes me want to rip out our bathroom
cabinets & drop a sink into an old dresser
{that I do happen to have on hand......but remember in my last post
the bathrooms were simply someplace I was too overwhelmed to even attempt??? uh huh ~ see that's why it makes me crazy....but I can resist....and wait....;) }

I will keep the picture in my idea file & swoon over
it just often enough.....to keep the dream alive....

what cute stairs huh? hmmmmm....
more ideas.....
and btw... you are all so fabulous~

I feel so lucky to have so many supportive
friends out there!  I felt so much
better after reading your comments &
I took your advice & walked away from
the whole thing for awhile....
and it helped a lot!

I think my brain was just needing a break
and some recharging.....
I'll get back to it....

I have been seeing more & more tables
like this and decided I need to find one or two or......

and of course finding an old chippy fireplace
mantel would be so awesome....

a tidy little spot for mail.....love it too....

now look at the stairs here...so simple, looks
like a 2 x 10 or something just painted & looks
great.  {note to self....stop overthinking everything....}

chippy shutter love....

mixed with bench & basket love.....


well girls, I'm heading out to my garden to play ~
it's so quiet & peaceful this morning
with the birds chirping and a gentle breeze....
gotta go enjoy it!

thanks again for all your support & encouragement
I'm working on getting back to each of you
you're the best!



{images by Better Homes & Gardens}