Tuesday, September 15, 2009

frenchy chair rehab

I found these black & green striped chairs (eek) on craigslist. I do love CL! More than half, but not quite all....of my furnishings come from CL.

I put up with them for awhile because I tend to get "project overload" but finally got to them and I think they turned out fabulous!

BTW this is my dining room before window trim, baseboards, and a different table and chairs. You can kind of see the after shot of it in the pic's down below.

First I had to pry the nails & tacks off the chairs so I could remove the old fabric. Then I just used the old fabric as a template for the new fabric. I used a staple gun for the first one, but came to the conclusion that I could really save myself a lot of grief & effort by getting out the ol' glue gun. What an invention! Love it.

Anyway, I happened to have the red trim left over from another project and luckily, it matched the fabric perfectly. I used an antiquing kit from Lowe's (about $15),from American Tradition. I didn't prime it or anything this time. Just painted right over the black. The antiquing kit comes w/ the actual paint (cream) and a type of stain that you rub on the paint after it dries. Then you quickly wipe it off, but leaving some in the cracks and grooves.

So, here is the finished product....I love the red & cream together with the rest of my house. It just warms up the room and gives it kind of a swedish / frenchy feel.

The tablecloth on the table is a beautiful, antique quilt I found at a garage sale for $10!!! I snatched it up...felt like I was stealing something I was so thrilled! Anyway the backside is actually what's showing. Here is a pic of the underside...it is really darling... hand quilted. But too tattered to display so I just use the underside & it works perfect with the decor.

Thanks for coming by, see you next time!


  1. I actually liked the chairs in their original fabric, but your recovering is just divine! Excellent work. Love the toile on the back of the chairs :)

    Thanks for visiting my site. I'm about to peruse around yours a bit more.


  2. Love to see all your creativity & style. It is amazing the things you find on CL & are able to do to it to add your personal little touches. Glad you are having more time for sharing this on your blog too.

  3. Nice chair redo. The white chair with the pop of red really makes the chair shine.
    I just popped over to your blog from Musings of a French Cottage. I saw in a previous post you were recovering a sofa and a wing back chair. How was the wing back chair redo? I am thinking of doing the same for ours. Making a slipcover for it. Too afraid of the piping though...but might give it a try as you say it's not that bad.

  4. Your chair re-do is beautiful!!! Love...love...love the toile!!!


  5. Shellagh- You did a wonderful job on the chairs! They look great. I wish you lived closer, I would hire you!! And that quilt- what a beautiful find!
    Popping over here I realized I never answered your wax question. I am SO sorry. I was going to ask Dan and then I let the ball drop. I am going to get him to do a post on his technique and I will let you know when it's up. Again, so sorry:(
    p.s. I love the movie Pride & Prejudice and since hearing the soundtrack here I now have to have it! Thanks!

  6. Very, very cute!!! Love the fabrics and the creamy white paint. They do remind me a lot of my chairs!!


  7. I found the post, great job, super! Almost half of my furniture is from Craig's list and the rest my hubby built! Cindy

  8. What a great make over and you are one lucky girl to have such a lovely quilt! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!