Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~just a little Christmas~

hello everyone!

I have been way slow getting my
Christmas decorating going....

but finally have a tiny bit of Christmas
to show you....

I made this cute little banner
after seeing Tracey's post

she sells a Christmas kit that includes
this banner and a Peace on Earth paper craft.

if you all could have seen me trying to hang this
thing.....oh man.....trying to take short cuts
trying to do it w/ only my 2 hands & no slaves one
at home to hold it for me so "I can see"
before making it permanent....;)

it only took 4 tries.....3 times dropping the whole
pine cones, greens, bird garland contraption onto
the floor to get it just right & ready for stapling to the
window...........but anyhow.....I finally got it right!

I have to admit......I have felt discombobulated this Christmas season.....with my decor ~
I love the white nordic look but my decorations
aren't really as such, and I just haven't had the time to look for more and/or  focus on it....
 so I think after this season I will be doing a lot of sorting
and purging to get ready for next Christmas.

But I did put a few different things together
for now, a few little things to show you~

I picked up some paperwhites last week & just LOVE them.....
I'm planning on ordering some more paperwhite bulbs..... and possibly some hyacinths
to watch bloom while it's gloomy outside this winter.
any good sources out there??

this front entry table still needs some Christmas magic ~
but I wanted to show you these beautiful blooms
because they are already starting to fade :(

I piled some greens and pine cones into a galvanized
bucket and added a few vintage ornaments

I found this little box at the goodwill bins a couple months ago and held onto it ~not knowing what in the world
I would do with it~
 but got a little idea for it this weekend

on my pillows, (click here for tutorial) on wood~ and it looked
great ~ I would have never thought to try it~
thank you Rie!

so I decided to give it a whirl on this little box...
gave it a quick shabby paint job and added
Joyeux Noel.

I added some pillar candles that I adorned w/ a little vintage sheet music & twine and voila!

so simple & fun!

I picked up this sheep skin rug
last week ~ thought it would cozy up the white slipcovers
a bit during winter.....
it really does make it a difference!
{pay no attention to the upside down monogram pillow.....whoops!! ;) }

I wanted to thank all of you for sharing
 your beautiful Christmas vignettes.....

I have really enjoyed them!

well, you know how the rest of this goes....time
to get back to work ;)



Sunday, December 5, 2010

~the winner is.......~

Hello everyone!

Gorgeous blue skies in the NW today!

and it's
 beginning to look a lot like Christmas.......
our family will be decorating our tree in a couple
hours while listening to Christmas music, and
eating goodies......

I love the anticipation!

This is a quick little post to announce
the lucky winner of a beautiful
porcelain enamel address or name plate.....

I used a random number generator
from the web
which picked
No. 43.....

who happens to be sweet
Jo, from

Send me an email Jo,
and I'll get you hooked up with
the folks from Ramsign
so you can pick your prize! :)

Have a wonderful day everyone!

See you in a couple days.....

