Wednesday, January 26, 2011

~victorian beauty & grainsacks....~

Happy Wednesday friends!

I came upon the most beautiful
Victorian home in San Francisco.......

I am loving so much about it!

like the settee for starters.....
love the upholstery with the 2 types of fabric....

and how cute is that little dress form in the entryway???

it's a lovely thought but I can already see one
in my home covered with 28 sweatshirts,
backpacks, bags, purses with a couple umbrellas
thrown on top!!

nevertheless ~ her's is quite beautiful ;)

cute dining room...adorable chairs....
all of them!

speaking of chairs....
my sweet hubby hung up all my chairs in our (well I
think he's thinking "his new mancave") garage...

he's waiting ever so patiently for me to get to them.....
{if you haven't a clue what I'm talking about
you can read about my chair fetish/extravaganza here}
so when it is time for me to tackle them they will
be waiting all nice like hanging on the wall....

where was I?

so many beautiful decorative
all the frames & mirrors on the wall....

just a peek into her kitchen....

LOVE her son's room....
so many textures....
I really like the way she uses the vintage suitcases
for storage.  perfect.

And of course, I'm loving the grainsack pillows.....
which leads me to something a bit
exciting for the

I have recently received this stack of
antique french grainsacks.....

which will very soon become
pillows & table runners for sale in
the shop!!!

I simply cannot get over how fabulous they are...
I can see now the great affection so many
decorators have for them!

Although I have always loved the look ~ I've just
never owned any for myself!

so these are on the agenda....
pure yumminess coming soon!!

and on another note.....

I was so fortunate to win 2 giveaways recently!!!!

this darling little pink toolkit

she is such a sweetheart & her blog is really
fun!!! Please stop in and say hi!

and I also won (can you believe it??) a Home Goods gift card
and if you haven't been by her site
please stop over & peek!!

crazy huh??

Thank you Cindy & Cierra!!

Well I'm off to my work ~ and the SUN is OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

hold the phone! seriously!

Have a great day!



{photos courtesy of Country Living}

Friday, January 7, 2011

~light & bright swedish loveliness~

hello there friends!

well, I'm back from my little vacation~
bet you thought I was never coming back, huh?

I don't know about you, but I was just
needing a major vacation from everything
and really really enjoyed it!!

To lighten & brighten your mid winter
{ok, so not exactly mid-winter......I'm an optimist :) }
life....I thought you would enjoy
these beautiful photos of
a darling swedish home....

This darling Swedish home is light & bright inside
and out!  Look at all the beautiful snow.....

I know all you mid-westerners are probably rolling
your eyes & saying "yeah right!" but in the NW we
rarely get snow & look forward to it on occasion.....

2 years ago we actually got 18 inches right during Christmas!
it was so wonderful!

of course everything around here closes down & all
the news stations preempt all tv programming if
we get any more than an inch!!

I am really loving the white table with the natural wood
chairs......I've seen a lot of tables similar to this, in blogland, and I really like the style.

I've wondered about the nordic style of decorating....
you know they use so much white & it snows so much there
.....I wonder if it just makes their homes so much brighter??

anyone out there from Sweden can shed some "light" on the
subject?? hee hee.

I do love it though!

I'm actually trying to redo this post....
I just posted it & went back to check it &
blogger erased all but the very first paragraph!
fabulous.  I'm sure if I had anything witty & cute to say the first time ~ it'll be long gone for the second time around!! ;)

so you'll simply have to suffer through & just look
at the pictures.....;)
when I blog I feel like I'm sitting on the sofa
thumbing through a fabulous magazine with a friend.

showing you pictures & commenting on what I love. love the wood & the wicker baskets mixed with
the white.  The dog is pretty darn cute too....

loving this room too.  the vintage fabrics mixed all around
with the pale wood is so gorgeous......yummy.
love the little splash of color in the painting as well.

more yummy linens....

I think I was going on about how I would love
to paint our downstairs a yummy white but
making myself    s   t   a   r   t
another project until I   f   i   n   i   s   h   
current projects......

then I was saying something like
"how mature I must be getting to make such a decision &
wondering about how long that kind of thing might last...."

so yeah, spilling my ADD beans again to you all &
droning on about it...;)

are you all feeling like your home is rather
bare now?  after Christmas?

it definitely feels that way here! 
are you all chomping at the bit to start on new
projects or are you holding back?

me, I'm in the "holding back" mode....
not   q   u   i   t   e    that motivated yet....

I'll work into it.  just need a little more time.
then I'll kick back into crazy mode & get after it.

For now I'll enjoy your projects :)

Ok....really hoping when I hit post it actually does something
& doesn't come back w/ nothin'  

wish me luck!



{all photos courtesy of skona hem}