Thursday, May 27, 2010

~lazy girl's settee rehab~

hello friends!

It did not rain today!!!

and the forecast is for 65-75 over the next 3-4 days!
let me tell ya'....I'm thrilled!

well you all know about my craigslist addiction....

here's my latest find.....all redone....

of course this is not how I found her....
not that lucky at the price I paid....

this is how she looked prior to her makeover...

ewwwwww.....sorry to do that to ya....
she was all nasty dark brown & gold...
mmmmmm~ gotta love that era....

so, I was perusing CL as usual
and my eyes locked on "settee 2 for $75"

of course, I click on it & immediately realize
this could be good.....
and respond to the ad as fast as humanly possible...

send an email w/ the pic to my friend
and ask her if she wants one....
she couldn't believe the price...

so we meet the next day & snatch them both...
~love it when the stars align like that! ;)

it wasn't too bad recovering her~
I mostly cheated on the whole process....

meaning.....took short cuts all over the place...
like spray painting it inside my studio (aka bonus room upstairs) because I am too impatient & lazy & cold to take it to the garage
with the fabric still on (it's getting covered so who cares right?)

.....ok, at least I shut the door and opened the windows....after I was done & realized there was a cloud lingering in the room that really wasn't going away.....

ya see....I can do these spastic things when Mr. T & T is at work & unable to keep me reeled in......;)

so I primed it w/ spray can primer....

after it dried 15 minutes 24 hours like the can says...
I started ripping the trim off....
then just dug right in...

you have to kind of figure out how things are see how to put it back together...
in this case the back was on a piece of cardboard....(ok....?)
and the covered buttons were kinda like brads...easy enough I say...

a very bad picture...but can you see the back of the covered buttons there? kinda like brads right?
well, I just took them all out & recovered them w/
my fabric....
using the most technologically advanced means...

um.... that would mean using the hot glue gun.....

can you see the 3 sitting there?
I just dabbed a little glob of hot glue on the buttons &
covered them w/ little circles of fabric

then I used the above knife to stab thru the
fabric where the old buttons were...
and reattached so....

then I just stretched the fabric around to the back
of the cardboard  hot glued it into place...

 I then did basically the same thing w/ the seat...
but decided just to go over it instead of doing
the tufting because.....
I could not figure out how to remove the cushion for the life of me....really liked the way that looks better ;}

then I made up some piping real quick & attached it to the back

I decided to add a little vintage lace trim to the front because I didn't want to figure out a nice way to attach the piping using the messy hot glue again as a nice change from piping

so what do ya think?

now for the big question.....

use it in our bedroom where the fabulous pale pink bench used to be????

or this....

I'm thinking the settee.....
but I always like to hear your thoughts....

then of course I would have to find a new home for my beloved ballet slipper pink bench....

have a wonderful holiday weekend friends!




linked to Cindy's


Monday, May 24, 2010

~what's blooming...~

Hello friends!

first of all.....
a big fat thank you!!
I so appreciate all of your sweet comments
regarding my slipcover & lilacs!

you are all so uplifting and encouraging
 I am so grateful for the friendships I am forming
with my online bloggy friends....((big hugs)) :)


As somewhat typical of my posts....
I feel the need to update you all on the weather
here in the Pacific NW.....

one word...


it has been raining, hailing, cold and windy
 for a solid week....

I can't take it anymore....

ok there is some good news...
my David Austin roses are starting to bloom....

and thank goodness they've been 
~mostly protected~
from all the nasty weather we've had!

this is the very first bloom....
it's scent is totally amazing...
absolutely delightful...
shall I say 2die4??

I have 2 of these bushes that are climbing a couple
pillars on our patio, framing the entrance to the garden eventually.

this is their 3rd season & they are just fabulous...

I could go on & on...but can you believe I can't remember their name?......if & when I figure it out
I'll let you know....

so, what else is blooming....

this gorgeous climber "cecile brunner"

this is the one year anniversary of my
cecile ...
also known as "house eater"
hope not...
it's got a pillar to climb too but it is ginormous
and is not slowing down one bit...
{it's to the top of our patio cover in one season...}
these are little tiny roses, palest pink & also
very fragrant....
love them...

in between the cecile & the david austin
is a knock out rose bush
it blooms bright pink &
fades to a paler pink
it doesn't smell at all :(
but it looks good for about 6 months..

here's a little shot of some of my boxwoods...
they are also growing like crazy probably due to the insidious amount of rain
growing a lot this year....

you can see the pool back behind the lattice screen
the lovely bright
and upon closer inspection you might
notice old dried out blooms still on a hydrangea from last year.....

but anyhoo...

on the lattice panels I have 4 different
clematis vines growing
2 are blooming now~

in the potager garden the chives are blooming...
I love chives....little purple pom poms!

along a brick path that goes to the front of our house
I have these planted...
snow in summer? avanlanche?
can't lame....sorry! :}
they're perennials & apparently are quite
happy because they have quadrupled in size
in one season...

in the front garden...

2 types of columbine

soapwort...the brightest pink~
happiest, sweetest blooms

alongside forget me nots...
warning.....these reseed insanely....

the forget me nots, w/ the white avalanche?, and
soapwort are all under my 'little kim' lilac bush

I know you already saw this but couldn't just leave her out since she did soooo good this year...;)

and lastly today....just starting to bloom
is this perennial geranium...

lots more on the way...
coming up is phlox 'david' ~it's white & wonderful
more roses
purple coneflowers
black eyed susans
shasta daisies
a bunch of hydrangeas....

and more....I'll post as they bloom..

thanks for coming by today!
have a wonderful week everyone!



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~ruffles & lilacs~

Happy Wednesday friends!

it started out quite lovely here......

65 degrees....clear blue sky.....
I played in my garden,
divided my insane black eyed susans
some perennials...
{those crazy black eyed susans of mine
are as happy as can be & multiplying like rabbits!}

I started with 3 plants 2 years ago & now probably
have around 30! sheesh! I did some transplanting, and some weeding...
~thank goodness~
because by noon it was pouring down rain...
sideways rain, wind....cold....closed all the windows and put on a sweatshirt! ugh!

I thought I would show you my latest little project....

but a little background first.....
one of my very first posts, was on this chair....
I was so proud, reupholstering it & all

I did like it, but was really wanting more white
....seems I just can't get project A.D.D.
sets in & off I go......

I didn't want to be plain this time....
I wanted ruffles, ties, and detail...

{believe me half way thru I am kicking myself for being so ...well
you know.....detailed & such.....because I still have one more to make.....}

anyway.....I am liking it ~ even though it was hard work....

ruffles on the back panel....I really didn't want to cover up the wood I did tabs.....

then I wanted the ballet shoes ties....I've seen them around various sites & love the way it looks!

I used white linen.....I love linen....

if you look close enough you can see the original fabric underneath.....and I am going to cover that w/ muslin....just haven't gotten around to it yet....but I will.....soon...;)


Now on to lilacs.....
I am so excited.....because....
I have been waiting for 4 years
for this lilac bush to bloom!

It's a 'little kim' lilac bush, and seriously the most blooms I've ever gotten it 4! Four!!

This was the year it was coming out for
non- performance!..... because it's right in front in our garden & I need blooms!
well I'm glad I didn't yank it yet because...

......this year it bloomed...tons of blooms....tons of magnificently fragrant blooms....the scent is a mixture of jasmine, vanilla & original lilac....'s so amazing....

I've got them all around the house.....and on my 'new'
entry table....from the Vintage Gathering sale...

I set up a little you may know...
I don't feel this to be my strong point...
but I'm trying....studying all your pictures and
trying to duplicate...:)

several items on the table are from all y'alls
{I just love saying that.....}
the little book and the vintage french postcards
are from the giveaway I won
from Tracey at French Larkspur along with a bunch of other items that are amazing.....

 the little birdcage is from a giveaway
and just so ya' know...I am planning on sprucing up the nest in the cage....well there is no nest....I have plans for one.....soon....

you like the white chippy rusty table?
I am loving it!
The white candles w/ the script writing are from etsy....of new shopping center...

that's it for today friends...

thanks so much for coming by....
I love hearing from you!

