Monday, October 31, 2011

~beautiful inspiring....~

Happy Monday my friends!

I am feeling so very fortunate right
now because it is

the weather has basically been
"one day good, next day bad"
for the last week!

for instance~
doom & gloom

but today ~ birds chirping...
blue sky....gorgeous....
the kind of day the makes you
just want to be outside & breathe
the beautiful fresh air.........

do you know I just cut my last
bouquet of roses....

the last few stragglers of the season....

they smell sooooo nice......hate to see
them go....but love all the colors of fall
that replace the flowers...

like this image ....

totally reminds me of my Grandmother's garage.....

and how about these caramel apples with the cute
little branch stems??

cutest idea ever huh??

I find soooooo many images on
holy's mega-addicting.....

like this in my "bulging at the seams"
craft folder....(do thumb drives have seams? ;} )
I am totally making this cute little pumpkin.....

you can find the tutorial here

It seems I have nothing much to share today....
just a few lovely pictures....
and a little bit of "so-so" dialogue...

basically just sayin' hi!

and wondering if
 everyone ready for Trick or Treating??

our youngest is now 11 so she
wants to go out with her "friends"
not so much Mom & Dad.....

so Mr. T & T will be walking a safe
not too embarrasing make sure
they're safe.....

while I'm at home handing out candy
to all the little kiddos..... 

and while our "high schoolers"
are at their various
Halloween festivities....

how about you?

got big plans?

handing out candy?

eatin all the candy?

hee hee...that'll be me.....

I'll try to have *ahem* restraint....

have fun!!



Come see me on

{photos via pinterest}


  1. Hi-

    The first picture of the table setting is so gorgeous, but i have to say the "dogs as ghosts" is the best picture. I am still smiling:) I will be trick or treating with my kids hoping they get one or two or three Almond Joys (my favorite)!!!

    Happy Halloween and thanks for the wonderful post!


  2. Hey glad you are having a sun-shiny day! I think here in Florida, we tend to take them for granted.

    Love the plaster pumpkin too! Becky is a friend of mine (well, we met once, but felt instantly connected. I'm sure we'll get together soon).

    Have a wonderful week...hopefully the weather will be nice.


  3. If you look at my post today, you'll see the spooky frost of ghost flakes that fell ;) Love your pictures! I will have to try out pinterest-Is that the name? If not, I bet I sounds silly! Anywhooo, Boo to you! Alyssa of Boston Bee

  4. Ohhh i am in love with those dogs........BOOOOOOOOO!!!

  5. Hurray for the sun...our weather sounds much the same as yours. At least today is nice for the trick or treaters!! They have already started to come to the door. I miss going with my kids, it was always such a fun day. Even when they were teenagers and went through the shaving cream fights! lol!!

    Love the picture of the dogs dressed up!! You always find the best pictures!!

    Have a great week, Shellagh!


  6. handing out candy....eating candy....buying more candy....smiles!

  7. Well I'm here making carmel apples and trying hard to keep myself from eating them. Not working...
    I hope your night is great and your kids have a blast.

  8. Amazing how the sunshine can lift our spirits and make our heart sing, Shellagh! I'll be missing days like that when Old Man Winter arrives. Ugh! I'll just go into a Pinterest coma and hibernate til Springtime..... lol!

    xoxo laurie

  9. Hi Shellagh! Thanks so much for "pinning" my little pumpkin into your post!! JOY!! They are a lot of fun to make!! Please show us if you make some!!

    Have a lovely week!

  10. Great photos and ideas! Could you give more info on how to make that white craft pumpkin? There was no link on the tutorial. Thanks


Thanks so much for saying hi! I love to hear from you!