Friday, October 2, 2009


This morning I watched my youngest daughter get on the bus......she's skipping across the street....swinging her lunch box....making faces at me....waving you ever have those days when you feel like your heart is going to burst?

I am so in love with my kids! I can't believe how fast the time goes.

Only a little while ago I had toddlers running all over making messes & needing naps and today I have 2 middle schoolers bee-boppin all over & needing help with homework (and only sometimes!) And thankfully I still have one in grade school although this is her last year :-(

This is Allie 4 years ago.....5 years old ready for she's the big 4th grader (her grade school ends w/ 4th grade!)

My "now" middle schoolers! Here they were as 3rd & 4th graders!!

I love my family and how much joy they bring to my life! I thank God everyday for the wonderful blessing they are...


OK...enough of the sentimental stuff!

I'm going to be featuring a 'Craft of the Day' a 'DIY of the Day' and a 'Recipe of the Day' almost everyday. I say almost because I want my readers to be able to see them...before I change them...until I can figure out how to archive ...

So if you have a project you want me to highlight (and link to your website/blog) or know of a something really cool let me know!

See you next time!



  1. My son is 28 yrs old now but sometimes I wish I could make him 5 yrs old again. My favorite time with him. When the world around him was new and exciting. Hugs

  2. Aw...I remember those days. I have 2 daughters (a know-it-all 20yo and a sassy 16yo) and they grow up so fast. Where did the time go? Your girls are beautiful!

    I'M SO GLAD you stopped by today - which led me back to your site! I knew the moment I saw "Ticking and Toile" that it'd be my kind of place. I look forward to your new feature too! It's nice to "meet" you! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Awwww...I enjoyed reading thisi post about your girls...Doesn't the time just go so quickly? Since I have a 20 year old, a 10 year old and an 8 year old...I KNOW that the lyrics to the song "Don't Blink" are SO TRUE!

    I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment. AND, I'm so glad to have found yours! I'm a follower for sure! Love the DIY of the day and the recipe of the day. Have fun making the easy and just so darn cute!

    We're practiclaly neighbors here in the Great Northwest. I look forward to visiting you here often.



  4. Your blog title caught my ticking and came to visit. YOu have a lot of the same inspiration pics that I save! Your post about your children was so sweet..and YES I know that bittersweet feeling...I only have one so far..he will be 12 soon..sigh. cherry

  5. I've got a few projects I'm working on. I've been painting and I hope to have everything together this week. Maybe not since I'm still taking it easy after surgery. I can see what I want in my head but it's not coming together yet.

  6. Your children are adorable Shellagh!! And, I'm lovin your new header!!!

    :) T

  7. Oh you are going to make me cry tonight. The time goes entirely too fast. It's exciting and sad to watch them grow more and more independent.

    The island in my kitchen is an old dresser. We haven't gotten around to working on it yet. I plan on putting beadboard on the back and sides, painting it and putting a new top on that will overhang for the stools. It's on the list of projects to do very soon. We have the same problem here, the kitchen is tiny so an island out of actual cabinetry would have been too much. The dresser replaced the skirted island which was a pressboard piece. I moved the skirt to the kitchen sink and love it there. Definitely try out a dresser, it provides good storage too! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I have a 5 year old and a 15 year old and I swear I remember when they were so small learning how to crawl and walk, like it was yesterday...

    I actually just out up a post on my Blog and one of the projects I featured was how I turned a chalkboard in to a photoboard. If you'd like to feature it that would be amazing!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Thanks so much for your recent visit and kind comments. I was so happy to be led here to your beautiful blog. Your daughters are just adorable. They do have a habit of growing up way to fast.
    I love your idea of having daily features on your sidebar. I clicked over to find out about those pies in the jar. OMG, that is such a cute idea. I have to try that one.

  10. Hi there, I stopped in from Tracey's (French Larkspur) blog and what a Beautiful and inspirational blog home you have. Im off to look around some more. Nice to meet you. They grow up so quickly don't they? Have a great weekend, Jamie

  11. Your girls are so darling, and my, oh my, they do grow up so quickly! My only son is 26, and he has a son who is 6. So you see, when your children get get grandkids! More to love and love and love! Enjoy every moment with your girls and have a special weekend!

  12. great blog... have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I just found your blog today and I wanted to say hello. I look forward to reading your old posts. Have a wonderful Sunday!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  14. Ahhhh...I hear you...mine "kid" are 18 and 20 and I just love them to death,they are the world to me and I am sooooooo proud of the adults they have become(future cop and future teacher)enjoy every single minute,cause your right,time just flies!!!! All the best,Chrissy

  15. Shellagh, you expressed it so well! My boys are 17 and 20. I still picture their little freckled faces with baby teeth in my mind all the time. I don't think they appreciate so much that they are still babies to me. Oh well, that's part of being mom and I wouldn't have it any other way!

  16. whew , I just scanned your whole blog ...feel like I've been to your house and back again.

    WE ARE ALOT ALIKE in fact maybe our hearts beat at the same time (one of my famous sayings)

    always curious how'd u find little ole me?


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!