Thursday, March 24, 2011

~on top the piano~

Hello everyone!

I thought I would show you a little
refluffing I did recently on top of our piano....

but first the weather ~ ok. rain.
moving right along....;)

I found this vintage typewriter at the goodwill bin store
down the huh?
very heavy....

I had to adorn her a little ~ give her a little bit
of lavender & lace....
much more interesting that way!

we actually got this piano off ~ you guessed it ~
craigslist!  And it was F R E E!!
sadly, a result of a divorce.

I brought my very musically inclined friend
who tested it and told me it was an amazing piano w/
wonderful sound.  It is.  I love it.

of course, I'm not especially loving the BROWN wood
I mean, come on!  Right???

but, Mr. T & T has strongly suggested
 (uh what?  what does that mean??? hee hee)
that we leave it alone....huh?  what?  I don't think I really got that....
not that I would EVER do something crazy while he wasn't paying attention....

we shall see.....lucky for him I'm too busy to cause
too much trouble right now! ;)

but I have to admit.....this particular paint treatment is haunting case you didn't see this post from Miss Mustard Seed....GO SEE NOW!!!
you won't believe how gorgeous her previously BROWN cabinets turned out!!

are you back?  Cool!

where was I?
ok back to the brown piano...

so, I moved my little cherub laying on her french vintage books
and added a few plates & platters....
tore up a couple books....
{fyi....make sure the books are old enough or they really don't turn out that great....course
all you super talented decorating ninjas already know this.....;)}

adorned a few candlesticks with vintage french sheet music
~ that was a little difficult ~ cutting it up....hated to do it!

but it doesn't really do me any good just holding on to them ~
stacks of vintage music sitting on a bookshelf, right?

fun stuff ~

re did this little table ~ again!
since I stole the cherub....
moved the lavender to this neat old trophy
and added a little clock.

welcome spring?  she's declined thus far
to be welcomed..... errrr....


I wanted to let you all know that I'm now offering
tablecloths in the Linen Shoppe

I recently completed one for a custom order & thought it was
so beautiful ~ I decided to add them to the store.

you can find them here

I also wanted to show you a beautiful necklace
I recently purchased from another
etsy shop

it came so beautifully wrapped

what a treat it was to open!
my girls were gathered around soaking it in!

just beautiful ~ all completely hand done

the artist is Laura Venosa DellaPorta
and her shop can be found here!

here is another beautiful example
of her work....

go see her ~ you will not be disappointed! :)
oh and btw....she is an absolute sweetheart.....

now, I'm back to work.
got 2 girls home sick...
Kenzie age 13 ...sore throat, cough, fever, ear ache
Allie age 10..."hurt foot" and tired.... ha ha no
just kidding she does have an owie and let's say
a plugged nose (at this point) I do believe it's time
for her to get back to class! :)

Have a wonderful Thursday!



Thursday, March 17, 2011

~a spring vignette~

Happy almost Friday!!

my favorite day of the week....

it has been one stormy week here
in the good ol' northwest.....
it's funny ~ every single
year at about this time....I'm ready
to pack up & move somewhere sunny....

like seriously.....pack up & move....
every s.i.n.g.l.e. year.....

then usually just when I'm about ready to lose it  in the nick of time......we get an amazing
spring day.... or shall we say spring moment?
we had one of those today....sunny for about 3 1/2 minutes....

I love's been awhile since
I've had any & I just cannot believe
how amazingly soft it is!

like bunny soft....
btw....this is an awesome book.....

Mr. T & T gave it to me for Christmas
and I have really enjoyed it....

I hung a few vintage french postcards
from these darling little antique clips...
also from France.....
they are seriously the cutest things ever...

aren't they just the cutest?

ok...our motto....laugh with joy.....!
as often as possible!! :)

I also got this darling little Johnson Bros. tea cup and saucer with a hyacinth bulb ready to bloom...
...same antique store....

I think the little cup & all was only $6!
I thought that was a pretty good deal....

I decided I  liked the vignette better without
the hyacinth ~ but had to show you anyway....

well that's all I've got today.....

I really hope you all have a wonderful

Thanks for coming by!



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~spring wreath~

Hello friends!

I am officially.....anxiously......
impatiently waiting on spring......

yesterday it was sunny and beautiful.....
and the air smelled so fresh & wonderful.....

today ~ not so much.....back to rain
partially sunny forecasted for
 S  a  t  u  r  d  a  y 

come on......spring....!

I'm ready to welcome spring!
ready for daffodils, hyacinths, lilacs,

one of the saving graces is the happy birds
chirping outside my window.....

love that!

the sweet sounds of birds in the garden
bring me a lot of joy.....

and the smell of lavender.....
can't get enough ~ :)

I picked up this fun wreath at an
antique show over the weekend....

I met up with Kathleen from
Faded know White Wednesdays?

she's awesome & we've met up
several times at different antique malls & stuff...

so I did a little fluffing this morning....
I'm embarrassed to say this window
in my living room sat empty
since um....Christmas.....

the shame.....
and "you call yourself a blogger"
hee you all know!

I'm really loving our sisal rug
we got a few months ago.....
you can see just a peek of it here
but it really adds so much warmth to the room....

we will probably be painting this room
in the next few months....
I really like the texture on the wall ~
but the "parchment paper" look
tends to look a little more yellow than I want....

I'm on the hunt for sconce lights or maybe
candelabra/sconce lights for either side
of the window......

I'm not sure I'm going to leave it (the window) there
long term or maybe move a big mirror
I have into it's place...

I've always loved this little table
I picked up a few years ago....

it may or may not stay but I do love it......

on a side note....
I got some very fun items in the mail

isn't the packaging darling???
have you been to Lori's site?
she has a wonderful blog
and a
 "brick & mortar" store

and let me tell you....she is a accessorizing,
vignette creating NINJA!

you will gain so much inspiration from
her site....go check! :)

these are cute little paper pulp pots....
they look like aged cement....
can't wait to put something in them...
and show you

she sent me some beautiful cards along with
the package ~ she also designs greeting

apparently the pots look awesome stamped so,
I'm thinking about trying "the citra-solv
transfer method"...on them....maybe I'll
transfer some kind of fun graphic!

fun to look forward to ~

well that's it for today!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~meet Madeline~

Hello everyone!

Well it has been quite the crazy
week or 2 around here!


it'll be a miracle if my new little garden
plants survive!!

I wanted to take just a minute
to introduce you to another little
chair slip I dreamed up....

meet Madeline...

I had fun creating Madeline....
I loved adding the teeny tiny ruffle...

I had the vision in my head for awhile and
had to hunt around etsy
to find the right graphic....

if you are interested in finding graphics
for your projects
you can find LOTS on
The graphics fairy ~ click here
she is totally amazing and literally posts
new graphics every single day of the year!!
and they are   F  R  E  E !!

but this one I actually found in another
etsy store called Vintage Restyled

she has lots of fun and unique graphics
so go check it out!

here's the back view....

just a simple little white ribbon tie....
I really like the delicate tie with the dainty ruffle....

so that's Madeline.....hope you like her~
she's available in my store if you want
to take a closer look
{ no pressure of course! ;) }

I also hope you don't mind seeing all
my new creations......

I hope to someday start doing some
decorating again & show you some more house
stuff but for now all my energy is right here

so this is what I've got!

Hope you're all doing fantastic!!

