Tuesday, March 5, 2013

~well, hello there!~

Hello hello!!!

Where in the world have I been?

some of you have been so sweet,
checking in on me to make sure I'm 
still around....:)

well no worries.....
all is well!! :) :)

I took an unplanned break....

and because I'm kinda boring like
that, I don't even have a good excuse...

It's my same ole' story....
holed up in my work room.....

work work work work work.....

no time for decorating....{boooooo!!!!}
no time for projects....{bonus for Mr. T & T}
no time for housekeeping...
{just knock down a cobweb every now & then...and wipe down 
counters once a day....}
or grocery shopping...
{thank goodness for a teenager who can drive & for 
my girls who love nothing better than "a party in the grocery store" while
doing the grocery shopping for mom!!! :) }
or cooking
{it's a good thing I've been training them since they were wee little girls
to cook!! cuz they've done their fair share!!}
 personal hygiene
{good grief~ my roots are ridiculous.....you've heard of ombre
hair color right??? well I'm developing my new ombre style....}

I've been working 6 days a week for 
as long as I can remember....

at least 8 months I would say.....

but what a huge blessing it is to
have my little

{for those of you who haven't a clue what I'm talking
about!! :)}

it's been growing growing growing!!!
and I've been hanging on for the ride &
just trying to keep everything under

we just hired another seamstress....
so now I officially have 2 full-time
& 2 part time seamstresses....
and an on-call crocheter! :)


but fun....but busy...

I did have the opportunity to be a part of the
Junk Salvation show
way back at the beginning of February...

she asked me to come, along with my
bedding & pillows & such... 

so I was able to display my linens on her
gorgeous vintage bed....
and hang around & chat with people,
and help Kathleen when the crowd was 
{of course her booth was one of the best there!}

it was a lot of fun! 
and I met a lot of people who followed my blog :) :)
{and yes I felt soooo guilty for the recent lack of blogging....}

we created some new items for the show...
a couple union jack pillows....one is shown above

here's another: 
this one is my favorite...tattered & all...

and a new duvet cover....

lots of ruffles of course!! :)

and some new linen pillowcases with 
hand crocheted edges...

sooooo beautiful & soooo french country....

anyway...lots of fun stuff!!
if you'd like to take a closer look

I did have the amazing opportunity
to work in my garden beds yesterday....

first time in f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
it was 62 degrees out & sunny blue sky!

so I grabbed my gloves & clippers and
went to work!

it felt soooo good!
something so therapeutic about digging in the dirt
and listening to the birds sing....ahhhhhhhh :)

dreaming of lilacs blooming....
and clematis scrambling up the rose arbor....

spring is definitely on the way....
I love spring!

all the little plants poking their heads out
of the soil after a long nap....

so exciting......:)

I have so many plans this year....
like fine tuning my english garden....

love the allium shown above with
the boxwood hedge...

I've got the boxwood hedge just
not a certainty of what's going inside....

I've done veggies, petunias,
and a mix of everything...

but this year I think I want something


please share! :)


well I guess it's time to get back to work!

it's been so nice chatting with you this
morning & I promise I'll do better 
getting back on here!

fair warning though~ 
it may just be me rambling about life with 
some pretty pictures for you to look at :)

I hope your day is fantastic!!



btw....I do post every single day