Monday, January 4, 2010

~cabin fever anyone?~

Good Evening bloggy friends!

I feel like it's been forever since I've talked with you all.....

And I have sooooo missed you!

there are reasons why I have been away from my computer....




(what's new?)

well....another project........... :-)


before I get to all that craziness to share with you~

In case any of you have a little cabin fever....

here's a little somethin' to look at....

oh how I love this little cabin!

this is one of many little cottages in a wartime community (NE) built I believe
in the early 1900's

charming huh?

you might recognize these stairs from a previous post....
I'm still in love with them....

what about this!

I even adore that yellow dresser &
believe me....I have racked my brain trying to figure out
to recreate those walls!

I seriously think people would think I was completely insane a little crazy
to attempt such an endeavor!


I saved the best for last....

more absolute cuteness

love this bathroom!

I really need would love to have a clawfoot tub someday.....(soon!)

don't even get me started....they sell them on craigslist ALL THE TIME for a couple hundred bucks...
If they weren't so darn heavy, and if I wasn't completely certain my husband would kill me if I drug one of these home.... store in our completely crammed   rather full garage.....

I would buy one!

but I digress...


Would you all like to know what poor hubby is doing right now while I'm blogging...we've been up to?

well....a lot of the reasoning....timing....has to do with the dog who refuses to potty train cute little Sadie....

well, her favorite spot to have an accident was in our master bedroom....
next to our bathroom door!

so....the carpet had to go.

it's gone.

yup, the next big project.

installing wood floors in our bedroom & down the hallway.....

our room was the LAST room in the house to have carpet,

not anymore. :-)

sorry about the picture quality!

It's late & I used a different camera but this gives you an idea!

I'll post more after we're done!


remember my love of craiglist?

I got this wood free!!!

it's about 700ft2 of tongue & groove fir planks.....yippee!

good night for now!


{pics by Julian Wass}


  1. FREE!!! Wow, I gotta check Craigs list more often! Good luck finishing up your install. Look forward to seeing more pictures!

  2. Oh man I've got to check out Craigs List more often! The wood is gorgeous! Good work Sadie! Got mom and dad to change the floor!

  3. Hi Shellagh! Your floor is Beautiful! Wow! What a great find! Cant do any better that free!

    I've always wanted a clawfoot tub..I splurged when we renovated one of our bathrooms. I picked a clawfoot slipper tub..It's a new whirlpool one from American Bath factory.. I ordered it from Lowes.. So it's not heavy like a cast iron one. Love it! I need to post some pics of that bathroom...

    So sorry about Sadie! Been through that before! That's why we have wood floors throughout our house too! LOL At least something good comes from that!

    Cant wait to see your pics when you are finished!

    Blessings ~ Teresa

  4. Wow! Good for you getting that wood flooring free.
    I love the cottage photos .


  5. It doesn't take much to interrupt blogging ... a few months ago I almost threw in the blogger towel er keyboard ... I was hanging on by a thread ... took a deep breath and came up for air ...

    we have wood floors, too, but no pets ... I guess I'm too fussy
    Sadie... she's a doll

  6. Oh I want those stairs in my house!! Craigs list eh???? Sadie is a cute as a button!! Talk soon,Chrissy

  7. That has to be the best Craigs list find, ever! Free? The photo with the porch looks so inviting this morning. A cold snap here in NC has me longing for an early spring.
    I can so relate to your pooch problems. We had to remove all our carpet too. Carpet and pets, just don't mix.

  8. Wow!! I've got to check out our Craigs list more often. What a treasure.. Sadie is just too darn cute...gotta love a face like that.. I use a claw foot bathtub has a display in the shop, it is the most fun and quite the conversation piece.. Great post.hugs ~lynne~

  9. Free wood? That is great! I want hardwood upstairs! I hate carpet. Love that cabin too.


  10. Oh how I dream of having a claw foot tub...and to think I had one years ago and hated it. I was in my early 20s and it just seemed inconvenient to me. Silly youth! What was I thinking?


  11. Hi Shellagh! Teresa again... I wanted to let you know.. I left a Sweet Award for you on my Blog! Stop by & visit to pick it up!

    Blessings ~ Teresa

  12. Hi Shellagh! Wow free wood flooring?! Score!!
    Somehow I'm thinking you were working that precious little Sadie to get that carpet out of the last room??!! Was Sadie getting treats for "helping"?!;)
    Sadie is absolutely adorable!
    And congrats to you on all of your blog success! I remember when you had just posted your first post. So glad that you have found an audience for your fabulous talents!
    Happy New Year to you!

  13. I can't believe you got that for free! What a score. Good luck with the pup, we've had some troubles with ours too but he seems to be getting the idea just recently to use the outdoor potty!

  14. Your little doxie is so adorable! I have a doxie, too and it took me six months to potty train her. She usually "un potty trains" herself every winter because she does not like to go outside when it's cold.

    Second Hand Chicks

  15. Lucky you! I can't wait to see how it comes out. I have carpet in my bedroom and I hate it. Wood floors are on my wish list for the future. Happy New Year! Lori
    PS. YES I have cabin fever.

  16. What a cute dog -- we have a corgi -- so we're used to "low riders" as well!

    Great pictures!

  17. Wow, you lucky little stinker, you! And brilliant, to use the pup as a ruse to get a free wood floor. Score! ;-)


  18. I am in love with the couch on the top of your blog...sooo awesome. I DO have cabin fever, especially sinc eit is snowing so hard here in am planning a trip to the Flea Markets in Paris in April. Wanna come? Check out my blog ( for more info. I know you would have fun shopping....And I will continue to read you r blog, cause I LOVE it.

  19. No cabin fever here, because I have been visiting in So. Calif. this week, but I'm sure it will return when I return to the valley and the fog.
    Loved the picture of the clawfoot tub. We have an old one in the back yard that I want my hubby to put in our MBath. But he just gives me "the look" when I suggest it.
    Anyway love your wood floor. I never find anything that great and for free on Craigs List. Glad to see you back and posting.

  20. I love that cabin. So perfectly sweet. I had to laugh about the carpet. We are planning to replace all the upstairs carpet with wood. Our first floor is already wood. With animals it is just so much more sensible. Even if they are potty trained they still shed. The swiffer is my best friend.

  21. Really?? you got the wood for free?! Awesome! Can't wait to see your project completed!!

    LOVE all of your inspiring pics!!

    :) T

  22. My son's mini-dashound does the same thing....thank goodness that's at his house, not floor! fab!


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!